God does not choose you because you are a trained person, He trains those he chooses.

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Dear Community! It always caused me to laugh at the way God chose someone to fulfill a mission. All the men and women called always felt incapable when assigned a task.

Has that happened with you?

The prophet Jeremiah experienced something similar in his own flesh:

But the Lord said to me: "Do not say that he is too young, to all whom I send you, you will go and say everything I order, do not be afraid of them, because I am with you to protect you," says the Lord. "(Jeremiah 1: 7-8 NIV).

This was an immense order that the Lord placed before Jeremiah. He was called to decree the sentence of God's justice to the nation of Judah, that is, the destruction of his countrymen. Does this order scare anyone, do you agree?

Jeremiah had never done it before. The text leads us to conclude that he was not an eloquent speaker (Jeremiah 1: 6). But, God guaranteed that young man who would be with him. What I see in that call is when God commissions us or summons us, nothing else matters or scares us. Jeremiah did not have to worry that God called him to speak. He was not going to speak moved by his personal authority, but in the supreme authority of God.

I was always shy in my youth, I was very afraid to speak in public. Whenever some church leaders invited me to preach, I brought several excuses to the path. But, one day, when I was in the Church, I made a covenant with God to never again say no to carry the message of God. And since then, God has taken out all the fear and has enabled me to carry his message.


Each one of us has a vocation and a role to play as a member of the Body of Christ. This can be a frightening thought as we imagine the responsibility we have with the work of God.

Surprisingly, God's call never forces us to lean on our own talents and abilities, but in their empowerment! God does not force us to equip before his call. Instead, he prepares the people He calls, in other words, I see the rule, God does not call the qualified He trains the called ones.

With this team called "Courageous of Jesus Christ" of the Light Church of the world, I was formed.


Of course, I have gone to hundreds of places in various states of the country and I am no longer afraid. Hahaha

So, what did God call you to do? Are you being driven by fear?


My goal has always been and I have been feeling it:

Dedicate full time to this call, through the chain of blocks and above all steemchurch, join forces for the proclamation of the Kingdom of God on earth.

Consolidate a team of missionaries who fight for Freedom.



Great message CEO, God looks out to our willingness. Whenever we accept His call and yield to Him, He will always polish us to fit His purpose.


It's like that, brother UY. His grace is sufficient in us.

Well said Brother EC, God does not not care to fall on those that man think they cannot be used, he use tthe hopeless people to glorify himself, what mankind think that it has even destroyed and cannot be molded, that even the one that God uses. Thank you once again for making my day.

Thanks you dear Oppongk, I liked the video you sent, you are a warrior of faith. Soon I will update that on the blog. How are you?

By his grace and your prayers Archbishop!

I always remember everyone in my prayers.

God does not look for already made men, rather HE is on the look-out for men to make. So, all God wants from us is simply our availability. Great message EC!

Do well to visit my blog for The Steemchurch Prayer Guide and ensure to keep praying for the church.

liltom prayer guide.jpg

"Disposition", God loves that word Liltom

Thank you for this motivational message dear EC, God has blessed you with much humility and wisdom to make known his Kingdom on earth. Continue your call and never stop, beautiful memories of those photos.

Amen dear sister L. Very much thanks you.

Long trajectory brother and what you have narrated is very true, but when we understand that the work is for God all fears are gone and the spirit is strengthened and honors is for the father. regards

Well said my brother R. I have just started the race hehe

Excellent topic, thanks by remember that our sufficiency comes from God, it helps us to depend on Him in everything. God bless you brother.

good career. worthy of a good leader.

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