When you feel that you have been abandoned and have no strength, immerse yourself in your promise

in #steemchurch5 years ago


In life we ​​are exposed daily to suffer all kinds of adversity and it is that God never said that we would not have Him. He simply gave us the guidelines for when that time came to our life we ​​knew how to face it and where we should go.

And indeed there are many adversities that we have to face and fight with them every day and sometimes we feel abandoned but if we do not go to the right place, it will most likely produce a very negative effect on our physical and spiritual emotional health.

The question would be: Where do you take refuge or go when you feel overwhelmed by difficulties? Is it that you go to the wrong place or take refuge in your own strength? It would be excellent if you could react and realize that on our own we could never face this situation and that in the midst of adversity there is always hope.
Many people also seek refuge in the least indicated place and their affliction grows greater. However, Jehovah our God is always present to help you in the midst of any affliction that may seem to you

In this sense it is fair and necessary that you immerse yourself in the promises of God


Isaiah 41:17
The afflicted and needy seek water, but there is none, their tongue is dry with thirst. I, the LORD, will answer you, I, the God of Israel, will not abandon you. (New American Standard)

If today you feel afflicted do not go to the wrong place where you will always have the same affliction response because your soul will not be satisfied but God is willing to answer you and help you. Put your trust in God and I assure you that He will not abandon you.

Psalm 9:10
Those who know your name will put their trust in you, because you, O LORD, do not abandon those who seek you. (New American Standard)

Those who know God do not surrender ourselves to the storms no matter how hard it is, but place our trust in Him because we are sure that He will never abandon us and keep in mind that even if our parents leave us God will never leave us when we take the attitude of recognizing Him. as a father and we look for him with our hearts

Psalm 27:10
Because {although} my father and mother have abandoned me, the LORD will pick me up. (New American Standard)

Remember that all of us have received the promise of Abraham and not because we are righteous but as proof of God's faithfulness.
In ancient times God promised his servants specifically to Jacob the following:

Genesis 28:15
Behold, I am with you, and I will keep you wherever you go and bring you back to this earth; because I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. (New American Standard)

Likewise, today God promises us that promise. The important thing is to seek the grace of God in our lives and be brave to trust and take refuge in his promises.
Beloved brothers and friends, let us trust in God and let us approach confidently to reach his opportune help no matter what your sadness or disappointment is today or if you feel alone or abandoned do not fear and just trust because the Lord said this to Josue through his servant's mouth Moses:

Deuteronomy 31: 8
The LORD will go before you; He will be with you, will not leave you or forsake you; Do not fear or be cowardly. (New American Standard)

Josue was one of his leaders who marked history
So the promise was not only for the ancients, it is also present in us because God is faithful and keeps his promises.
I have conviction that if you take refuge in God, relief and liberation will have



Excellent reflection @darlenys, God will always be our strength and help in all tribulation because He has promised to renew our strength when we have none.

Sure Darlenys yesterday, today and always. Your reflection is very good, thanks for share it.Go away!!🙂 👍

I’m sure that this write up is for me right now! Thanks D.

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