in #steemchurch5 years ago

The attitude is the disposition of the mood of any person that can be directed according to the circumstances lived.
Not all people act under any circumstance in the same way since it is influenced according to the thoughts or their mood.

¡It is worth having a positive attitude!


However, God has always called us to have a positive attitude towards life and circumstances, whatever the positive attitude, it infects and gives good energies to you and those who are with you.

For this I want to quote William James, a famous American psychologist, who once said the following:

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes."

This dimension is true since obviously people can spoil the essence of any situation by changing their attitudes.
The attitude really is what makes the difference in the face of life's adversities and everything will depend according to the way we assume it
Not all people are prepared to assume a correct attitude towards life, so the apostle Paul gives very wise advice to the Philippians to maintain a correct attitude to any circumstance

Philippians 1: 27-30
27 Whatever happens, behave in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. In this way, whether I am going to see you or that, being absent, I only hear from you, I will know that you remain firm in the same purpose, fighting unanimously for the faith of the gospel. New International Version (NIV)

The words used by Paul denote the great concern that the apostle had for the Philippians because they boasted much about being Roman and in a way this was not a fruit of humility and much less a good attitude for this reason insisted that whatever happened they will not blaspheme against God or take an attitude contrary to the word of the gospel of Jesus Christ but keep the faith firmly and perseverantly.

It is very easy to praise God when there are no problems when everything is going well but that is difficult when we are confronted with problems. It is in this sense that people begin to take wrong attitudes and if possible to blaspheme the name of God.
Let's look at Pablo's advice:

Ephesians 6:10
10 For the rest, my brothers, strengthen yourselves in the Lord, and in the power of his strength.


It is the power and strength of God that gives us the necessary strength to be able to take correct attitudes according to the divine order.
I want to underpin that there is something that keeps the person in a single position when it comes to taking attitudes and is the "Identity".

Taking into consideration that identity are the characteristics or traits that individualize a person to be able to have an with conviction before life it is necessary to understand that from the identity it is that the man or the woman face the attitudes.

In that sense I am convinced that attitudes derive from identity. For example in real life we can look at many actions of people who do not take the best attitudes in their daily lives are very negative attitudes and lack of wisdom because it is well known that the Bible highlights the following:

Proverbs 23: 7
"For what is his thought in his heart, such is he"

The attitudes of people leave the heart for better or for worse and people who ignore God in their daily lives think according to the rudiments and currents of the world. That is why his words and his way of acting are mostly negative words or actions. But nevertheless the performance of someone who lives for God must act differently makes a difference in the circumstances in his mouth there is always a word of blessing and positive despite the adversities

Proverbs 18:21
warns us: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and whoever loves it will eat its fruits."

This reminds us that there is a universal law that we will reap from what we sow. It also shows us that the words we speak influence our life and our environment.

In this sense I want to quote the words of a recognized motivational speaker who said the following about this. I quote:

“The words we link to our experience become our experience.

and consequently are the words we say daily they are the experiences that we live day by day that allow us to take attitudes towards life, whether personal, institutional family among others.

The Bible describes people who took bad attitudes in their daily lives including Christians and wrote them as a motivation so that today we would not repeat it but rather to reflect on the men of God who took very good attitudes to the adversities they had to live

It is worth mentioning men like: Job, Abraham, Jose, Daniel Gedeon etc, women like Esther, Ana, Deborah Nohemi among others.

All these people handled very difficult situations and all faced them according to the divine order of God because they were people intimately linked to God and had acquired or that every Christian should acquire "Identity" and it was not just any identity that God granted as a son when we decided take attitudes that please him.

Today I invite you to take attitudes in the correct divine order of God so that you may do well in life and may worship God in all circumstances



A positive attitude is pleasing to God, that implies that we are joyful in Christ.

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