in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

The metaphor of the Phoenix Bird

Ancient legends speak of the existence of a mythological bird, known by the name of Phoenix, which possessed the extraordinary capacity of, once its death arrived, to burn until it was consumed, to later resurface, reborn again of its own ashes. In addition, it was also said that his tears possessed healing powers. Therefore, the Phoenix is an allegory to purification, to the change from the old for the new, to personal improvement, to hope. Reading this metaphor, whether it is true or not , always when something happens that leaves us on the ground, it is likely to say I will get up from the ashes with the Fenix bird.

This ability to rise from ashes in people is called resilience. It is the capacity that all people have to react and overcome adversities and complicated situations, including, to emerge strengthened from them.

For my resilience: Where is the source of personal resilience? It is in Jesus Christ. He can become the firefighter, lifeguard, lifeguard, police and paramedic that the personal tragedy demands for its reconstruction. Jesus does not get intimidated by our enemies, he does not get tired, he does not get distracted, nor does he walk blindly looking for survivors. When he developed his earthly ministry even the forces of nature were held when his disciples cried out to him in fear of the raging sea: "Jesus arose, rebuked the wind and said to the sea: 'Calm down, hold on!' And the wind ceased and there came a great calm "(Mark 4:39).

I invite you to enjoy this motivational video:

And it is from this rebirth of the body and spirit of the "Ave Fénix", which has been so beautifully symbolized and mythified by humanity, which today I bring as a reference for a very special invitation, which consists is that we recognize in ourselves the the same possibility of rebirth physically and spiritually thanks to the right that "LOVE" grants us. The right that is given to us when we are able to recognize ourselves as children of God.

To any of us and in any area of ​​life, situations have arisen that have caused us anguish, despair, even a feeling of having reached the bottom. In these situations, in which our self-esteem and our thoughts are being subjected to a lot of pressure, we would like to be successful and resurface from the ashes as Ave Fénix; although the truth is that not everyone is capable of it, it depends on their degree of resilience.

There are people, considered as resilient, who in adverse situations emerge strengthened having detected opportunities for personal growth and having been able to achieve an adequate quality of life despite the negative conditions for their development. This does not mean that they will never go through moments of greater weakness, they simply have a series of skills that help them cope with stressful situations.

Some attributes that mainly characterize resilient people are:

  • Great sense of commitment: Comply with your word and with the objectives that are proposed.

  • Strong sense of control over what they do: They know their abilities and know how to use them.

  • Open to new experiences: Assume any complicated situation as an opportunity to learn.

  • Other people, on the other hand, remain blocked by that pain, that defeat.

"Resilient" people are committed to themselves, who allow themselves to "control" the circumstances and, above all, be "open" accepting changes, since they interpret experiences as an essential part of their own lives; that is, of its own existence.

Ask yourself the following questions:

-How can I develop this Resilience capacity?

  • How can I discover my inner strength, to advance my own adversities?

Without a doubt, the answer lies in initiating the path to Self-Knowledge. This will happen, gradually, as you go knowing your own strengths or virtues, recognizing your weaknesses, fostering your talents and achieving to express them. Essentially, you start to value yourself and recognize yourself as valuable; mistakes are forgiven and begin to see them as learnings; it is to stimulate the creativity that is in you; is to treasure relationships with others, as a mirror of their own relationship with Himself; he is allowing himself to let his feelings flow without restricting them and opening himself to the communication of the heart, which never makes mistakes.

It is learning to ask for "help" and extend that help to others, as a chain of love that is built and progresses. It is laughing at adversity. Ridicule the fear of not being able to solve them. Humor is, finally, an attitude of positive thinking, it is the basis or column where the "Resilience" is established (or its own ability to overcome the obstacles that may arise in your life).

The better your relationship with others, as long as love is expressed and your heart is open to your sensitivity, there will be greater understanding, support and respect that will strengthen that ability to overcome adverse circumstances, improving your "ability to respond" or "responsibility" "

Adversities put your Personal Leadership to the test. On many occasions, it is possible that, at some point in his life, he has reached the bottom, perhaps without hope. Many times, too, he has heard that pain causes him to become aware in order to overcome or rise from falls. It is also true that their positive condition in life reduces the possibilities of "risks" in the face of adversity.

Consider all your manifestations of affection, physical and verbal, as a starting point to change your life; get closer to your own heart. Discover your natural talents and abilities and empower them. Think positive and develop your spirituality, more when you feel your hopes are diluted.

The Phoenix bird, when it ages and the time of its departure approaches, takes the trouble to prepare a new nest, and it does it with fibers of very select wood, noble and aromatic woods.
With great care and patience he accommodates his new home, not to rest or procreate, but to go through a process of renewal. Finished his task of building his refuge, he sings a different song, something similar to a funeral song; at the same time that begins to shake its wings with intensity, to the point that of its own interior a sparkle of flames is born, a spark with which initiates the process of combustion, until everything is reduced to ashes. After the days, from the dispossession nestled in the nest, a new Phoenix bird emerges, to live another cycle of life. Perhaps the myth has its origin in the fact that the eagle, changes its plumage periodically, so it always looks rejuvenated. Others think that it is simply a chronicle of the journey of the sun, that at dusk it dies on the horizon, but that it is reborn again every morning in the east to plunge back into the distance. Psalm 103 also refers to a bird, not the Phoenix bird that is a myth, but the eagle. And this Psalm says: "Bless my soul to Jehovah and bless all my being his holy name, bless my soul to Jehovah and do not forget any of its benefits, it is he who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your ailments, who Rescue your life from the hole, the one that crowns you with favors and mercies, the one that satisfies your mouth with good so that you rejuvenate like the eagle ". There is no doubt that the psalmist was referring to daily communion with God. Everyone who disposes his soul to adoration, everyone who seeks to please God, anyone who approaches the Most High through the open way that is Jesus Christ, can not leave his presence, in the same conditions in which he entered. He goes out with the forgiveness of his sins, because He is the only one who can forgive our iniquities.


You do not know how strong you are until being strong is the only option you have left. The warriors of this world are resilient, the more we fall, the more strength we have to rise, because our strength does not come from us, but from the almighty God, Isaiah 40: 29-31. He gives strength to the weary, and he who has no strength increases vigor.

Today is a good day to fight for all that you have lost, fight for love, for the dream that God put in your heart, ahead warriors!


Amen, we are fortunate because we have the love of God apostle @ darlenys01. Thank you for this message that fills us with motivation.

This is my sister @enilekcays, with God we are able to resist the most difficult tests.

It is impossible in this life not to have adverse adversities that affect our feelings and emotions, but the key is to have the human capacity to assume situations with flexibility and overcome them, I think @ darlenys01 that you mention the resilience is in Jesus Christ the giver of the life and hope of our forces when we do not have any

Jesus Christ is our resilience @ricci01.

The resilient are those who have learnt not to give up too early in life. This attribute helps us to see and accept great lessons in our tribulations and pain. Though the ship may wreck, we have to learn to hold on to the pieces of the boat, and hope to get ashore. Christ didn't come to make us weaklings but Soldiers who draw their strength from the cross.

Wao, @darlenys01, always drive us in a spirit of being better, of being people of conquest, it's good to read your blog every day, with words that reach our hearts, the people of God must be a resilient peubl.

In addition to our family and friends, we have God and His Word. The Bible is our greatest and best support in times of adversity; It gives us comfort, advice and the necessary correction at the right moments.Thanks for sharing this topic @darlenys01.

...for if fall seven times, I will get back up cause Christ is my source of strength.

When you fall, pray for strength to get back up.. Don't let your back be on the ground for ever.

In the Bible, we can find numerous examples of Resilience; Abraham, the father of faith, waited for years for his son Isaac and received promises from God (Genesis 21:22). A second case we see in the story of Joseph, the young man who was sold as a slave by his brothers and with the passage of time became very powerful as prime minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:41). A third case is Job, a perfect and God-fearing man, he went through many trials, but at the end of them he was perfected and God restored all his riches and gave him new children (Job 42:10).

Many people fail in their endeavors simply because they stop fighting. So my dear Darlenys, resilience.

blessings sister darlenys we are made to succeed God made us with great qualities

Thanks for your comment, always welcome to my blog @oswaldo02.

In the midst of the adversities of life, we have to be resilient, in order to be able to recover from those ashes in which we often remain.Thanks for sharing this topic @darlenys01

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