in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians, ever wondered why you keep praying and you never get an answer? Or why certain things never seem to change in your life no matter how hard you pray or try to turn a good live? Well, the answer isn't far fetched.

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The human logic:

When you are faced with a big decision to make in life, who do you consult? In most cases we consult our perfectly working brains and of course, we get brilliant answers from there after series of intense logical reasoning which makes us rush down into taking the big decision. To seal it up, we pray fervently for our decisions to turn out well. You feel like your grades in school aren't what they are supposed to be since you know very well that you read everything you are given to read and even more, you had sleepless nights for that exam, you went for extra lessons and paid dearly for it, yet the grades aren't as good as it should be, but then, you resort to logical reasoning, thinking out ways to read better. If you read for four hours, you would increase it to six or seven, you would change the lesson teacher and probably change the class of friends you mingle with... HUMAN LOGIC!!

We pray and don't wait for feedback:

To the casual Christian, prayers is just a means to pour out his/her heart to God, telling HIM about all your problems, thanking HIM for all he has done for you and committing your activities into his hands, but then, how often do you pray and give a minute or two silence just to hear God speak to you. The truth about prayer is that it is a means to COMMUNICATION and communication is never complete without feed forward and feed back of information.

You do not pray According to God's will:

Most times when we pray, we don't ask ourselves what God has in store for us or what he actually wants for us. Every man was born with a purpose in life and all the good/great things you will be needing in life's journey were all mapped out and kept in a store house with your name labeled at the door. Such that as you grow in age and wisdom from birth, these goodies will be released to you in its perfect timing. Any of these goodies released to us at any time outside the perfect timing could destroy us or stop us from making heaven at last.

Jeremiah 1:4&5
The word of the Lord came to me, saying... "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations"

But as ignorant as we are, we either pray for things that aren't in that store house or for the goodies to be released to us at an improper time. If you were God with all the love he has for mankind, would you answer such a prayer?

You pray for selfish reasons:

How often do you pray for others? How often do you see the problem of your own try or your immediate env as your burden to pray for? How often do you pray for the helpless, the fatherless, the widower and the sick? We all get so much engulf by our problems that we forget to intercede for others. We table our problems all the time we come before God, asking HIM to settle our problems regardless of who it will affect or won't affect. We place ourselves in the fore front of every prayer point and God sees your heart. He sees the intentions for which you pray and he decides to ignore, hoping that you will change and pray in the right mindset.

You live a sinful life:

This basically hindered you from hearing from God and when you can't get a feed back form the prayers you have rendered, then it's as good as not praying at all in the first place.

Proverbs 15:8
The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord but the prayer of the uptight is his delight.

The above passage is a clear indication that when we live sinful lives, our prayers is as good as waste unless we confess our sins in penitence and in the manifold of his great mercies. The Bible says he is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness

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Avoid Human Logic and always consult God. When ever you are faced with a serious challenge instead of rationing the best and easiest way out, we should go down on our knees in prayers and have total faith in God regardless of the things we're seeing or hearing.

Isaiah 58 vs 8 & 9

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

The above Bible passage clearly shows that the things that overwhelms us and causes us to panic are just mirages of God blue print. So we should never pray with human logical reasoning instead when we pray, we should have absolute faith in God to do the impossibilities.

When you pray, give a minute or two silence for God speak to you. It's not enough to kneel and say as many prayers as we wish/want and then, jump up with faith without feedback. A little boy came first in his class and then, owing to t he promise his father made to him, that if he should come first in his class,he is entitled to make any request of his choice and it will be granted, the little joy rushed off to his father and said he wanted a bicycle,but before his father could give him a reply the little boy ran off again to share the supposed good news with his friends, that his father will buy him a bicycle as his reward for coming first in class. Few days later, after waiting expectantly, the boy did not see the bicycle he requested. So he went back to his father and complained bitterly, but each time he complained, he never waited to hear what the father would say before leaving. The little boy went further to complain to his mum about the way his dad had failed to keep to his promise and when she asked him about his father's reply, he became speechless. This was when he realized that he had never been patient enough to hear from his father and he finally went back to his father to hear what he has your say, the dad told him that he wanted to buy the best bicycle for him, so he made an order from Germany and the bicycle was to be sent in two months time. The boy needed the bicycle immediately but the father had made plans to get the best for him in two months time and if only he had been patient enough to hear from the father, he wouldn't have gone about complaining or feeling disappointed.

You cannot pray according to God's will when you are not close friends with HIM. To know the mind of someone, you have to get close to the person, do what the person wants and obey his/her demands. God is the creator of all things and he has planned everything to happen in its season, so if you are praying for something to happen when it's not yet the set time for it to happen, there is no way your prayers will be answered and this is the major reason we ought to pray according to the will of God. You can't pray to his will if you don't study the Bible to know what he wants.

When you pray, always try to put others in the fore front, take up the burden of others and intercede on their behalf, the more you pray for others is the more God takes up your own problems. Do not make prayers that will be be fiscal to you alone but detrimental to others around you, God can't answer such prayers.

Sin is what separates us from the love of God, so why not quit that sinful life and lift up holy hands while you pray to a holy God. Christians normally SAY HE IS A MERCIFUL God and that his grace abounds for us, but let us also remember that he is a consuming fire and a jealous God.


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