in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

One of the topics I like to talk about and write about is love: I have learned a lot about it, in our relationship with God it is the first thing we experience, the first love.

In this great community that is @steemchurch I can share daily with my brothers about their lives, the love of God, sometimes I would like to have more time, I try as much as I can to be there. Three days ago, a brother wrote me for the Discord and he said: Darlenys, I like you when you write about love, I leave this song and in your next message you can place it. When I saw the message it was not online, so today I will post that video, it is very beautiful and deep, listening to it I began to dream and see what love really is.

A few words that have been going around my mind is the reason that God's commandment is love, because without love we could not do anything, it is the engine that drives us every day, the prophetic message for this time is to deepen the lack of love in hearts, and start sowing that seed so that it starts to bear fruit. Look at what Matthew 24:12 says -"and because evil has multiplied, the love of many will grow cold"

When we were little we used to see how the neighbors and our relatives helped each other and confided their secrets, they were brothers and we knew that we had those people in times of emergency, but over the years, we have cooled down, with the neighbors, friends, brothers of the faith and even with the same family members. We live in a convulsed society where self-interest makes several consequences producing generations with low human values.

We can not go through someone's life, and that this is the same. Our duty as Christians is to sow that love in the neighbor. One of the ways we can give love is through our time.

For me it has been a blessing to share my time with brothers, some are close, some far away, but even in the distance we can transmit that love. Today I want to thank all those people who have dedicated time for me, I may not mention it to all , but they are shared magical moments: to my great team of @sc-v (@xiore, @ricci01,@mildreduh,@mosdad,@kenlys,@marialara,@abordo2000, @mariela,@taty17,@susanalara,@xioran,@elion,@jenniferbrito, @elgringo79, @giacamila777,@jorgelis23,@emiliocabrera,@lorennys,@mamidalia,@elpastor) which are wonderful, @charleswealth, (a few days ago I shared a photo of when I was a very beautiful child, it made me think about time), @rubenmedina182 thanks for those natural remedies for the flu, my beloved sisters warrior of nigeria @adedoyinwealth, @jedaijudith, @cherylsonty, @oredebby. @druids thank you for those beautiful images for Vastago,@pennsif, your advice and help have given me a lot of satisfaction.

This message also goes to you @kristal01, I know you like the topics about love, so I dedicate it to you today, and to an eternal lover who since joining the team of @sc-v does not leave her repertoire of love songs , @kenaliz85. My warriors who are persistent @luisanita, @girasol149.

One of the things that God does is teach us to love, but not that selfish love that we sometimes have as humans, but the love that comes from above, the love that comes from its essence.

Some of us, when we think about love, we imagine a blue prince, but when time passes we realize that this prince is of all colors less blue, it is there when we begin to disappoint ourselves of the natural, and we begin to suffer God does not want us to put our trust in earthly things, only when we experience the love of Jesus in our hearts will we be able to love others, love without condition, love without measure.

When we make an error that affects another person, this may claim or be offended, but he is there for love without reproach, without past, as well as that prodigal son who returns home.

Let us meditate, for love God gave his only son Jesus, is the greatest act of love in history, also says the word that if we do not have love we are cymbals that retreat and everything ended on Earth except love:

The many waters can not quench love,
Nor will the rivers drown it.
If man gave all the goods of his house for this love,
They would certainly belittle him.

Songs 8: 7

Seal. Permanence. Commitment. Belonging Despite the storms, despite the water, the fire ... Love remains, stronger than death. That love that does not succumb to the envy of water, which is stronger than death and does not depend on circumstances, It is agape love. God's love for us The love that God demands of us. Agape love can be defined as "unconditional love that always gives and shows total devotion and commitment no matter how you respond to that love." This form of love lacks any form of selfishness and does not change regardless of whether it is reciprocated or not.

That love is not irritated ...

He does not get angry, he does not feel anger, he does not feel bitterness. When people give vent to anger, they lose the balance of their soul and grieve the Spirit of God. He who keeps bitterness for another does not love him.

That love does not hold a grudge ...

It literally says that it does not save any damage it has received in memory. This love sets aside the wounds of the past instead of drawing them in the face every time.

That love does not enjoy injustice, but the truth ...

... wants the best for others and refuses to make a move to another. He rejoices in the truth, defends the truth at all times. It is sincere and has no duplicity or double bottom.

That love suffers everything ...

... This word literally translates to cover with silence, endure in patiently without saying a word.

That love expects everything ...

... he is optimistic, he does not let discouragement break him down. Expect the best of each situation and each person, because it waits in the Lord, in His promises and in His times.

That love never stops being ...

... Everything else is over, this kind of love does not. It has no expiration date, nor expiration, nor definite duration. It is eternal, it does not stop, it does not stop.

It has been very difficult to write this mesagges and see my own flaws exposed through the Word of God. I have cried, I have erased and rewritten the same words several times ... I have been confronted with each of the characteristics of love that I must show. But I am also encouraged to strive, to imitate Christ and begin to change those areas that I still lack.

All of us who want to know true love, look to Jesus, open the door for him to enter, and flood us with that love.


Thanks to you, Darlenys, your time and dedication to so many people is admirable, especially the responsibility of being impartial and knowing how to manage the resources and times of Steemchurch Venezuela and yourself as Leader of This. God bless you always.

What a beautiful message Apostle @darlenys01 these words reach the depths of our being. This is a divine message, love is the most important thing in our life. God bless your life.

It is a satifaction for me, when I write it I am also edified through the word. Thanks for commenting @xiore.

Beautiful publication sister Darlenys, The great love is of God, is a pure and sincere love, a fair love and a love that never ends. Glory to God for that.

These are the types of messages that impact our being, thanks @ darlenys01 for motivating us to be every day better, excellent description about what love is, the song is beautiful.

I have mixed emotions Apostle @darlenys01, queiro cry and laugh at the same time, thank you because you do not forget us, thanks for allowing me to be by your side and share so many things, you are the maximum.

God is love and if we claim to live in God, we must also live in love and show all brethren the love of Christ. This is a lovely post ma'am @darlenys01

I'm glad, that you liked it, I did it with a lot of love for you women warriors of the kingdom.

Excellent teaching about "Love" @darlenys, how good it is to reflect on the breadth of this word that is limited in human beings, but immense in God.
God is love, without him there would be no love, the one we have received from him, to give, it is only an echo or reflection of his love.
There are selfish, spiteful loves that hurt, hurt, loves that hurt, irritate, because they are not reciprocated, but the word of God tells us how you comment that true love, does not get angry, does not hold a grudge, does not do anything wrong. Love covers everything ... love makes you happy and takes you to care, appreciate what God has given you to love.
truly this post cheered my heart, thank you because your teachings always remind us of the greatest "Love" (Jesus Christ).
God bless and enlarge your Ministry.
Thanks I give to God for belonging to this great family of steemchur and to be blessed also through the word that you sow day by day in our hearts.

Great publication dear apostle @darlenys01!
Love... without a doubt a beautiful feeling, God means love and we love him. Some verses of the Bible that mark love can be:

Love is patient, it is kind. Love is not envious or boastful or proud. He does not behave rudely, he is not selfish, he does not get angry easily, he does not hold a grudge. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-5

Do everything with love.
1 Corinthians 16:14

And we have come to know and believe that God loves us. God is love. He who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
1 John 4:16

No doubt they are verses that teach us a lot about love, thank you my dear apostle @ darlenys01 for letting us work with you and preach the verse: "Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 22:39

Beautiful publication!
God loves us and we love God, love our neighbor. Thank you for making us part of this great team as it is @ sc-v, thank you for taking us into account and loving us in that way as you love us. The coexistence we have with those people we love so much is shaped by love, a beautiful feeling and mentioned many times in the Bible.

Matthew 22: 37-40
37 Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is similar: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

40 All the law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.

God bless you apostol @ darlenys01!

Wow ... @darlenys, excellent teaching, love is such a broad and difficult to express feeling among humans, but God teaches us how to love, the Bible says that he left us a new commandment "Love one another, as I have loved".
Thank you for sharing this powerful word.

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