Whose will will you seek?

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Greetings dear community.

Today I will be sharing with us another topic and I will start by sharing this bible verse with you.

I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.


It is high time we questioned the proliferation of ministries, churches and outfit professing the name of Jesus and God the father, while contradictions of vicious antagonism are spreading.

If the same God supposedly standing for him to accomplish his objective in the world then should all be saying the thing, preaching the same message, sounding the same warning, propounding the same promises, etc. Why is this not the reality even after jesus prayed the father that those who be His be one as He is with the Father (John 17:11)

The reason why Jesus tended to be"one" with the father is highlighted in today's text for meditation. He had resigned himself to the will of the Father and could of himself (outside the father) do nothing. If what he would have done did not have the approval and consent of the Father, he did not go for it.

A clear example was when he ordinarily could have wished away the "Cup "of his crucifixion,but yielded nevertheless to the overriding will of the Father (Matthew 26:39).

We are equally enjoined to forego things for the sake of Jesus and the gospel. When faced with the test ask: whoose will is this serving,mine or the Lord's? Settling this, will resolve the many times our wishes and desires conflict with the demand of discipleship.Seek God's will-it is in His word-and you will be in harmony with him. Amen!

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