in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

A History of real life:

I know of the story of a woman who had a very special call from God, but had areas in her life that were captive, including her marriage area, this woman had set her eyes on a person contrary to God's plans, so that her life had gone from being a simple and happy life, to being a nightmare. Her husband, mistreated her physically and psychologically, she had lost everything, even the desire to live. The people who dealt with this woman, were attracted by His wisdom and enjoyment of the gifts that God had placed in it, made him offers to direct works, which he could never do because he had simply lost his freedom. She began praying to God with all her heart, and asking for forgiveness for her disobedience, she decided that she would change her situation, but she was not brave, she did not know how.One day her husband left her locked in her home, and she began to write of what was in his heart. At that moment God began to respond to his request. The day came, that life set her to decide between material things or the work of God, she decided for God. Many people told her that she could not leave everything she had that was crazy, but she decided to believe God. For a long time she was afraid of losing her stability, until God asked her: What is the price of your freedom?

She placed absolutely everything, and said happily:

If this is what it costs, my freedom, I take it, because I know there are many lives waiting for this.

  • "She paid the highest price that anyone can pay. SHE GAVE EVERYTHING THAT HAD ".


The gratitude of the one who loves does not place limits for gestures of tenderness.

The Word of God tells us about a man who gave his best to help a girl who had been left with nothing and no one in life. This man invested a lot of his time to train this young woman and help her focus on life.

"There was in Susa royal residence a Jewish man whose name was Mordecai and who had raised Hadassa, that is, Esther, the daughter of his uncle, because she was an orphan; and the young lady was of beautiful figure and of good appearance. When his father and mother died, Mordecai adopted her as his daughter. "

Mordecai, like the women of the story, gave everything he had, for Esther, who would later change the course of Israel's history. What this man did for this young woman was praiseworthy, because he assumed the responsibility of being his father. He not only raised her, but he saw in her a woman not only beautiful, but well directed in the business of the Father, because he himself had been instructed to instruct her. He knew that God was going to bless him, for having done this good work for his cousin. They were Jews and lived under an empire with customs very different from those of their people. But they had no choice to go anywhere, because they were completely subject to these people. One day the king of the Persian Median empire decides to find a wife and became what today would be a "list of top Female Models", where a lot of young people from different places competed. And Ester also showed up to this call. Imagine, they were very poor and could go from being anonymous to being recognized by a lot of people and having many benefits, and especially getting favors for their people. So it was that Esther was attended by people who were responsible for preparing for the future meeting with the king. This girl was blessed to please Hegai, a man who was a guardian of women. The Bible says that "he found favor in his sight, so he promptly gave him trappings and food, and gave him seven special maidens from the king's house; and took her with her maidens to the best of the women's house. "

And every day his cousin Mordecai approached where she lived to know how they treated her.

Until the long-awaited day came, to know who the king was going to choose as his wife, and when it was Ester's turn, "the king loved her more than all the other women, and found grace and benevolence before him. He more than all the other virgins; and put the royal crown on her head and made her queen. "

All that this young woman achieved was the disinterested love of a cousin, who adopted her as a daughter, raised her, taught her about God and knew how to see beyond the circumstances. It should not have been easy for a single man to take care of a young woman, especially as a woman, because you had to take special care and good manners to instruct her with wisdom.

This brought enormous benefits not only to them but also to the entire Jewish people, thanks to this man who decided to help his cousin so that she would triumph in life. For at that time, a plot had been set up against the Jewish people, the king had already given the order for this people to be exterminated, this decision was taken because of an adviser named Haman, who filled it with lies to the king because he hated Mordecai. If it had not been for Esther's intervention, all the people of Israel would have died. Although the king could not retract what he had decreed, at least he could issue another edict for that town to defend itself when they were to attack it.

Anyone who is able to be a bridge to the other, will generate changes in the environment wherever they are, and can reverse situations that seem impossible to change. If we are able to transform the environments, we can receive benefits from those same bridges that we were able to generate.

Finish this story by saying:

"Mordecai the Jew was the second after the king and great among the Jews, and esteemed by the multitude of his brothers, because he sought the welfare of his people and spoke peace for all his lineage"

Great leaders do not want to be someone, they want to do something, because they are already someone. As long as you do something to be somebody, you will be a slave, but when you know that you are already someone, you are going to do something that leaves a trace and you will say "I must choose a vision that is bigger than my own life". That is what Mordecai did. And that is what the chosen ones of God do to free lives.

Each time you do a good deed, two types of people will approach you:

Those who want to benefit from your life and not contribute anything, will only use what you have without giving anything in return and those people who will bring you a connection and a provision for your life that will bring you closer to your purpose. When we help others achieve success, we are triumphing along with them, so never stop your ability to help others succeed, because behind their triumph is hidden a reward for you.


Always write from the heart, we should encourage good works among brothers, we do not know the purpose of God, and the reward we receive in doing this.

thanks apostle @darlenys01!

Knowing that it is a mink, is essential to achieve something really great. Jesus Christ knew exactly what his vision was, wise for what he had come: Mt. 20:28 "as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Beautiful story apostle @darlenys01, men with vision are important to carry the work of God on earth, as always his message is uplifting.

The vision of a man embellishes the future of the people who are in contact with him, Esther is a symbol of the woman who fights for the freedom of herself and her people. There will always be a Mordecai that God uses to make a queen a great Queen. Greetings Apostle Darlenys

It is very beautiful the whole story, I am very surprised how you can make these messages and complement them with true stories, it is inspiring, it makes us connect more with God. Thanks for sharing.

This part has really touched my heart "Those who want to benefit from your life and not contribute anything, will only use what you have without giving anything in return and those people who will bring you a connection and a provision for your life that will bring you closer to your purpose. When we help others achieve success, we are triumphing along with them, so never stop your ability to help others succeed, because behind their triumph is hidden a reward for you" thanks dear sister for your words of encouragement.

Another amazing post, I wish everyone could read this post because it means more than the topic.
We must help others to reach their greater hight because have a way of rewarding everybody,this part amazingWhen we help others achieve success, we are triumphing along with them, so never stop your ability to help others succeed, because behind their triumph is hidden a reward for you"

This woman is very brave and worthy of admiration, on the other hand a man with a vision, is a man of cionquista, God places her in his heart and the brave warrior carries it out. Thank you for helping us grow through your experiences @darlenys01.

When God gave some vision to one of his servants, they always clearly understood what they had been commissioned. For example, Noah received a clear vision of the ark that included detailed design and knew that it was to be saved from the flood; Abraham understood that he must go out in search of the promised land for his offspring; Moses, understood that he had to free the Hebrew people and take him to the promised land.

Building a vision and influencing people to go to it comes first, it is the indispensable requirement that every leader must have, because people follow a leader when he knows where he is going, when they see that he is convinced that he can arrive and that he will pay any price to see his vision fulfilled. This is the case of Jesus Christ, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, etc. to mention some of those who have walked with a clear and defined vision.

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