Steemchurch: We have power to overcome

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Blessings to all the parishioners of @steemchurch

There is a foolproof way of overcoming the obstacles in our lives and it is thanks to the power of Jesus Christ, who with his sacrifice already beat the world; us to surrender our lives to the Lord received on his inauguration, his authority, his skills and his anointing, as John says in 1 2:20 but ye have the anointing of the Holy, and know all things. And in the same 1 John 2: 27 reiterates: but the anointing that you received from him remains in you.


Joshua 1:5
No one can make you face all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, I will be with you; I will not leave you nor forsake you.

In Israel, a village had enemy who always harassed them and challenged. They were the Philistines. Within his army, there was a warrior who was imposed in height and superb attitude. His name was Goliath. With his words he intimidated a whole army of Israel and challenged them every day. His attitude humiliated them, but nobody had the courage to face it. Until it appeared David.

This Shepherd, had in fact taken advantage well its grazing time training against bears and Lions when his flock was attacked. But even more it was their deep trust in the Lord. Not could allow the humiliating words against God and not do anything about it!

Therefore, he took his sling and stones and ventured committed against Goliath knowing that God was with him. As well as with Joshua, David lived spiritual covering and freed his people (passage 1 Samuel 17).

The devil often, although he is defeated, he is known by displays of grandeur and pretending that our prayers do not damage. It makes us believe that pray, forgive, or persevere, nothing is going to change. But the truth is that the prayers that we do in the name of Jesus, are undermining their resistance and has to let go of what no longer belongs.


If we have believed, then we are part of the most powerful army.

As the word says in Luke 10:19, where Jesus said clearly: Behold, I give you the power to Hollar serpents and scorpions, and above all the enemy's strength, and nothing will harm you.


The authority that Jesus obtained from the father and through his perfect surrender (Matthew 28:18, Luke 4:6), is the same authority that gives us those who are called to follow his work on Earth.

Jesus has authority and power over everything created; But not to live according to the rules of this world, but according to the Kingdom of heaven. Romans 12:2.


Jesus spoke of that even the dangerous of these times wouldn't do us damage, in fact he does not tell us that we will never have problems, but that we are going to pass out of
each situation (1 Cor 10:13, John 16:33). He had to suffer on the cross, however, today is not distressed by the pain... but enjoy his eternal and Heavenly glory!

In the same way, the Lord longs for that let us look at his example and imitate your way, we can follow the hand with him.


We must be able to stand and proclaim the authority of Christ! It's time to live with authority over the spiritual hosts. Behind situations of conflict and enmity, the enemy moves to generate chaos, confusion and ruin. But, in the name of Jesus, we have the power to overcome.

We must persevere in prayer until the goal. The enemy cannot us front, on our side, it is the Lord as powerful giant!

To obtain and to invest in the power of Jesus Christ and thus overcome obstacles we must believe in Jesus Christ as the only savior of the world, genuinely repent of our sins, and keep in mind as well as practice some considerations:

  • The truth.
  • The Justice.
  • Obedience and submission to God.

Once we become attached to the Truth that is Jesus Christ and act with justice, it means that we are submitting ourselves to his authority, that we firmly believe in his principles, so we welcome ourselves unconditionally to the Will of God.

Being a child of God does not guarantee or mean the absence of problems, it simply assures us the authority in Jesus Christ to solve them, being inherited from our Heavenly Father allows us to exercise dominion over any adverse circumstance, since the acquired condition of being children of God is the that empowers us to master anything in the mighty name of Jesus, so that only the children of God have the power given by the Holy Spirit to overcome the battles that others can not.

Therefore, God sends us to preach, forgive and impact with love. Wherever we go, He will be at our side, always with us, from his hand. But we must be clear that we were not called to be or to live in a world without problems, but rather, to be in battle, where faith and perseverance are necessary. Undoubtedly, that the war is already won. Let's move forward to what God has arranged for us! Just like David, we also have the power to win!


God has given us the authority through Jesus Christ to raise up the fallen, to cast out the sickness of the sick, cast out devils, and everything asked for in his name will grant it in his perfect and agreeable will.

Jesus is a delegate somewhat better than Steem Power hahaha, he has delegated power and authority to master and possess what he has left us as an inheritance, we only have to understand him, by receiving him as our savior and being baptized by the Holy Spirit. We receive POWER.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you ...
Acts 1: 8

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