in #steemchurch6 years ago

We gain peace with God through facing the truth about the changes He is asking us to make. God never asks us to do something with out giving us the ability to do it. Truth is not easy to face, but it is the avenue to peace. When we hide from, avoid and evade God, we are usually running from His will for us.


A man once told me he had run from God's truth for so long he had finally run past himself. He meant that he had totally lost and any understanding of what God wanted for him. He was confused and miserable. He felt like a total failure, as if he had completely wasted his life. He was depressed, discouraged and without vision for his future.

I don't think I have ever seen anyone who was more unhappy and pitiful than he was. Why, because he had spent time doing what he wanted to do, what he felt like doing, rather than walk in God's plan for him. He was reaping what he sown, just as we all ultimately do.

I thank God for the ability to turn around and go the right direction. That is actually what true repentance is. It is not just feeling sorry, but also a decision to go in the direction from now on. We get into trouble through making a series of wrong decisions, and we will get our lives straightened out by a series of right decisions. It took more than a day to get into trouble, and it will take more than a day to get out. Anyone who is ready and willing to make real investment of time and right choice can see his or her life turn around for the better. God's mercy is new every day. He is waiting to give you mercy, grace, favor and help; all you have to do is to say yes to whatever God is requiring.

We cannot get lazy and start letting things slip. Each time God convict us of wrong behavior, we need to listen to Him. Anytime we lose our peace even slightly, we need to stop and find out what is wrong. That loss of peace is God letting us know something is not going the way He wants it to go.

We gain a right relationship with God through complete surrender to Him, and through repentance of all of our sins. We maintain it through continued right living; making right choices, honouring our conscience, and following peace. Being a successful Christian is a full-time job; we must be on guard all the time against the deception of satan.

Just going to church for an hour on Sunday morning is not enough to maintain peace. We need megadoses of God's word, prayer and regular fellowship with God and other godly people in order to stand fast in the God's will.


Peace with God is available to every person, but we cannot have it on our own terms. Surrender seems so frightening because we are not sure what God may require. Will we suffer? Will God ask us to do things we don't want to do or don't even know how to do? Will we ever get to have any of the things we want? We all have these questions.

We may not get things our way, but we can trust that God's way is better. God is a good God, and He said that He has good things planned for His children:

For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says he Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. (Jeremiah 29:11)

We should not be afraid of harm, because God is not an ogre, He is not mean. He is good. Everything good in life comes from God. He wants us to trust Him, and when we take a step of faith to do so, we will see the goodness of God manifest in our lives. The more we surrender, the better life becomes.


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We need to be truthful in serving God and when we do so, we'll have peace of mind.
Thank you for this wonderful message.

Thanks alot @sc-n, God bless you

Posted using Partiko Android

I’m glad in my spirit for this same peace that comes as a result of acceptance to the truth dear @charleswealth.

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:1-2

Amen! Thanks a lot brother.

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Thank you brother for this added contribution, it's very appreciated.... God bless you.

Posted using Partiko Android

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