Principles Of Success: Taking Responsibility For Your Actions
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
“Eat and drink!” he says to you,
But his heart is not with you.
How often do we blame others, situations or circumstances for our misfortunes or problems?
The Lord has given us everything that we need. We must learn to look inwards.
We must take responsibility for our actions/inactions.
If you wish to be a good leader or even a good follower; you must take 100% responsibility of what happens around you.
Shifting such responsibility to others is an escapist theory which responsible leaders/followers must not engage in.
Jesus demonstrated this in many ways. He accepted to die for the sins of mankind in order to bring salvation to humanity; He declared unequivocally that He is the way, truth and life through which man can get to God; He accepted the responsibility of leading man back to his creator in reconciliation after the fall of man.
He did not shift this responsibility to angels or any other. He is indeed our perfect example.
Often times we engage in the blame game. We blame the devil for every mistake or sin. We often hear, “It is the devil”, even when it is so apparent that we were drawn away by your own lust.
If you learn to take responsibility for your action, you will be careful to live right with God and stop blaming the devil.
Interestingly, you have to see yourself as someone who is responsible before you can fit in to being a responsible person.
Stop blaming others, situations or circumstances for happenings around you.
Take responsibility for your actions and you will experience God's divine approval for all your positive steps and actions.
Taking responsibility also connotes removing negative thoughts from your mind and being positive with happenings around you.
Father, Almight, Thank you for all the provisions you made through your Son to bring about salvation.
Help us Oh Lord to take responsibility for our actions and take positive steps toward our salvation and success in life in Jesus name;
Even Jesus accepted the responsibility of leading man back to his creator in reconciliation after the fall of man.
Nice read
Warm regards
Once you take responsibility for your actions, you will experience God's divine approval for all your positive steps and actions.
When we take responsibility for our actions, we will be careful to live right with God instead of playing the blame game.
Taking responsibility for all your actions makes you mature and this in turn will spur you not to take bad decisions.
As a leader your followers are always looking unto you. By apportioning blames whenever something goes wrong within your team,makes you less trustworthy.
The more we are committed to taking responsibilities, the more we will be conscious on the kind of life we live because we will know that the result of our actions will definitely bounce back to us.
Thanks to share such a prayer with us "Father, Almight, Thank you for all the provisions you made through your Son to bring about salvation.
Help us Oh Lord to take responsibility for our actions and take positive steps toward our salvation and success in life in Jesus name;
Taking responsibilities for your actions makes it easier for you tp face the consequences,rather than wasting time defending yourself with lies.
Taking responsiblity of our actions is always the first step towards making later progress,we can see that during adams fall he was shying away from his responsibilty instead he blames another,God expects us to find our way back to him and the best way to do that is to take respisivilty of our acrions and feel remorse about it then ask for forgiveness and reconciliation.
Never blame your doings on anybody , God created you to be able to defend him and defend your self.
Some time we as Christians do blame out reasons of being poor and not being successful on our fellow being , but we should al always remember that God created us with different destiny and different talents.
He has always provided us with all the platform that we need aschristains to succeed in life .
Out action should be controlled by you and how succeful you are in life and in doing the work of God will always be your glory .
your destiny is in your hands
Taking responsibilities is like gaining ground and accepting the fact you are the architect of whatever you become. We can all make this world a better place if and ony if we take and accept responsibilities. May God help us all.
We are really responsible for how we act since we are responsible for how we think.
Thanks for the message