Religion vs Gospel

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Jesus reaffirmed the Father's purpose saying that we should "love our neighbor" and, in many cases, our neighbor is that person who is on our side, who lives on the margin of religion. While religion pragmatically approaches fanatics, it also excludes many lives because of its rules that have nothing to do with the person of Jesus. Religion does not teach much about the neighbor, because the focus of religion presents a list of personal behaviors that leads people within themselves to fulfill the goals, while the Gospel of Jesus leads us to the other.


Religion is apparently good, but she is dangerous. In most of the times, religion blinds people, and people who are blinded by religious concepts do not see that they are far from God's standards, even though religion cites the things of God, since it blinds and imprisons the person in its elaborate fabrics, while Jesus frees us. The Pharisees tried to imprison and mold Jesus in human traditions, but He only rebounded the religiosity of his time. In reality, Jesus severely criticized hypocritical religiosity and showed that the Gospel was not a record of what he can or can not do, what he can or can not eat, what day is sacred or not. Jesus showed that the Gospel is much more than a human formula, it is a relationship of love with God, the Father.

Religion is human and contaminated, since the Gospel is a gift from God. The relationship with God, which is essentially love, is governed by love, and that relationship leads us to love the people around us, as God, the Father, has loved us. Religion limits us, and the Gospel liberates us, and that liberation promotes a loving life. Religion is preparing for its liturgical dates, while the Gospel teaches us to live intensely "today" as if it were our last day. Religion is a human movement to approach God, since the Gospel is a movement of God, the Father, to approach his lost creation. The gospel seduces us and forces us to love like Jesus, and that is enough for us. We love more to spread the love of God visualized in Jesus.



Dear @celestial15

The Gospel that Jesus presented to us is intended to lead us to a pleasant lifestyle before God, where love and communion play an important role in the relationship with God.

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