What if being a Christian was Outlawed...

in #steemchurch6 years ago

If being a Christian was outlawed would there be enough evidence to convict you of being one? That was the subject of a sermon given by Rev. Rich VanderKlok many years ago that has really stuck with me. Persecution of Christians in America is still not what it is elsewhere, nobody is getting killed here, yet. As “identity politics” continues to escalate in its focus on our differences what persecution we do have isn’t going to decline. Especially when such a large portion of the population would prefer socialism over capitalism. Since hearing that sermon I have made a conscience effort to make sure there is plenty of evidence both in writings like this and in documented membership and financial support exactly where I stand on the subject of religion. When I am judged I do not want to hear Jesus say “I never knew you”.
God, Religion, Cross, Christianity, Religious![](


Wow, that is a powerful thought experiment. I had never considered it from that angle - clever sermon!

Yes, it really stuck with me since 1980 when I heard it.

Great post and thoughts. I certainly hope to not hear those awful words, to me the worst that could ever be said about a person and how they lived.

I try to practice my faith daily. I tell people I'll pray for them or their child, etc., and then I do, for years... I attend and participate weekly in Church. I fill my mind with Christian music. I try to love people. But I should try asking someone, that would be the real evidence.

Oh, and I'm resteeming this post!

Thank you so much for the resteem. I had a faith renewal in May when I had a stroke. Then I had a crisis of faith during the struggle for recovery. I went to a stroke survivor group last night and saw people who aren't faring nearly as well as I am so it has put me back on track. I have 90% of my life back and I should be more grateful!

I have a dear friend. She went through a divorce in 2009. She didn't know anything about finances and had to learn and get herself in order to be a single mother to her 9 year old twin daughters. In fall of 2016 her boyfriend who I knew and a great guy had an aneurysm in her house and died. She went through hell and I recommended books, lots of prayers and lots of phone calls to help her get back on track. She was doing great.

I text her a week ago and asked how she was doing because I hadn't heard from her in a while. She called. She said "brace yourself. I was at our rock climbing gym and fell from 30 ft and broke my back. I had emergency surgery and am paralyzed from the waste down."

I talk with a lot of people who are struggling with various things. I have a unique position going through so much in my own life that I can often help people gain some perspective. I've stopped several people in their tracks over the past week as they told me about their situation and I told them I was going to gift them with some perspective and told them about my friend.

I've learned that there is always someone who has it worse then us. We always need perspective. Believe it or not, I know someone who has it worse than my friend. I gifted her last night with perspective. She is expectedly struggling. But I believe one of the things we are meant to do with horrific situations is learn from them and gain perspective. The struggles and situations are meant to be shared so that not only the person who overcomes these situations or health scares can benefit, but all who are struggling. We must share. I believe it's part of why God allows them to happen and also so we can learn to be grateful for what we do have.

Thank you for sharing your story!

You are welcome! That is my perspective as well. Also, when bad things happen to good people it gives others a chance to step up and do the right thing. I recently had a stroke and during rehabilitation told my therapists to show me no mercy. I have 95% of my life back. My mother-in-law (who lives with us) had one two days after I came back from the hospital. She is not doing well and does not want to. She is giving others the opportunity to step up while she does not to this new challenge. Unfortunate.

I saw a video on YouTube last night about a court case in Pennsylvania involving a country couple being charged for having bible studies in their home. Something to do with zoning restrictions for places of worship nonsense.
It’s time to start standing our ground on what we believe. The time will come when people will have to decide where their true faith lies.

That's sad, I had not seen that yet.

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