The Just Shall Live By Faith

in #steemchurch7 years ago
Romans 1:17

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written, the just shall live by faith.

Faith is the lifeline of the believer in Christ Our life is of faith. Our opening Scripture tells us that the Gospel of Christ carries the power to reveal the righteousness of God, from faith to faith, as it is written the just shall live by faith.


Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that we are saved by grace through faith, and that not of ourselves; it is the gift of God, and not of works lest any man should boast. Grace saved us through faith How? We heard the Gospel of salvation, and believed It, and acted upon It; then we are saved. That was how we received salvation. That’s how we continue to live in Christ.

Colossians 2:6-7 tells us to walk in Christ Jesus the Lord just as we received Him, rooted and built up in Him, and established in the faith, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Living by faith, therefore, is living by the Word. To live by the word, receiving, believing and acting upon it, Is to live by faith. Hallelujah!

Romans 5:1 tells us that we have been justified from every sin or wrong doing, and declared righteous by faith in Christ Jesus. That same faith with which we are justified, is what it takes to live the Christian life. The just shall live by faith, the just shall live by the Word.
Matthew 4:4 tells us that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Living by the word is living by faith, and Vice versa. Now that you are born again, understand that God has given His word unto you to live by. Understand that the Word governs you now. the Word regulates your life, your taste, your appetite. your demeanor, etc Now that you are saved, you must give earnest heed to the Word that you may grow by it. You are born of the word and you live by it. This is what it means to live by faith, The Just shall live by faith.

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Go ahead and live by faith as you live daily by the word. Let the word moderate everything that pertains to you Let your life be an expression of the Word of God in your spirit. Live out the Word and make your life count God bless you!


Living by faith means living by obedience right now to the living Christ, seeking the will of Christ at all times, not taking anything for granted but praying continually about everything, forgetting the past and pressing forward in Christ. Thanks for sharing.

It's best to walk by faith and not by sight. We can imitate past servants of God that walked by faith, examples include Noah, Joseph and Abraham. Thanks for your contribution.

Upvoted & Resteemed

we have been justified from every sin or wrong doing, and declared righteous by faith in Christ Jesus. That same faith with which we are justified, is what it takes to live the Christian life. The just shall live by faith, the just shall live by the Word

Without Faith it is impossible to please God the bible says. God is moved any time we exercise our faith. Great men and women in the bible couldn't have walk with God if they had no faith. We need to hear the word more to grow in faith because we need it more today.

Very true, the just shall live by faith.
For faith is everything a true believer need to please God.
We should live by faith and not by sight, for with faith he will do so many wonderful things we never thought of for us.

All impossible things can be achieved if we have faith in the Lord, for what ever we do or say up to him it is not by how good our personalities are by by the faith we may have thanks for sharing @earnestslain

It takes a lifestyle of faith to walk with God, we cannot even walk with God without even believing that He is God, that He existed and He created all things.
We need to continuously keep our faith growing through constant meditating on God's word and hearing of God's word through preaching and through assembly of others.

The more we have faith in God, the more easy our journey with Him becomes easy and the more we enjoy Him and live a fulfiled life.

Living by confidence implies living by compliance at this moment to the living Christ, looking for the will of Christ constantly, not underestimating anything besides rather asking persistently about everything, overlooking the past and squeezing forward.

It takes faith to really get something from God.

For it is written

But without faith it is impossible to please Him. For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Hebrew 11:6

It is our responsibilities to live a lifestyle of faith. The more we live our live with faith in God, the more we build confidence in Him and the more we enjoy God and live a live of boldness and peace even in adversaries.

Work towards the right paths of the lord and always make him thelird your personal lord and your saviour.
Those who are ready to serve him in truth and in spirit shall always live to testify his glory and mercies.
Christ is everything and he is all we have , we need to trust him with all our heart and soul and be everything we have for he is the almighty .
Do not let your self to be desieved
put your trust in the living God and he will always give you all you deserve
The more we call our self try Christians and do the things of the Lord the devil will always be there to tempt u through the sins of the flesh like sex, drug and so on .
The devil hasno better plan than to destroy us and take the relationship between us and God away.
Be careful what you do for christ will always be there to see you through even when the enemy is around and this is for those who truelly believe in him and do his will.
Trust him

Thanks for sharing this with us, I love this part "Go ahead and live by faith as you live daily by the word. Let the word moderate everything that pertains to you Let your life be an expression of the Word of God in your spirit. Live out the Word and make your life count God bless you!

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