in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Hello Kings and Queens of God's Kingdom!

Today I would share with you all some success strategies i have learnt in life and it's working.

Real battles are not usually won by people who have the best opportunities in life but by people who have the highest techniques.

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He who has the key opens the door first and faster than he who has the hammer.

It takes secret to emerge a Success

There are five attribute you need to possess in order to be successful.

  • VISION: A writer said "Vision is a picture of the future you want to feature.

You could se vision as a microscopic view into your feature that could be likened to dreams.

Numbers 12:6 says "he said, “Listen to my words: “When there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, reveal myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams".


  • It gives you hope: life without hope is the bus stop next to death.

When a man says " I have no hope" the man is better buried even though he may be alive.

Vision gives a man hope that it could get better afterall no matter how bad it things had become.

Hope is a spice that keeps life alive, but vision brings hope.

  • Vision gives you an endpoint: Every titration without an endpoint is a chemical play likewise every examination without a result doesn't show any rating of someone's performance.

Vision gives you a picture of where you are supposed to be heading to.

  • Vision gives you purpose: Purpose is the reason for living, whatever a man does without purpose is not worth doing.

Little mind have wishes, great minds have lessons.

  • Vision makes you creative: Vision brings out the power of creativity in a man when he discovers where he is going to, he fashions out a means to get there.

DETERMINATION : The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step and that step is determination. The most dangerous man is one who declared "I have made up my mind no going back".

Daniel 1:8 says "But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way".

You could feel the level of determination he possessed.

Determination is the gear a man pushes upwards when faced with a challenge.

For a determined mind, Failure is never an option.

The man who invented electricity tried 999 times and failed and then succeeded when he tried once more.

When he was mocked for failing that number of times he said "No I didn't fail, i only learnt 999 ways of not getting it right".

I hope your felt the resilience in his words.

Not all things are successfully done only once.


*Determination brings persistence: Determination gives birth to persistence, persistence carries patience along then success becomes inevitable.

The story of woman's story in the bible clearly explains this point Luke 18:1-5 says
Vs 1

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.


He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought.


And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’


“For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think,

yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”

You can also read up Mark 10:46-52.

  • Determination makes you believe more that you can: Whatever a man believes he can do is what he can do.

If a man doesn't believe in himself, no one else can.
The failure if a man I'd never initiated by God but by him.

  • Determination disciplines a man: Discipline is the attribute of an achiever, it is a man restricting himself and subjecting himself to a set of rules with purpose of achieving a particular goal.

  • COURAGE: Courage is a deadly weapon if fight for the future, courage is a state of being brave, a quality that enables a man to control fear in the face of danger.

The greatest enemy of courage is fear and it's best friend is faith.

The phrase "Be strong and of good courage is mentioned in scriptures repeatedly as in Deut 31:6-7, Deut 31:31, Joshua 1:6-7, Joshua 1:9 etc.

Courage is the coil that manufacture strength in the Youth.

Any youth whose slangs is usually "I AM AFRAID" never gets far in anything.

It takes courage to challenge circumstances (1 Sam 17:45-47)

Running away from problems has never solved one, facing it does.

Therefore, when faced with tough intimidating challenge, Face it back then do the following:

  • Speak words of faith : Battles of life are first won or lost by words. Once your faith is in place, it takes only your words to move mountain.

  • Take a bold step: Speaking a lot of words without backing it up with actions is as good as beating a drum without dancing along with the rhythm.

Words speaks first, Action speaks louder.

Taking an action is practicing the theory.

  • HARDWORK: Hardwork is the major tool of success in life. Hardwork is a grammatical construct made up of 2 words: "Hard and work", this is more like having a person dedicating his entire self, effort and commitment to his job or assignment.

The opposite is laziness see (proverbs 6:6-11), while most people could accept the word- "work", they become afraid when the word "Hard" is attached before it.

Hardwork is what makes faith potent, The scriptures say that Faith without work is dead (James 2:14-26).

Faith only starts working with WORKS not TALKS.

Success is never attainable without Hardwork.


  • It prepares you for a future assignment, every field is a preparatory ground.

  • It justifies you, see (James 2:24), you don't need faith alone but works too.

  • Hardwork promotes you, scripture says "seest thou a man diligent in his works/business, he shall stand before kings.

  • Hardwork chases away poverty (Prov 6:10-11).

  • WORD OF GOD: It takes God's WORD to succeed in this WORLD.

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Joshua 1:8 says "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful".

God's word is God himself (Jn1:1). There is only one thing you can do without God which is NOTHING.

God is never associated with failure and success is never attainable without him (In 15:5).


It gives you light, Psalm 119 vs 105 says "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path".

God's light is very powerful and it chases every dangerous thing existing in your life.

Do well to apply these strategies in your daily living, I hope you enjoyed reading if yes could you please Upvote and Resteem for more visibility.

Thanks alot, am @cherylsonty

Keep steeming!
Much love💓


Hi there!!?

We found your post valuable to the steemchurch/steemit community

Thanks for sharing with us some of the principles of success



Interesting read

Thanks for reading

Warm regards


Love your strategies here!!
God bless you!!
Big Hugs!! 0x0x0

successfully come s from the lord and the lord gives everyone thing.
It's important to live together as one because mighty things and great things will always be achieved by putting our hands together
For he has given us platform which is the bible to always live in peace and unity
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Vision, hardwork, determination, courage and to crown it all The Word Of God, but i found out that being around successful people can be a catalyst to success.
Your association matters alot, i have learnt to associate my self with creative and bright minds.

Very correct my brother, having successful people around could leave you with no choice than to join the trail.

Longlive the church!

Success is like a viral infection, when your peers are successful you have no choice but to be successful through hard work and determination of course.

Project your vision and abide to it because your Vision brings out the power of creativity in a man when he discovers where he is going to, he fashions out a means to get there

Thanks for this insightful content.
Everybody want to be successful but few are ready to pay the price.
Success is a wide animal and when not properly tamed, it can sent one to be among those at the pit.
With Vision, hardwork, determination, courage and God at the center of our plans,we can make wave

This is great.
It takes someone that really knows where he/she is going to really end up in his/her destination.
If we don't know where we are going to, everywhere will be like road. With vision, we can be motivated even though we face challenges on the way, we will surely not be move. Vision and hardwork with determination and courage coupled with the Word Of God alongside prayer and obedience will surely end with success story.

Thanks for this charge.
Success is a journey that required our commitment. God is always ready to play His own part but He also required us to play our own part for us to fulfilled destiny.
We need to have vision of where we are going to, we need to commit our journey into the hands of God, We need to work hard both physically and spiritually in order not to lost in the way, Determination will help us to continue on the journey even when things are not rossy and Courage will help us to take some risk that will launch us into our dreams.

All Successful people know that to accomplish anything of value, one needs to set goals. Unless you know where you are going, you will never ever arrive there!.
Wonderful post friend.

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