Let God give form to our life

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Dear Community!

Who does not know the Book of Esther? This book recounts the circumstances and facts essential for the survival of the people of God. The situation of the people of Persia was not the result of chance but of the great design and love of God towards them. He was and remains sovereign over every area of ​​our life.

And when Haman entered, the king said to him, What shall be done to the man whose honor the king rejoices over? Then, Haman said in his heart: Whose king will be pleased to do more honor than me?


But today we are going to talk about a certain man of this great woman's time. Well different from many other men: Haman.

He not only trusted him too much, but he was very arrogant. Arrogance and lack of humility, even today is a great obstacle: not only in the materialistic world, but also in the service given to God.

History tells us that a place of prominence would have been entrusted to him by King Ahasuerus, king of Persia.

He decreed his servants, to bow down and bow down in honor, to Haman. The Bible tells us:

"After these things, King Ahasuerus made Haman the son of Hammedatha, agajite, great, and exalted him: and he set his place above all the princes that were with him, and all the servants of the king, who were At the king's door, they bowed and prostrated themselves before Haman: for thus the king had commanded concerning him: but Mordecai did not bow down nor prostrate himself, Esther 3: 1-2.

We can all be victims of pride and so many times in a subtle way.

Proud of so much power and prestige, this man acquired a false vision of himself. He did not appreciate that Mordecai (knowing full well his arrogance), has refused to bow down before him.

Now in a place of honor, (he thought), he forgot all the services that Mordecai had lent him and decided to kill him: him and all the Jews who lived with him. His machinations ended in a tragedy, against himself: he ended up hanging on the "pitchfork" he had had erected to hang Mordecai.

Friends, many proverbs of the ancients teach us in the care to have with our fellow men. And there is a respect: "Do not do harm to others what you do not want them to do to you".

How many stories like this we have already heard: In the company, in the home and even in the Church. Pride is a deadly pinch that contaminates the soul.

The life of this man shows the terrible impact that pride can have on someone who does not humble himself. As I've said before:

We can all be victims of pride, sometimes in a subtle way.

"The high way of the righteous is to turn from evil: he who keeps his way preserves the soul, pride precedes ruin, and haughtiness precedes the fall, it is better to be humble in spirit with the meek than to distribute the dispossession with the proud. " Proverbs 16: 17-18-19.

Pride corrupts our attitudes, as Haman's example really shows us. He makes us blind: before our weaknesses.

How to avoid pride? Simply humiliating and putting all things in the hands of God. The Bible still warns us:

"Because of his pride, the impious does not investigate: all his reflections are ... There is no God". Psalm 10: 4.

Dear friends, it is important that God directs all our steps and thoughts. If we do not want to be reached by the inflamed darts of the evil one, He has to be the center of our life. To seek God continuously and not forget that we are his servants.

If we humble ourselves under the powerful hand of God, He will help us to keep a fair vision of our gifts and our abilities. He will remind us that we are blessed so that we can bless others.

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Of course we have limits, but our God is much more powerful to help us in our weaknesses.

Be assured that he is not guilty of the same sins of Haman. Let us humiliate ourselves under the powerful hand of God that in its time will exalt us. Let Him be our way of life.

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Pride and pompousity has become the order of the day in this present world. One who has acquired a little wealth tends to see every other person as nothing and gets so arrogant in life.

What I have come to discover is that the more wealthy you get and the more knowledge you acquire in life is the more humble and down to earth you should be. Knowledge and wealth tends to puffs!

So, we should let God have a major role in our lives so He can give us form!

In everything God should lead..... He knows where the obstacles are located in life. God has the perfect sense of detecting the menace we are to face in life. Thank you EC for this great message!

In the Scriptures we see clearly that God, not only commands and requires sinners without distinction to repent, but that He desires it, that would be His pleasure. God says clearly in Ez. 18:32 He does not take pleasure in the death of the one who dies.

God bless you my brother EC

How to avoid pride? Simply humiliating and putting all things in the hands of God.

Amen brother

The book of Esther is an amazing ACT with great lessons. The themes Humility (as in Esther) vs Pride ( as in Hamman) are vividly portrayed. Godliness and contentment in the life of Esther brought her to relevance and glory while the pride of Hamman led his way to destruction. Thanks CEO for sharing.


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