A creature of value.

Hello people around the world. Here are a few words of motivation.

key texts: Zachariah 2: 8; Genesis 1: 26-28; Psalm 50; Philippians 4: 13; 1 peter 2: 9.

  • The big question here is, how valuable are we?

We are as valuable as the apple of God's eye. Zachariah 2 verse 8 makes us to understand that we are very valuable to God, He made us in His image and that makes us very valuable; we are a reflection of the divinity of God on earth.

  • We are creatures of priceless value, God waited for the last day to create us because He needed the consent of the trinity, He said "Let's create man in our own image and likeness", so we are the exact reflection of God.

  • Many people's destiny are attached to ours, so we have to move forward and know that we are valuable and our success will lead to their success.

  • Live a life of "I CAN"; "I WILL"; and "I MUST". Do not be-little yourself because, your life holds value, don't ever think for once that you are useless.

You are God's favorite, do not let man make you feel otherwise. Have a blessed day.

[Original content written by me]
[Image source: Google]

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