Jesus Makes Us Kings And Priest, Unto God His Father

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

Today I will be sharing another amazing topic with you, you will be bless as you read.

The Bible says in.

Revelation 1:6 "And hath Made us Kings and Priest Unto God and his father , to him be glory and dominion belong forever and ever Amen "

Scriptures are harmonious as to whom glory and dominion belong forever :God our father ,the only wise,through Jesus Christ (Roman 16:27,Galatians 1-4:5)

For humbling himself even unto death ,God has so highly esteemed above all other names such that at the mention of his name every knee everywhere whether in heaven and earth should bow .Not only should the knees be bowed but every tongue has also been commanded to confess and proclaim that Jesus is lord. All this is being done so that God the father who had exalted jesus will be glorified (Philipians 2-8:11).

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It is not a mistake for God to exalt Jesus for he is indeed worthy to receive praise and adoration for all His deeds :for his reverence and obedience to God and His love for man which drove him to the death on the cross. Who else can be like Jesus to do has he as done ? No One!

But Jesus Himself returns all glory to God for without him , the father ,He (jesus) would have succeeded in the mission He was sent. He ascribes all His triumphs to His father who has loved him dearly.

Will you also do things so that God will be glorified ? He Has no contemplated sharing his glory with any other (Isaiah 42:8).

Thanks for your time.


Hi Brother!

Besides your good publication, it is good to know that in the Old Testament only some people were separated as priests, but in the New Testament all believers are priests. That is why every Christian listens to one another, intercedes to each other and brings the Word of God to one another. We need to practice that in the life of the church.


The priesthood of the believer is exercised in each and every one of the spheres of life, from individual responsibilities in the home, at work and in the church, even in interpersonal relationships. Everything we do is spiritual worship. Everything is sacred. Our work as workers, our performance

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