Bitterness Kills Silently

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Bitterness is more deadly than any disease one can possibly think of. It is a product of unexpected attitude that comes from someone we had trusted so much.

Everybody has experienced these tragic situations in his or her life: an unfaithful mate, an employee who slanders you behind your back, a boss who lines you without explanation, and a subtle betrayal to mention a few.

These things hurt deeply and could provoke thoughts, sense and feelings of bitterness.

An embittered mind is the breeding ground for murder and man slaughter: Now, let me talk about one of the causes of bitterness - betrayal.

Betrayal is external, but the reprisal effect produced is lntemal.
Betrayal is something that others do to you. Bitterness is something you do to yourself.

Thousands survive betrayal easily. But the moment it degenerates into bitterness, only a few can survive it.

However, betrayal, as painful as it is, is only as strong and destructive as your memory of it. Peter, one of the closest people to Jesus publicly denied Him.Judas also betrayed him with a kiss.
What could be more painful than these
Mark 14: 18
"While they were reclining at the table eating, he said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me-one who is eating with me.”

But Jesus said something more important than the denial and subtle betrayal-the redemption of mankindl

How frequently do you revisit the pain of a past hurt?
What have you done to be sure no blttemess remains in your mind over the hurt?

How Will you guard yourself against bitterness in the future?
Never keep record of offences.
Ephesians 4:31-32
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

Any offence is only as powerful as your memory of it.

It is said that holding onto bitterness is like holding onto a coal of lire With the aim of throwing it at another person, it is the holder's hand that is getting burnt.

So, eliminate any word of bitterness in every conversation.
Do not remind others of your experience, unless it is to teach and encourage them to rise above their own hurts.

Pray for grace to lose memory of offences.

God will increase you in love and maturity. Henoeforth, focus on what God is to achieve through you not on the betrayals of people, get rid of all forms of bitterness. It is well.




Waooww:)this is simply epic @druids
Indeed, bitterness kills silently...i have been in a situation where by i was been betrayed:) it really hurts, but i later got rid of the sad feelings i had;
Thank your for the initiative..

You are on point!!

You said it all bitterness is just like witchcraft because it does not make things to work out no matter how well one plans if someone else is bitter towards you, then life is likely to be very difficult. I pray God removes such bitterness from our hearts.....Amen

Wonderful post. Bitter people are like ticking time bombs always at the verge of explosion. One of the easiest way to not enjoy life and repel people from you is to allow Bitterness take over you. Regardless of might have happened to a man, he/she still have to control in determining the hold such experiences will have over his/her life. Don't allow Bitterness make your life unpleasant, resist it and it will free from you

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