in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

If love were easy it would be for everyone but the story is different, the Bible teaches us that love is long-suffering, benign, it is not boastful, it does not do anything unduly, it is not puffed up, and therefore it is so difficult to experience it, the high price that the lover must pay to live it in his own flesh is not for everyone; Jesus inspires the life of everyone who today suffers love, being King humiliated so that we slaves of sin live in freedom by his death.

The one who loves in silence keeps the respect for the person that he admires or wishes to have in his life, in other words he limits himself so as not to offend, complicate or bother; despite wanting to exercise presence or authority in life in that relationship, he prefers the anonymity that notoriety, the one who loves in silence, is interested in the well-being of the other without incurring in notoriety for it keeps distance but not only renounces his arrogance but also to his own comfort, he sacrifices the beauty of his life to give life to the beauty he feels in his heart.

Loving in silence is an art that not all dominate, since today's love is full of lust, sensuality, selfishness, convenience, lack of decency and to that we add a few drops of arrogance or misnamed self-esteem are few who are willing to sacrifice for love, on the contrary many sacrifice who they say they love by passing over their children, family and feelings; Do not forget that love is synonymous with sacrifice and not convenience, to love you must renounce yourself.

Isaiah 53: 7 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
He was distressed and afflicted, he did not open his mouth; as a lamb he was taken to the slaughterhouse; and as a sheep before his shearers, he fell silent, and did not open his mouth.


This is the greatest representation of a Love in silence, the one that loved us without measures, in an opportunity Jesus said: Nobody takes my life, I give it myself and then take it again, to rescue many. How great love!

There is a song that I like very much is called: if it had been there of Jesus Adrian Romero, it describes that each of us was guilty even if we were not there, it is a reflection about his surrender of his love in silence.

If I had been there among the crowd
That your death asked, that I crucify you
I have to admit, I would have also
Nailed to that cross
Your hands my Jesus, if I had been there

Thinking about it, I was also there
I was the one who spit on you, and your side hurt
Thinking it over,
I was the one with the crown of thorns and pain
Your forehead good sir, I was also there

If he had been there at the foot of that cross
Listening to you cry, to the father in solitude
I have to admit, I would have you too
Let it die, watching you suffer
I was also there

Thinking about it, I was also there
I was the one who spit on you, and your side hurt
Thinking it over, I was the one with the crown of thorns and pain
Your good Lord front
Thinking it over, I was also there
I was the one who hit you, and you sneered
Thinking about it, I was the one who whipped you
I was the one who lamented your back my lord
I was also there

In the midst of loneliness, in the middle of nowhere and in real sadness
I feel that I can still do a little more, I just have to make an effort to reach your outstretched hand. And everything blinds me, everything wants to lead me to despair
and to a cry without end but I know that you will not allow it. I know something you are doing already ...
while I do not know the plan silently you are putting together what you will surprise me with.
Callas of love for me to be stronger,
shut up to take out everything that does not do me good,
shut up to show me that you are not only words,
shut up for me to see how much you love me.
Your silence is good for me.

"Oh God, do not shut up, do not shut up, oh God, do not stand still."
Psalm 83: 1

Is not it amazing? As things can get out of control, it seems that one day everything is normal and normality will doubt forever and the next day is the opposite and it seems that we will never abandon that fearsome desert.


The most complicated of those desert moments is the loneliness that we have to live, the feeling that God has forgotten us, the spiritual thirst and that we can not satisfy, and feel that we no longer have strength.

But even with all of that, we must never forget that God will never leave us. And it seems that sometimes God keeps more silence than necessary, however much we search we do not find a Word, although we long for things, they do not happen and it is difficult when we are far from seeing what was promised, we see the opposite.

I know that they are the silences of God, I have lived them, I have experienced them and now I am here, they are difficult, difficult, exhausting, but the best thing of all is that I learned all this, always after a SILENCE stage there always comes another of abundant blessings .

Apparently God is evaluating how far we can stand his silences, and it is not that the Lord is torturing us, but that he wants to mold our life, character, our faith and he is sure that after this stage we will be better people than before. .

My brothers, if I told you all the stages of silence that I had to go through in my life, you would not believe them, but it is reality. Sometimes I have felt that God is too busy to pay attention to my plans, to my dreams, to moments when prayers feel so empty, where the mood has deteriorated and everything seems to be against. Until my health I have lost.

But let me tell you that even if you feel all that, that you experience one of the moments of greater silence of God in your life, that does not mean that you have forgotten, that you will not fulfill what was promised or that you are not important to him. On the contrary, He deals with your life, with your needs and, above all, works to organize how your dreams and longings of the heart will be fulfilled.

Men like Abraham, David, Elijah among many others went through those moments of silence where they experienced mixed feelings, despair, persecution and so many things that apparently made them believe that the purposes of God in their lives would not be fulfilled, but seeing the end of each one can see how an Abraham considered friend of God and father of faith made history, a David considered by God himself according to his heart, an Elijah who did not experience physical death but was taken by God, after realizing the results At the end of each of these men, I can not help but keep quietly waiting for the story to write to God with me.

And you must be sure of something, God will write a new story with you, because if you are going through one of those moments of silence of God, it is because there is something else for you, it is because you are not of the pile and because you have been chosen for something big and for that you have to send it to the school called: Silence, where God will work with you, to leave you ready to write that precious story through you.

So lift up your spirits, do not faint, do not give up so easily, believe, trust, stand firm, because something great comes for you, you have been called to make history to be a man or a fearsome woman for Satan and all his hosts of evil, this period in your life is necessary, because God is working on you, and you can be sure that the final work will be fabulous, accurate for the task entrusted to you.

Silence is beautiful when we understand that after something great comes. After the silence of Jesus, came the redemption of humanity.


Guao excellent message @darlenys, I always delight in the way you preach the word of God. Jesus teaches us to love with his example, because there is no love without surrender and love is an action more than a feeling.
Love is the perfect bond, love always implies giving something, it is total surrender, without selfishness, the one who loves always seeks the good of the other person, without asking for anything in return, it is sacrifice. That is why our beloved Lord says the bible "that did not open his mouth and as a lamb was taken to the slaughter ..." for that great love towards humanity.
Silence is sometimes sacrifice for that person we love, but God does not go unnoticed our pain, our surrender. God bless you and fill you with wisdom.

thanks for comment @ricci01, the love of Jesus is the perfect, the genuine, without him we are nothing. Blessed love of my lord.

Another message of spiritual revelation given by God. The silence of Jesus lasted for a time, but now Jesus responds. Perseverance in God is never in vain. Remember when God keeps silence is because he is working. Thank you for reminding me that there is one who loves us without limits, that is Jesus!

Jesus is the ultimate expression of love.

Jesus died for me, and I come to Him for complete salvation by His Blood and His justice. but he rose in glory and his love for us is unconditional.

Beautiful song.

He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth
Isaiah 53: 7

Wonderful Apostle @Darlenys01 message these times are not easy, but they are more bearable when we manage to rest in the truths of God such as His love and kindness, keep in mind that God knows what He is doing and that in the end everything is in His hands and therefore The best is yet to come. That is faith, faith is expectation for what God will do.

Christ says: "This is my commandment: that you love one another as I have loved you" (John 15,12). We need silence to receive these words and put them into practice. When we are agitated and uneasy, we have so many arguments and reasons for not forgiving and not loving too much and easily. But when we keep "our soul in peace and in silence," these reasons vanish. Perhaps we sometimes avoid silence, preferring instead any noise, any word or distraction, because inner peace is a risky affair: it makes us empty and poor, dissolves bitterness and rebellions, and leads us to the gift of ourselves. Silent and poor, our hearts are conquered by the Holy Spirit, full of unconditional love. In a humble but true way, silence leads to loving. Great message my Apostle Darlenys.

Apostle Darlenys, I have always thought that true love breaks all paradigms and has no borders, has only one flag and will always struggle to find the object it wants. It was love that made Jesus cross the heavens to offer the remedy that heals hearts and fill them with his love.

The love of Jesus has no limits, no space, no time. It's just that Love, its essence. It is in this time where we must love to be able to fulfill the plan in our lives, but we have love we are nothing. We have our identity in the love of Jesus. Love without condition! Thanks for comment @emiliocabrera.

What a beautiful message, your publications are a book of teachings from which we do not want to lose even a single chapter to learn from you apostol every day more.

So many words are not necessary to communicate what we feel. «Silence is rhetoric of lovers». Truth that shakes, because we experience that words are not enough to say what we feel ... it is because they can not. For that reason, lovers talk to each other with just presence. The love of God is full of silence and we feel it great.

Incredible publication Darlenys. The greatest urgency of the human being is to feel loved. In childhood, one needs to be loved in order to grow and to be able to love as an adult. It is a highly verified fact that you have to surround the child with love to awaken the love that he has inside. Love has been poured out so that life is born. Nothing can be rid of love. Because he is the party and the warmth of life. And love does not flow because the other is good. Love loves because it can not do anything other than flow. Love is not in the subject but in the object. The water flows for the pleasure of flowing. The love that awakens in man loves for the pleasure of loving. Love has to come out of us like water from a spring. Not to do it is because there is a traffic jam in us. It is not fair to think that it is the other who is in life to love me. Jesus did not say to his disciples: "Go and find a group that loves you ..." Rather his message was: "Go and love ...".

When we can not hear God, there is no means that He is asleep or oblivious to our circumstances. It also does not mean that he will deny our request. He wants to have a personal and close relationship with Him, regardless of how he responds to our prayers; We must love Him simply because He is God. And he loved us first.
God bless you @darlenys01

Beautiful message Apostle Darlenys. There is no other way for our love to flow spontaneously but through Jeus. A closed heart can not create cooperation with God's creation. Hatred closes us the way of life and if we want to live we have to love. Hence, it is necessary to re-experience the tenderness of God in our lives.

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