in #steemchurch6 years ago



Well, it does not do me any good to have all the knowledge of the world, all the knowledge of the Scriptures, to have all the gifts of God or to know all the prophecies IF TRULY THERE IS NO LOVE IN ME.
Without love nothing of what I do and I say has some value. THE EXCENT ROAD OF THE CHRISTIAN said Paul that was LOVE.

I ask myself this reflection, Am I acting with true love when I preach the gospel of salvation to others? Is love my main motivation? Jesus said; "If you love me you will keep my commandments" We all know that those commandments to which our Lord Jesus referred are summarized in this: You will love the Lord, your God, with all your heart ...... and you will love your neighbor as yourself "-


Today GOD'S GIFTS are given great importance, but GIFTS OF GOD have been forgotten. Every Christian must transmit these "fruits" to the world, and the Bible says that having those fruits is the manifestation that God is in our lives. .
The fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23)


It is the translation of the Greek: "AGAPE". It means: affection, good will, love, benevolence, affectionate spirit, "the ability, the power and the determination to love the people we do not want." Paul begins the list of the fruit of the Spirit with "AGAPE", love that really makes the rest of the manifestations are a consequence, without love there can not be the other characteristics but with the whole they are a natural and logical consequence, because love extends and manifests itself to the other characteristics of the Spirit. Love is a gift of God, it is an attribute of God because God is love. (1Jn.4: 8). Love is the fundamental basis for the manifestation of ministerial gifts. (1Cor.13: 1-13) According to Colossians, love is the virtue that unites all characteristics in perfection or as other versions translate: Love is the bond of perfection; Perfect link. Love is the fulfillment of the law "So the fulfillment of the law is love. (Rom.13: 10). Love has the virtue of vitalizing and putting faith into action.

From the Greek voice: "JARA". What it means: joy, joy, from ALLY the infinitive: JOIREIN: rejoice, be happy, joyful, be full of joy. This verb is used in the N.T.

Joy has to do with the permanent joy of the individual who believes in Christ as the whole Christian congregation is called to experience it. A quality of life based on the eternal and secure relationship of the son of God with his heavenly Father. The cult of the Old Testament was full of joy and this was expressed in festivals and tumultuous celebrations, the Hebrew psaltery was a clear manifestation of joy often centered in the temple (Ps.16: 8) (Ps 42: 4).

One of the qualities of Christian character that represents the word "SHALOM": It means: A total well-being, which also implies tranquility serenity of the spirit.

The emphasis here is on peace with God, a blessing based on the relationship with God, it also includes peace with oneself and with circumstances, God is called God of Peace (Rom.15: 33- 16:20

Inner peace is the gift of Christ or a gift made to us (Jn.14: 27 - John 20:19). Outer peace is the relationship with God that He wants us to have with our neighbors that we live with them in harmony, in calm we maintain a good and sincere friendship. (Mt.5: 9) (Mt. 12:14)

From the Greek: "MAKROTHYMIA". It means: long-suffering, mildness, indulgence.

There is no spirit of resentment, it is a balance of all temperaments and passions, completely opposed to anger. When there is patience there is constancy, firmness and perseverance, the one who is patient is tolerant, lenient and indulgent, It also means: Resist with patience.

It also means KINDNESS, It is being nice to another, the opposite of hardness. It comes from Greek: "JRESTÓTES". It means: goodness, integrity, excellence of character, the adjective "JRESTOS" means benevolent.

(Lc.5: 39) (1Pe.2: 3). It also means: good in character.

It is the translation of the Greek: "AGATHOSUNE". It means: "benevolence, goodness, rectitude of heart and life", quality of good man (Agathos): good. Therefore it means more generosity. To guide good works, to have a good character to show our Christian love with deeds to others and to our neighbors. In God, goodness is infinite, the Bible shows us. God said to Moses, after he had interceded for Israel "I will make all my goodness pass before your face and proclaim the name of the Lord before you, and I will have mercy on Israel and I will be Clement. (Ex.33: 19).

From the Greek "PISTIS". It means: "Fidelity" the character of one can be trusted, points out the passive meaning of faith, trustworthy, faithfulness, honesty, trust in one another's dealings, loyalty. In Galatians 5: 22.- "FAITH". It is not trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, nor is it a theological doctrine. It is an ethical virtue, it is a virtue that distinguishes the Christian in his relationships and experiences therefore, PISTIS, here does not mean faith of merely believes at random, if not FIDELITY, honesty, loyalty, this word can be used in the sense of fidelity ..

This comes from the Greek: "PRAUTES". It means: kindness, affability, meekness, sweet friendship opposed to harshness, bad temper, sudden anger, meekness endures discomfort, this fruit can manifest when they are totally surrendered to God.

The meekness of God does not imply weakness, the believer filled with the Holy Spirit will manifest meekness, he can also know the power of indignation, but he will also be meek. The high place that is granted to meekness in the list of human virtues is due to the example and teaching of Jesus Christ.

From the Greek word: "ENGKATEIA". It means: The control of oneself, also known as "OWN DOMAIN", is one of the cardinal Christian virtues in temperance, we are admonished to be moderate and balanced in our behavior, It is self-control in thought, in our anger , our speaking, the exercise of self-control reflects the power of God in our life.

The Apostle Paul uses the term in relation to the working of the Spirit of God, so it does not exalt the natural man's will, but it makes us see that the spiritual life encompasses the control of the passions and impulses that are proper to the old man, so we understand how it becomes a manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit of God has in it a mutual relationship that none of the nine are separated, all are together in essence but based on love. We must not confuse "Works of the Flesh" with the "Fruit of the Spirit", there is a great and incomparable difference.

The manifestations of the flesh are called WORKS because they are facts and acts of the result of the interior of man, when he is without the grace of God and are classified as SINS, "MORAL IMPURITY" "IMMORALITY, IMMUNITY", sins of occultism and everything that follows in (Gal.5: 19-21)

The fruit of the Holy Spirit indicates unity, (Singular)

While the works of the flesh in their plurality cause conflict and confusion
The fruit of the Spirit originates harmony.

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