in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

One of my concerns throughout these years, especially in my country, has been the level of malnutrition that children have.

In Venezuela there is an economic crisis, political and social.That is why, following the vision of @Sirknight and my own since the beginning of @Steemchurch has promoted the idea of doing something to eradicate this scourge that overwhelms the world.

In the case of Steemit and in particular the community @steemchurch has been of great help to those communities that need it the most in this time of scarcity, totally agree that we can not expect the government powers to assume that commitment, since the nation the people do not their rulers.

It is not only about feeding the world but about establishing clear objectives and goals. Many will say how a person does to fight against the world?

Maybe we can not satisfy the need for an entire apoblacion but if the people who are around us. there comes the effect of multiplication or the effect of the so-called queue theory.

This theory has always told us that if we have a client and he leaves, he takes it with him. Then, if there is a customer who is satisfied with the service, that same client brings diez more people. Based on this result I assume that if a person is in charge of promoting the crusade for freedom, he can multiply at least diez more, and so on until there is a massive multiplication in his environment, city or in the world.

The statistical silence maintained since 2015 by the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) on the behavior of prices has been met by national firms, one of which is Econometric, which announced the results of its measurement of inflation, noting that the annualized jump (April 2017 / April 2018) was placed last month at 13.212%.

When analyzing the numbers, Econometric stresses that among the factors that influenced the outcome of inflation is the escalation of food prices. It specifies that meat rose 93.2% in April, "the second largest increase so far this year."

On the reasons that keep up the costs of the products, the firm said that the exchange rate for the basket of goods and services collected by inflation reached Bs 169,810 per dollar, "a remarkable increase of 82% in just one month".

What can we buy with 1 Steem in venezuela

In today, based on some exchange houses 1 Steem =2664,00 Bs.

According to these prices, you can buy a single product or two basic, small-scale products.

910 grams of cheese or
3.75 kilos of potatoes



To get a real idea of what those 2.5 million bolivares are buying today in Venezuela, here is a list of how much some products cost in a supermarket in a middle class area in Caracas on Tuesday, May 1.

1 tuna can of 140 grams: 1.2 million bolivars

1 kilo of chicken with bone and skin: 1.57 million

1 kilo of sliced cheese: 2.8 million

1 kilo of potatoes: 679,995 bolivars

2 rolls of toilet paper: 688,000 bolivars

12 eggs: 586,000 bolivars


The nutritionist explained that "if you currently have 93% of deteriorating homes for the acquisition of food, and if you already know that the measures that should be taken are not being taken, obviously the outlook is terrible. because there is no policy that tells us what is going to be done, the children are going to intervene and they are going to be supplemented, a successful exit to the crisis is being planned or they are working to supplement the pregnant mothers that is another important issue, because nobody is thinking about future generations ".

Susana Rafalli, representative of Fundacion caritas, explained that between 5 and 6 children die from malnutrition every week. The projection of Susana Rafalli is that 280,000 children can die from malnutrition. "Severe child malnutrition has reached 15% in the month of last August, which is why we declare a humanitarian emergency. And 33% of the child population already has a delay in growth. This physical and mental damage will accompany you throughout your life, it is irreversible now. They are condemned to be retarded ».

According to a recently published article, the figures proposed by international organizations on Venezuela speak of undernourishment, not child malnutrition. And the data does not reflect reality. The FAO report on Latin America and the Caribbean released this year, in the Venezuelan case only includes official information of 2009 when it refers to indicators of acute and chronic child malnutrition.


Courtesy of ENCOVI

Severe contraction of the economy

Global crisis of services in all sectors

uncontrollable inflation, shortages and shortages

Corruption in the public food distribution network

The poor and those who do not have how to buy food, leave their spaces to look for food

Hunger and malnutrition are painful expressions of a slow-moving global crisis.

Do you consider that your income is sufficient for the purchase of food ?.

YES= 376 5.9 %
NO= 5982 93.3 %

Source: Poll ENCOVI

Not everything is lost, for something we are in the world.

Jesus says in his word: I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was naked and you dressed me.

We are that generation of whom Jesus speaks.


1.-Small-Scale Agriculture Can Save the World.

Traditional agriculture and gardening is an art that has been lost and replaced by pastures, parking lots and other commercial activities. People have decided to give up gardening and small-scale farming entirely to depend entirely on food produced by large-scale agriculture. It is time to return to our roots with traditional agriculture. It's time to understand how gardening and small-scale agriculture can save the world and us.

2.-Organic and fresh foods.

We can promote organic and fresh foods The only way to help solve this problem is to produce our own food. When a person tastes fresh organic fruits and vegetables, he will be able to compare the taste and not want to go back to the conventional system. On the other hand, organic foods have greater nutritional value and health benefits.


3.-Gardening is therapeutic

The person who spends time in a garden or garden will realize how medicinal it can become. The smells, colors and sounds that we have in the garden are relaxing.

The fact of being in contact with nature and working the land, benefits our mood. Caring for and observing the growth of plants and trees that we are going to consume is a simple and satisfactory process. The feeling of eating these foods will be different than when buying them in a supermarket.

4.-Promote urban agriculture

Many cities around the world are promoting urban agriculture, a survival agriculture that provides quality basic food and guarantees neighborhoods the supply without relying on the fossil fuels that transport requires.

The most important point: Promote the crusade for freedom, with the multiplier effect of the leader that we can be.


The speaker is a leader who has the power to influence public speaking in his audience,

achieving with its multiplying force to enhance the actions and benefits, which include

the achievement of our own and overall objectives, welfare and prosperity, growth and

satisfaction, the best performance and the change.

Nourish people:

The influential leader shares in public speaking all his knowledge and experiences to nurture the people who listen to him of faith and hope, and will convince them that there are no limits or restrictions to achieve all the goals that are proposed.

Multiply efforts:

The blessing multiplier leader achieves that his messages in public speaking are replicated in other people so that the actions find allies everywhere. Because in a team everything is done better and with less effort.

Be complete:

The leader must be whole and faithful to his principles and values, thinking first of the service to others before serving himself. Understands the shortcomings of people to be able to supply them, and fills them with faith and joy so they can overcome them.

Influence and multiply:

• The influential and multiplying leader connects with its audience, achieving strong links to facilitate integration, trust and receptivity to shared content. If you want to win people's minds, you must first win their hearts.

• Success uses the power to cultivate and develop the ability to positively influence others.

If you achieve it, you will win your message to multiply and replicate, echoing everywhere. There is no better publicity system for the lecturer than giving to talk about.

• The process of influence begins with the example, seeking to infect your image and achievements, then you will be responsible for bringing to light the hidden motives in each person so that they are encouraged to act in your same direction, when necessary you will be in charge of tutoring and training so that people discover their own abilities, and finally you will achieve that each one is in charge of multiplying your teachings.

• To become a leader multiplier is the highest honor and degree. Because at this time you will not only influence your direct audience but indirectly you will reach hundreds and thousands of additional people through them.

The vendor, the teacher, the manager, the trainer, the lecturer and the leader, all wish to become multipliers of the message.


Hello apostol @darlenys01, unfortunately here in Venezuela a Steem, is very little and goes as the saying goes, like water between your fingers. God allow everyone to help us.

Do not lose hope, your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of the faith. The just man by faith will live.

This is @ darlenys01, it is He who sustains us and the help of this blessing that He sent us, which is STEEMIT, which thanks to this is that we have helped and we have been successful. Sorry, the translation is from Google.

happy to hear that the works you guys are doing are reflecting in the lives of the people around you.
The world socio-economic problem is all over the universe no country is exceptional but we should always pray for the peace of some parts of the world where the problem is adverse.
Feed the poor and let them feel the sense of belonging.
images (7).jpeg


the situation in our country, every day is more critical miles of children die, it is already very difficult to eat for many, steemchurch famrs will bring relief to many nations

You have gracefully broken down the buying power of 1 STEEM in Venezuela, the truth us when we look at some countries like Sudan, Syria, Mozambique you could almost cry fir the rate of poverty and hunger, unfortunately they are caught in between government with political vendetta and lack iof care as well but like @sirknight rightly said we mustn't always wait for what our governments must do for us, rather our contribution towards goodness of the economy
In other words the steemchurch farm will really be huge, I'm seeing a lot of bright prospects, and I do hope we can contribute our quota towards achieving a better universe and a society.

@darlenys exposed a reality of our country, but that goes beyond what we can imagine, we who live here have been surprised by many situations in hospitals, markets, etc., we never imagined going through this situation, but also my family and I have been blessed with knowing this beautiful STEEMCHUCH project, now we face this challenge for our country, we will unite and accept to march together, and build a country that helps those who need it the most, who are without strength, without breath, because there is, and much, it is good that we meet with enterprising people, thank you @darlenys for sharing ... let's fight together ... God will give us the victory.

Amen @roseri

This message is the voice of thousands of Venezuelan brothers who day after day struggle with the scourge of inflation, these are devastating figures that worry the majority of the population. What will we do? It is the question that we must ask ourselves today, while we take the action of joining forces together. Recently, I am also disturbed by figures provided by UNICEF on the deaths of children who die of hunger on a daily basis. It's time to do something. Thanks @ darleys01 for being a person with human sensitivity and courageously make this publication.

I think there was nothing missing in this message, well worded, you have a clear vision @darlenys.

Excellent economic analysis on venezuela sister Darlenys.

Very true what you exposed us @darlenys, only God can help us, we thank God for the great opportunity that Steemit and Steemchurch gives us, a blessed project that came to bless others, it is only in taking the decision to unite and be agree to have more strength to encourage each other and build a country that is so noble, as is VENEZUELA .... We love you dear country, thank you @darlenys for sharing.

It's a very good vision, hope it helps much people in Venezuela even though it's hard.

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