Biblical stories for children: "The great flood"

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Greetings to the family of the blockchain.

In the biblical stories for children, we will deal with A Great Flood in the Days of Noah, "which is based on (Genesis 7: 10-24 and Genesis 8: 1-7).

People outside the ark

Outside the ark, people continued their lives as before. They still did not believe that the Flood would come. They must have laughed more than ever. But a short time later they stopped laughing.


Suddenly the water began to fall.

Suddenly, the water began to fall from the sky, as when one spills water from a bucket. Noah was right! But nobody else could enter the ark. Jehovah God had closed the door well.

Soon all the low ground was covered. The water looked like great rivers. He pushed the trees and moved large stones and made a lot of noise. The people got scared. They climbed to higher ground. Oh, how much they wish they had paid attention to Noah and gotten into the ark when the door was still open! But now it was too late.


Water continued to rise and rise.

For 40 days and 40 nights, water fell from the sky. He climbed the mountains, and soon even the tallest ones were covered. As God had said, all the people and animals that were outside the ark died. But everyone inside was safe.


It stopped raining, the sun began to shine.

Noah and his children had done a good job of making the ark. The water lifted her, and she floated overhead. Then, one day, when it stopped raining, the sun began to shine. What a view! There was only one great ocean everywhere. And the only thing you could see was the ark floating above.

There were no giants anymore. They would not cause harm to people again. They had all died, along with their mothers and other bad people.

God now blew a wind, and the waters of the flood began to fall. Five months later, the ark was on the top of a mountain. Many days passed, and those inside were able to look outside and see the top of the mountains. The waters kept going down and down.

Then Noah let a bird out of the ark. He flew for a while and then came back because he could not find a good place to stay. He kept doing this, and every time he returned he rested in the ark.

Noah wanted to see if the waters had been drained from the earth, so he sent a dove from the ark. She also came back, because she did not find where to stay. Noah sent her a second time, and she returned with an olive leaf in her beak. The waters had fallen. Noah sent the pigeon for the third time, and finally found a dry place to live.

Now God spoke to Noah. He said: "Get out of the ark, take with you all your family and animals." They had been in the ark for more than a year. Imagine how happy they were to be outside again and alive!


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