This is the story of my life, of as an atheist he met Christ and saw the different life

in #steemchurch6 years ago

This is a completely real story, is still writing, is the story of my life, as change completely and everything that happened and is happening, I hope you can follow it to the end and change their lives too.

A tireless search that God its fruits, dear friends today I want to tell you my story and because I am writing to belong to your church, first of all I will give you a tour of my personal history to understand the whole context of what happened and The way I've bequeathed to this point.

I am a man of science from a very small interest me in the mysteries of nature, when I had the age of choosing a career incline me for informatics, to study and graduate, I am currently a programmer and computer teacher, because everything in my environment It revolved in function of the certainty of things, was very unbelieving to the point of considering me completely atheist.

It all begins more than 10 years ago when being married to my lifelong wife, with whom I have 25 years of marriage, we were looking to have a son and the doctors and told my wife that it was sterile, that Taenia primary sterility and that probably we would not have H Ijos, because at first it was hard but we inclined to continue with our lives, and although I was very astonished she is a woman of great faith, spent a few years and she had to operate the gallbladder and everything went well at that time , but hhubo certain complications because the doctor operated and mobilized all the organs because according to the was atrofiandose to be very attached, this caused a lot of inconvenience in my wife and considered that it was something wrong that the doctor had done without being consulted Ra.

Months went by about 15 or 16 months and my wife began to feel strange, with discomfort and went to doctor and what was our surprise, she was pregnant.

If we were pregnant with our first child after 16 years of marriage without children, we were surprised, but it still does not attribute anything to God, because he was still an atheist.

The pregnancy passed all normal, and the day of birth of my daughter, we went to a clinic very early, is there where they begin to spend a whole series of strange things, I'm sure they understand, but at that time I did not understand.

I began to see how the doctors ran and the Emfermeras passed from one side to another and comeze to make me nervous, I saw when they brought my baby and the breast continued in the O.R., I was really scared, a little desperate, and Neonatologo called me to talk to me and I remember those words as if it were today, what he told me never forget, something is ma with your daughter, we have to do some tests.

I personally saw her very well, but I was nervous and did not know what it was, ask: and my wife, he responded, she has a tumor and is bleeding a lot are trying to control it, but we must wait, still can not leave, there began to feel alone , I could not face the idea of staying without my wife and my daughter with some problem.

Little time after ELA came out of the O.R. and was stable apparently all the danger to her was over, but the doctor gave me the news of my daughter's exams, was infected with neonatal sepsis, a condition where e 90% of the babies who suffer die , was quite delicate, then as I have always characterized, we started looking for solutions to business and the doctor told me we are going to sumiistrarle antibiotics and treatment, and see how it evolves, even at this point I did not remember God, my wife if I was Imploring and praying with his strong faith, I was focused on the treatment being effective.

We spent 5 days in the clinic almost without sleep, I never went to my house, not even to bathe, I slept an hour or two when I vencia the sleep and the nurses already knew me and met my baby, they knew the whole story and they paid a lot of attention.

A fifth day a Saturday and doctor told me clearly, the treatment is not working and we need to find some drugs neoplasicas or something like that, I really do not remember the name, I said company that sells only sell it if I talk to her , because it is strictly used, and are closed on Sunday, call to see if you can sell, that depends on the life of your daughter, is here where my mind begins to open to the existence of God, the possibility that something interbenga beyond the human to help me save My daughter.

The doctor made the call, and they don't know what happened.

Sorry to leave you here, if you really want to know what happened and everything that has happened since then, please this pending second part, where I will tell you the rest of the story, I leave you until another opportunity.
I hope to see you in the next part and help change your life, as I change mine.

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