Goodmorning readers and@steemchurch
12:11 Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the lord
it was The only passport visa to see God, his peace and holiness. You make life hard for you if you are not holy.
13:15 The way of transgressor is hard.
A transgressor is a sinner, a sinner is a wicked person because he does not value is soul.
7:11 God is angry with the wicked everyday.
Sinner man, do you want to pray to a God that is angry with you? The only prayer you can pray is the prayer of repentance. Titles and offerings minus holiness is equal to hell fire. Church work minus holiness is equal to hell fire. Singing in the choir minus holiness is equal to hell fire. Christianity is a call to holiness.
4:7for God has not called us unto uncleanliness but unto Holiness
Holy people who go to church are not Christians. They are something else. Adultery, fornication, stealing, harlotry,lying, occultism, unforgiveness - if you engage in the above or any other sin you are a candidate of hell. You can't dress like a harlot and call yourself a child of God. You can't wear a very long skirt and live in unforgiveness or malice that is an error.