in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)
Imagine a world without light… what do you see?

(Well, for me I can’t just imagine it.)

This shows how indispensable light is to our world.


The absence of light in any place can affect the lives of people living there in profound ways. What I mean by light here is electricity— power supply. Well, some countries of the world seem to enjoy uninterrupted power supply, but that's not the case for some other parts...

There's no beauty in darkness.

Well, in this post, we shall look at how you (and I) can light up the world we live in, as children of God.

Many may not want to admit the fact that the world is characterised by evil, but it doesn’t change the reality that the world is being pervaded by darkness in diverse forms, which one can think of.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Mathew 5:16)

Honestly, the world we live in is unpredictable and no doubt, full of darkness (and evil), ranging from unjust killings of people, racism, terrorism, greed, unjust exploitation of the have-nots by the haves, to all sort of immoralities.

“You are the light of the world,” says God’s word. This statement sounds figurative but it’s a true expression of who we (as believers) truly are in Christ Jesus and to the world. So, anyone who does not have love in him or her, can’t be referred to as the light of God... Having love is having God, and having God is having light. Thus, the light we project to others in our world is the effect, outcome, fruit, or impact of a life that has been regenerated in Christ Jesus.


Ephesians 5:8 says:
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

For example, you enter a room that is full of darkness that you scarcely see anything—no matter how dark the room is when you enter the room, once you switch on the light, the darkness disappears. This is what lighting up our world is all about.

What Do We Do As Light Of The World?

As Christians, we have been saved by God through the blood of His Son. And as a matter of fact, He didn’t save us to create more problems or add up to the darkness or evil we already have in our world, rather He expects us to allow our lives reflect and project His marvelous light (and kingdom) to others. In other words, He wants us to tap into His creativity and be problem solvers in our world, rather than be avid complainers in our sphere.

For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them... (Luke 9:56)

And as the light of the world, God has given us the ability to reconcile others back to Him, and to solve problems inherent in our world through the Holy Spirit and His power that is at work in us.

Let Your Light shine! ... Light up your world.

How Can We Make our Light to shine?

  • Know Who Christ Has Made You!

The first thing a Christian really need to know to be able to make his or her light shine forth wherever he or she finds himself or herself is to recognize who Christ has made him or her to become, by the reason of His Death and Resurrection, and then; recognize that he or she has a gift that can be a blessing to someone else’s life. (Mathew 25:14-15)

  • Use Your God-given Abilities

Don’t stay idly waiting for an opportunity before you begin to hone or use your skills, talents or gift. Staying idle— not using your God-given ability will adversely affect your creativity, and mostly like leave you in a state of limbo or mediocrity. (Proverb 18:16)

  • Make An Impact

One doesn’t really need to occupy a very big position before he or she can make a positive impact or contribution to wherever he or she finds him or herself. It can be in the school, church, corporate world, name it. For instance, here in @steemchurch, we are blessed with great minds and talents, ranging from musical talents, graphics designing knack, to writing aptitudes. And since, I became part of the family I’ve seen contributions from different members towards different projects (steemchurch bingo, steemchurch @farm, and many more to come) but basically towards one goal which God impressed in the heart of @sirknight— ensuring the propagation of the love message i.e. the good news across the blockchain.

In other words, where ever we find ourselves, we can always make our little but amazing inputs for the betterment of others to the glory of God.

Having then, gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith… (Rom. 12:6)

In conclusion…

1 Peter 4:11 says:
If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.


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If for our light to shine we have to make a difference, when we act as God likes we make the difference we shine and that brightness makes other people want him and for that we were called to give light to the world. Blessings

Precisely... I agree with you friend. Thanks for coming around.
Stay awesome.

when we go about as God prefers we have the effect we sparkle and that brilliance influences other individuals to need him and for that we were called to offer light to the world. Gifts
thanks for sharing this posts

True. Thanks @pirsamads for your nice comment.
Kind regards.

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thanks for sharing this posts

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