in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Greetings to all the conquerors of the Church of Steem!

Around the 11th century until the middle of the 13th century, history experienced a phase that became known as the time of the Crusades. The Crusades was a movement that ordered young Christian warriors to go to Jerusalem to conquer lands that were being invaded by the people of the Islamic religion.


Christians risked themselves in battles! They faced the strong cold of the night, the risk of being attacked by wild animals.

It is possible to make a relationship with the warriors who participated in the crusades with us, who are warriors of Christ! As much as those men had their interests and political strategies there, they were at risk of life and did not think twice before putting their lives at the disposal of their calling and that is how we should be! DEMONSTRATING VOCATION, WARRIORS, DETERMINED, LOYAL!

No soldier in service will be ashamed of business in this life, in order to please the one who enlisted him for war, and if someone also militates, he is not crowned if not legitimately military. (2 Timothy 2: 4-5)

To be a conqueror is to go beyond its limits and that is how we have to be and do!

I really like watching medieval films with those extremely brave and admirable warriors, who truly prove to have the gift of war. Focus, skill, impetuosity, intelligence, determination, submission and loyalty are in general the main tools of those warriors of greater prominence and that is the behavior we have to have before God and our leader!


We have to be warriors with courage, always the disposition of the orders of our Lord Jesus Christ; warriors with strength, with firm decisions but at the same time that they know how to listen and obey as it says in the verse that I mentioned at the beginning of the article, we have to act in a way that does not sadden the one who summoned us for war, and how we are! warriors of Christ, logically who summoned us was Christ!

Then my brothers, let us remain firm in the call of God! Be obedient, persevering and loyal. He is going to tire, he will have moments of difficulties. Yes I know! But I leave here some good biblical advice:

Blessed be Jehovah, my rock, Who trains my hands for battle, And my fingers for war; My mercy and my castle, my fortress and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I have trusted, who holds my people under me.
Psalm 144: 1-2

"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble, heart, and you will find rest for your souls, because my yoke is soft, and my load and light.
Matthew 11: 28-30

You are a conqueror!

Now the SteemChurch is in order of battle for peace, love and happiness of the parishioners! Our Leader and Legendary @sirknight fights the battle of faith on the Telos platform, exposing the good deeds of the good steemchurch Christians and demanding with determination, the approval of the workers proposal!


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@emiliocabrera 👍


We are conquerors, Jesus Christ enables us to overcome. Good post brother Emilio.


Oh yeah!, this very beautiful post brother Emilio, we are real fighters who do not fear storm or tiding waves that blow around. Always our boldness and faith will lead us to victory. Thanks very much for this inspirational message worth sharing, looking forward to read more of such post from you!

Thanks you Oppongk, you are a good boy with a powerful armor in Christ Jesus. Do not stop! Be blessed!

Thank you my boss!

No soldier in service will be ashamed of business in this life, in order to please the one who enlisted him for war, and if someone also militates, he is not crowned if not legitimately military. (2 Timothy 2: 4-5)

One of my favorite quotes!

We’re soldiers of Christ and with him; we’re more than conquerors!

Thanks @emiliocabrera

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How good to read good words and never forget the joy of victory after a good battle. Steemchurch will be great.

Us conguerors, glory to God! Blessings to all. Good message Brother @emiliocabrera

We are destined by God to conquer! Thanks For sharing EC

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