God Needs You

in #steemchurch6 years ago

God is omnipotent and He is capable of doing anything all by Himself. He can do all things withtout the help of anyone but He still works with man to get things done. God always need a man to accomplish His mission here on earth. Without a man it will be impossible for God to get anything done here on earth.

This is becuase the earth He created was given to man to take dominion over all as well as everything that dwells in it. The earth God created belongs to man who was made of flesh and blood and not for spirits.

It is therefore illegal for any spirit being to operate here on earth without a man's permission. This is why spirit always needs a body before they can actively function in the realm of the natural.

All the spirit beings that lives among men and operates in diverse ways are all doing so illegally. It is like you are an illegal immigrant in another country. You can be deported or even jailed when you are arrested.

When God wanted to send the Messiah to come die for sinful mankind He could have send him anyway but then that would have been a trespass on another's jurisdictional area. God needed a man's permission before He could send His son to the earth. God could have send the Messiah anyway but that would mean going against His own word which He said in the beginning:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. Genesis 1:26

God needs you and I for His work here on earth. He had us in mind when He was creating the earth and everything in it, that we should take dominion over all and make His will come to pass.

Without us His will come never be fulfilled. God will not do away with us when he wants to do anything in this world of ours. He has plans for us that He wants each and everyone of us to accomplish.


Know that you the only one and the right man for His special purpose. No one can do the things you do and no one can replace you when you die for God made you so special for His use. He needs you so that His plans for humanity can come through.

You are special to God, do not look down on yourself.


We are indeed special to God ,we have to serve Him and never forget who We are to Him...Thanks @collinz

God bless you we all have a purpose that uses a task.

God bless you all we must value ourselves because God loves us all equally

Thanks for motivation 🙂

we have to keep our eyes on God....then everything posible:)

god bless you

God created man purposely to worship him, so we must work according to the purpose in which we were created.

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