Thinking About The Growth Of The Church (Forming leaders in action)

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Planning is to illuminate the way to foresee success and not fail. The purpose of planning is found in the combination of several factors: LEADER, PLANS, ADDRESS AND A DEFINED WORK TEAM.

There is no magic formula for the growth of the church, the Bible clearly says that growth comes from the combination of our human work (planting and watering) and that of God (giving growth).

We know that growth is a reality because every day we see news of churches and pastors who are doing their part of the work (Plant and Water) and come to God to do theirs (Give growth).

Edited Image

The fact that for many years I work as a project planner, makes me think that plans are of great importance when it comes to meeting objectives and goals, in fact it is biblical:

Luke 14:28

28 »Suppose some of you wants to build a tower. Do not you feel first to calculate the cost, to see if you have enough money to finish it? 29 If you lay the foundations and can not finish it, all who see it will begin to mock him, 30 and say: "This man could not finish what he started to build".

There are a series of steps that I have analyzed and that should be followed:

1.-Identify the needs
2.-The objectives
The one who thinks, the one who seeks, the one who investigates is enlightened, the opposite is the one who seeks nothing, finds nothing. The purposes must be aligned with the biblical principles.

3.-The strategies.


a) drive changes, Rm. 12.2.

b) Leaving the routine.

c) Break with obsolete paradigms.

d) You must act with courage and enthusiasm.


The only way to get creative ideas from heaven, is to be in communion with the creator, they do not fail and they will fulfill the purpose that God wants them to fulfill.

Creativity is the faculty that allows you to overcome what you have learned, to do something new to create or invent.
The activities depend on the objectives. For example: teamwork empowers the imagination and creativity to propose and carry out a program of new activities that motivate and involve people.

An activity becomes exciting when we do it with a group of good friends, (the environment is important). Here begins our departure: we must cultivate an atmosphere of friendship and camaraderie, before starting to plan activities to ensure success.

Note: An idea has little time to live, if we let time pass, that good idea will die. When God gives me an idea, I do not delay in executing it.


We are a team: The commitment belongs to everyone; everyone must know their responsibilities and put all their efforts so that the activities are successful. We must spend a lot of time for prayer.

When we dream of the future of our church, we are not thinking about having a church that simply exists - if not, we want a flourishing church. Witness the growth of the church. We want to see people discover Jesus, mature and touch the lives of others.

You may wonder how exactly the church can thrive, so I have prepared some tips to help us grow:

1.- We must become an engine for our community.

It is easy to think of your church as a destination. Many growing churches will tell you that the key to the growth of the church lies in serving and touching lives in their communities.

This is more than a trick to increase your attendance. It is a way to infuse your church with a sense of mission, while treating the people in your community the way God would like to see them treated. When you are able to do those two things, you will find that growth becomes a natural byproduct.
Next, brainstorm with your leadership team how you can help meet those needs.

2.- Focus on talking about generosity.

True generosity is hard to instill in people, so one of the most important things you can do is find ways to have conversations about generosity as often as possible. This could include thinking about how to include it in more series of sermons and small groups. It is possible that people resist at the beginning, but in the long term they will mold the DNA of their church, finding ways to return to this conversation. The law of sowing and harvesting is an extremely important issue when it comes to inculcating this value.

3.- Grow and use social networks, communication channels.

The growth of the church begins with making connections. The committed members of the church are not made after one or two interactions. You need to be able to build a relationship with them, and you can not leave the burden on them to foster this relationship. This means that you need to communicate with them.

Social networks is a powerful way to do this.

With an email list, discord user, facebook, whatsapp, a non-invasive tool is built to interact with people regularly. And as long as you do not burn that bridge too often or by sending them content they do not want, you have the opportunity to bring them back to your church and to make them active and committed members.

With very little effort and knowledge, you can even set up a series of emails that can be sent to people when they are added to the list. These emails could include:

Your goals and mission
Volunteer opportunities
Information on various ministries of the church
Stories of people and families transformed by God

The intention is the key to the growth of the church

The key to becoming a thriving church is to make specific plans and follow them. There should not be many things happening regularly that lack an intentional process. Once you start creating some adaptive procedures around these things, you will be surprised how naturally the growth starts to occur.

We all have these desires in our hearts:

See that my church reaches new people every week.
Guide the members with my personal example.
Develop as a Leader to be able to guide my Leaders.
I would like to see my church ordained in a serious work that results in new disciples.
I want to see my church plant new parishes in a short time.
Be active in evangelizing and discipling each week to be obedient to my Lord
Know simple and practical steps so that my members grow as Christians.
Learn to direct and train my team of leaders.
Have the tools to focus on working towards people.
Have clear processes to take the church to growth.

I have spent many years seeing that the people of God had remained in an old way of thinking, perhaps because of doctrines or customs, when God has endowed us with all the tools to do everything with excellence, the church does not escape from them, we must handle it with all disposition, excellence, not for man but for God.

We all must prepare ourselves to go that extra mile, we are in times where we must take advantage of all resources, human, technological to spread the good news of God and reach the souls that is our goal. To make known Jesus.

I have prepared a series of messages on this topic, which I will develop. I will also be able to share leadership modules, which have worked very well so far.


I like these strategies apostol @ darlenys01, I think we have to adapt to the times in terms of the technological changes that we are rapidly receiving to implement specific strategies and introduce the gospel of Jesus Christ to win souls, and I think it is convenient to use planning to achieve growth of the church, then, the efforts that are made in order to meet objectives and realize various purposes are framed within a planning, which finally lead you to employ tools and a series of steps to effectively achieve the proposed goal.

Very enriching his publication on growth strategies for the church, I will keep it as one of my favorites to study it in detail, with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, great things can be achieved.

Thanks for sharing.

I have studied this topic for several years, because I believe that the extreme is bad, there are Christians who see technology, knowledge as something contrary to God, it is time to break that paradigm, and know that the first thing we must have is a willing heart to the work of God, then use all the resources at our disposal to reach everywhere, God has endowed us with intelligence and wisdom to be head and tail, be at the forefront as his children, and impact anywhere, fishing hearts and restoring souls. There are principles to learn and they are even biblically proven.

This message id apt and timely. Every church even on the blockchain needs such an enriching education. Save such advice as this from Jethro, Moses would have failed.

Let me summarize the message thus:

  • Define your goals (with detailed and specific objective) and clearly write it out on a readable tab as Bible recommends in Habakkuk 2.
  • Set timelines for achieving each objective.
  • Select and train your team, educating them on your goals and how to achieve them;
  • Share the burden (division of labour) and let the work start immediately;
  • Evaluate achievement each step of the way.

God bless you @Darlenys01

Excellent @uyobong, I do not know if I had told you but I love the clear and precise way you explain the word, I identify myself a lot, talent as a teacher .God with you revealing that word.

Thanks Ma, its a gift and a ministry I so cherish and all-time ready to sell everything for it. AM encouraged by your words.

Well, then cheer up, because with great things God will answer you, because you are a man who does things with excellence, and God looks at you with pleasure. Prepare to travel the path that remains.called to conquer souls through evangelization. prophetic word of this hour ..

Excellent apostle message, applying effective methods for the growth of the church, good strategies.

You have always told us that your desire is that the church of God be called the church of love, I believe that with these principles more heart we have the success assured apostle @darlenys01.

The growth of the church is a work of God, but humans can hinder or favor this divine work. This message is a complement to activate us in the growth of the church, always with excellent proposals apostle @darlenys01.

Very interesting topic that I will be following since for a time I had disagreement with some leaders and their way of directing because I felt some stagnation

Excellent work @ darlenys01, as a university student in engineering, I know that every project needs a plan, to be able to reach the proposed objectives, even more the people of God, it is necessary to take advantage of all the technological resources so that the gospel is propagated with more force .

very good perspective, planning is a method that allows executing plans directly, therefore it is essential in any project to obtain effective results, and with the help of the Holy Spirit will obtain the victory to consolidate leaders willing to spread the gospel.
God bless you apostol @ darlenys01

This information is really enriching apostol @ darlenys01, God grant you the wisdom to project with the help of the Holy Spirit these tools for the growth of the church at a spiritual and physical level, then, it is necessary for the world to know Jesus Christ as savior of their lives, we are willing to work
¡Let's do it!

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