in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


Mat 26:47 While he was still speaking, Judas came, one of the twelve, and with him many people with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the elders of the people.
Mat 26:48 And he that betrayed him had given them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that is he; arrest him.
Mat 26:49 And immediately he came to Jesus and said: Hail, Master! And he kissed him.
Mat 26:50 And Jesus said to him, Friend, why do you come? Then they came and seized Jesus, and took him.
Mat 26:51 But one of those who were with Jesus, extending his hand, drew his sword, and wounded a servant of the high priest, and took away his ear.
Mat 26:52 Then Jesus said to him, Return your sword to its place; for everyone who takes a sword will perish by the sword.
Mat 26:53 Do you think that I can not now pray to my Father, and that he would not give me more than twelve legions of angels?
Mat 26:54 But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it is necessary that this be done?
Pro 18:24 The man who has friends has to befriend;
And friend there is more united than a brother.


Scope of this message:

· Understand the purpose of the "JUDAS" in our life.
· Learn to survive betrayals.
· Encourage people to make friends under any circumstance.

All of us, in some way, seek friendships; but very rarely do we find true friends, in whom we can trust and with whom we can make a pact of friendship. True friendship, seen from any angle, is a very hard job in which both people have to strive to give their best; It is normal for all relationships to go through many adjustments.
All a person seeks is a friendship, is knowing that that "friend" will not leave despite the imperfections found in it; Know that even though you discover your mistakes and defects, you will not betray it. When a person is transparent with a friend and is sure that their nudity will not alter the commitment of friendship, you can rest easy to offer their friendship without any fear.


Being friendly can not be measured by the number of friends you have, but by the quality of the friendships you cultivate.
God is our friend par excellence; He loves us despite our imperfections, and we must follow his example: love with that same love. Sometimes, when a friend does something wrong, we throw it away, we forget all the good things he did for us and what he is as a person. Now, I ask you a question: would you throw a car that only had the battery damaged? Without a doubt, there is the possibility of repairing it without totally rejecting it. Another question would be: would you throw a child because his diaper is dirty? Of course not; but there are many people who have not reflected on this, and as a result, are wounded; they do not allow anyone to approach them for fear of experiencing another betrayal. We must understand that, although betrayals are very painful, they are part of our lives. It is not easy to receive disloyalty from the hands and hearts in which you have been entrusted.

The fear of "judas" (fear of being betrayed) has caused many preachers, leaders and people in general to be on the defensive. But, if you have knowledge about God, know that he can give you direction, shape your character and lead him to fulfill his perfect purpose in life through these situations. The ministry of Judas was the one that led Jesus Christ to the cross; and although his betrayal was painful, he was an essential part of his destiny.

Is Judas a friend?

This type of "friend" implies a friendship with those who were not consciously, or obviously trying to help him; however, their hard actions that produce pain have a purpose.
When we glory in tribulations, it is because we understand that God uses the negative to carry out his will. Therefore, we have to broaden the definition of friendship to include "the traitor", because his betrayal takes us to the next step in God's plan.
Each believer not only has a "judas", but desperately needs it, to carry out certain aspects of God's divine guidance. On many occasions these friends are those who cause more pain, they are those who hurt us and betray us, but through this, the will of God can be exercised in our life.
It is easier to forgive the action of a man when the purposes of God are known.

Jer 15:19 Therefore thus says the LORD: If you repent, I will restore you, and you will be before me; and if you select the precious from the vile, you will be like my mouth. Convert them to you, and you do not convert to them.
Keep in mind that God can bless you through the worst friendship. God knows how to turn adversity into a food for our destiny! Psalm 119: 71.

In my personal life, I have tried to help people who have been in need, and yet these have resulted in selfish people focused on their own desires, which God has told me: You need to understand that you need those Judas, so that Form the character you require and be pushed fast to fulfill purpose.

The writing marks some scenarios in which the character of Judas appears. In these scenarios, the imperfect of Judas is exposed to the TOTALITY of the true son of God.

Let's review 2 scenarios where it appears:

The TOTAL delivery of the one who loves God vs
The MERE delivery of those who betray their own faith.
First stage. John 12: 1-8 DELIVER 100% OF YOUR FRAGRANCE TO GOD.

Underline this, of great price (verse 3) be hours of study, hours of rehearsal, hours of training, hours of listening, surrender to 100%, pour all your strength, attention, dedication to Jesus, that's what the difference between the mediocre Christian who only sits in the house of GOD to be one more, against those who with their actions and with their sacrifice of high price surrender to God in humiliation. The true son of God makes a total surrender like this woman, far from the perfume of MUCH price, we find the humility that God has for a LOT OF VALUE.

Many people mistakenly think that in the house of GOD they will find its fragrance, when they are the ones who must empty themselves to fill the fragrant odor of God's house. (Ephesians 5: 1-2)

-The closer you get to Jesus, the more fragrance you will get, the further away from Jesus you are, the more you will smell yourself.

Currently, the perfumes that circulate and are sold by the most prestigious brands, are composed of a raw material called essence. A kilo of jasmine essence costs 30,000 euros and a kilo of iris essence costs 50,000 euros, any essence costs hours and hours of manual flower collection.

The cost of the essence is determined by your entire days of collection, the manual sacrifices that must be made to maintain a virgin essence. For the true Christian, the same rule applies, it can only be filled with the fragrance of God, because the same pattern is worked; hours and hours of effort and dedication to please God, in prayer, in supplication, in surrender, in surrender.


-At far from your dedication and dedication to God, you will find the Judas screaming only to seek to contaminate with their stench the fragrant smell.

-The Judas are not able to pronounce a pleasant word. What we find in Judas is a synthetic fragrance, never natural, never genuine.

The Bible says in Luke 6:45: "The good man, out of the good treasure of his heart brings out the good; and the evil man, out of the evil treasure of his heart brings out evil. Because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks".

I prefer to be for the Judas a poor SENSATE that gives ALL for God, that a RICH INSENSATO that keeps everything for himself, and at the same time, he loses everything.

There are things that you and I do for God, of which we will never know its reach and repercussion, Jesus said about this woman: Leave her, for the day of my burial she has kept this.

22 years ago a woman who was a social counselor told me, you are a mess, you have no future, you are not defined psychologically, while Judas raised his voice, God came to my defense and that year I had a true encounter with God, where he defined my walk and my act, that day I spent hours prostrate at his feet, drinking his fragrance. I was able to experience what the psalmist exclaimed: Patiently I waited for Jehovah and bowed down to me, and he heard my cry. And it made me draw from the pit of despair, from the muddy mud; He put my feet on a rock and straightened my steps. Then he put a new song in my mouth, praise to our God.

Second scenario John 13: 2 LOVES 100% ABOUT THE ONE WHO DOES NOT LOVE YOU

Underline this, he loved them to the end (verse 1). Whoever remains in God and in his love, loves even over contrary feelings and emotions. Even about knowing the lack of fidelity or loyalty of Judas, the bible says that Jesus loved his disciples (including Judas) to the end.

-The people think that in the moments of bitter swallows in our lives, we experience them alone, we think that God moved away from us, however, Jesus here shows us that even when the enemy intervenes and mine your emotions and you hurt, NOTHING escape from the hands of God. (Romans 8:28)

The bible says that even when the devil had put Judas in the heart to deliver Jesus. Jesus got up, girded himself, took water in a basin and washed the feet of ALL the disciples.


-Care your heart does not stray from the spirit of service even when you feel hurt by the brother.

-One thing is that the enemy already mine the heart of the one that hurts or betrays you and another that you also allow the enemy to dwell in your heart. The challenge for the true child of God is to love your neighbor to the end. Jesus loved us to death and death on the cross, Jesus loved humanity to the end begging the Father: Do not take their sin into account.


The Bible says in Proverbs 4:23: "Keep your heart on every thing that is stored, for from it flows life."

-Don't focus on the emotions caused by the Judas, focus your gaze on the magnificent and exalted love of God.

-Jesus in John 13: 1 understood his time of transition of glory even over the time of pain that man provoked. You will never have the ability to see the Judas of verse 2, if before you do not have the ability to see the great LOVE of God that embraces us in verse 1.

1ª de Juan 2: 15-17 is a passage that we have learned by heart and we limit its interpretation to the seduction that the world offers with all its desires; However, in the context that John is talking about, he considers that to love the world is to allow oneself to be enveloped and adjusted to the way of life of the world of darkness (Romans 12: 1-2), for this he declares:

Vers. 9. "He who says that he is in the light, and hates his brother, is still in darkness. He who loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no offense, but he who hates his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes "

Romans 12: 14-21

14 Bless - do not curse.
15 Be empathetic with the brother.
16 Look for the unit - the altives do not allow for unity.
16 Look for humility - the greatest wisdom does not come from you, but from others.
17 Do not pay according to what you receive.
17 Procure goodness with all men.
18 Do your best to keep peace with others.
19 Leave your cause in the hands of God.
20 Testify with good works in favor of whom your enemy declares.
21 Overcome evil with good.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, teach us to give ourselves 100% because only at your feet, we will be able to rise up in love in front of the totality of men.

How to survive betrayal, a broken relationship?
Decide to move on.
1 Samuel 16: 1 And the LORD said to Samuel, How long will you mourn for Saul, when I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil, and come, I will send you to Jesse of Bethlehem, for I have provided myself a king for his sons.

What is the solution when a "Judas" is presented in our lives?

  1. Having forgiveness as a way of life (Job 42:10)
  2. Keep your eyes on Jesus.
  3. Learn from each lived experience.


All friendship must go through many adjustments..
Nice one...really Nice piece.


Very powerful word, Judas is someone who sits at the table with you, in whom you place your trust, you give him all your love and support, you treat him as someone appreciated, you give him entrance to your life and your heart, he is part of your circle closest. But there is something that characterizes Judas and is that he envies in silence, he longs for what is yours, he does not support your success, nor your brightness, deep down he wants to be like you, take your place and, wants to see you fail and, before the minimum opportunity, he betrays you and sells you for a couple of coins.
So every time that Judah appears, give thanks for him, rejoice and prepare to receive a great victory.

Thanks for commenting @mildreduh

Our best friend is Jesus, he is the only one who does not disappoint us and less betrays us. Every day we have to deal with our Judas, they are necessary so that we can fulfill our promises.

Jesus Christ, the teacher went through that, everyone knew and was aware that he was the Messiah, the Son of God, but how would the purpose of God be fulfilled if no one gave Jesus? Judas was part of God's perfect plan.

As human beings, it is natural that we betray the betrayal, because of our sentimental nature we attach ourselves to those people who approach with a lot of love not showing their true self and when they act with their malice they hurt us, but something God teaches us with everything that pass.

Everything is with a purpose in our lives

A big hug Apostol.

Amen, @rypo01

A message of height, those of us who know God know that our struggle is not of flesh and blood but against principalities and hosts of evil in the celestial legions. we must love until the end and the Judas are part of the purpose in our life.

wow this is a very important issue, which is present in the life of the Christian, in my personal opinion I think that everything in this life has a purpose and a teaching, perhaps God did not know that among his chosen 12 there was one that would betray him? or one that would deny it? everything has a teaching.

Sometimes people come to our life where we give all confidence and at the end of the day we are betrayed, but everything has an apprenticeship and a growth, says the word that the wheat and weeds grow together, not because we have a desección we must close everything On the contrary, we must remain the same people but this time with growth and learning.

and I agree with what you say:

We must understand that, although betrayals are very painful, they are part of our life.

God bless you dear apostol @darlenys01

Amen, thanks @mosdad


Good Message Sister Darlenys01 .. All of us at some point in our life face Judas .. But no one will be able to confront those who trust in God. God bless you.

Romans 12 has reached my heart, in the way it expresses I can experience the words of God embalming my heart, in this world we will have affliction, many wounds and betrayals, but we have Almighty God who is able to unite the brothers in love , sorry, one way or another we are offended and hurt, but we also participate in the offenses, and this is forgiveness, we are all sinners, and although we are victims, others are victims of ourselves. Excellent content, my eyes and my heart were nourished today by this powerful word, God bless you apostol.

I am very happy @michellechristie, the plabra of God is like that, that it does not become empty but it has the effect that he wants us to do in us, it is a double-edged sword. Thanks for comment. Blessings.

If @ darlenys01, in this life we meet many false friends or judas, and we blindly give our love and friendship, but only God knows why they are in our lives and what is the purpose and gives you the light to recognize them at some point

Thanks for sharing this with us.

We are daily surrounded by people who called themselves our friends but they are really Judas that know more about us and might betray us in the long run.
We need to keep watching and praying in order not to fall their prey.

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