Christian life of excellence

in #steemchurch6 years ago


What is excellence in God's work?

It is a total dedication, without reservations, to try to surpass oneself, to do something with all diligence, it means to try to perfect our talents in the best we can for the glory of God. The apostle Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:17 that:. "The man of God be perfect, fully prepared for every good work, we must seek to serve God with all priority and the brothers with the best we can offer." Mat.6: 33 Seek the kingdom of God first.

The secular world is very competitive, and for that many spend hours of training; Study, sweat and a lot of dedication and training. For example: in sports; One of the best goalkeepers in Brazil had already called Rogerio Ceni. He says that to perfect his technique of collecting fouls, he was the first to arrive at training and the last to leave.

Airton Sena? Known as the best Formula 1 driver, perhaps the best the world has already known this said by his number 1 opponent Michael Schumaker. He walked carefully every circuit a day before the race to know every inch of the track, which a day later would almost fly by. Here is a sentence of the winner: "In relation to commitment, commitment, effort, dedication, there is no middle ground, either you do something well done, or you do not do it. "

1 - How to achieve a high level of excellence?

A) Getting to know the word of God deeply. Psalm 1: 2 (Blessed is the man) Before he has his pleasure in the law of the Lord, and in his law he meditates day and night.

B) Have a daily life of prayer and communion with God. Daniel 6:10 Daniel, then, when he heard that the edict was signed, went into his house (there were already open windows on the side of Jerusalem in his room), and three times a day he would fall on his knees, and pray, and give thanks. before his God, as he also used to do before.

C) Deciding to overcome carnal human nature. Colossians 3: 1-2, who have risen with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Think of the things that are above, and not those that are of the earth;

  1. As for everything always do the best for God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 So if you eat or drink, or do something else, do everything for the glory of God.

Fil. 2:14 Do all things without murmuring or arguing; God does not want our rest, our surplus.

Ephesians 2:10 For we were made, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared for us to walk in them. These verses by themselves already show well our duty as believers that they should be well committed in all the time, because He is always good, and always He is good.



In the Bible we find several examples of people similar to us, and who decided to be excellent in worship of the true GOD, I cite some examples:

Abel - Hebrews 11: 4 The perfection of his sacrifice cost him his own life.

Enoch loved God. He closed his ears the voice of his perverse generation that surrounded him, to hear only God. About Enoch says: Genesis 5:23 And all the days of Enoch 365 years. And Enoch walked with God (For 365 years he walked with God); and he did not appear again, because God took it for himself. His closeness to divine things was so great that God took him to heaven without going through death.

Daniel is another biblical character, he was taken captive to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and decided not to drink the king's wine or food. In Daniel 1: 8: "And Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the portion of the king's food, nor with the wine that he drank, Young Daniel served in his generation with excellence." Even under the test, he was faithful, brave, firm, brave and victorious He overcame his own limitations The Babylonian empire fell, and the Medes and Persians that followed also fell, but it was Daniel, and he remained among the great, always one of the rulers of the kingdom.

How expert is Daniel was in his professional activity? But he was more of a disciplined, dedicated man, more than an intelligent man.

In the Bible he says he prayed 3 times a day. He was with his GOD, he was delaying before God, and he was not ashamed of that: Daniel 6:10. The story we already know, the decree was made that no other god would be worshiped if not Darius; and Daniel remained firm, he did not yield, and he came out alive from the pit of the lions, being an instrument in the hands of God so that the most powerful man in the world of the time, King Darius, would declare by decree that the GOD of Daniel was the only true GOD.


We have noticed that today, the life of some Christians is lukewarm, pathetic, not alive as it should be. They are no longer the salt of the earth and the light of the world. The good example of Daniel must be imitated and even burn in our hearts to motivate us to live a life of delivery. Talking about JESUS ​​'love does not burn the hearts of these people anymore, as at the beginning of the Christian life. Tears are almost no longer spilled, you look at the altar at the time of the call and few are there. The heroes no longer bow before the king.

The vast majority of our believers are made of mere spectators, they are in the arena no more to fight. We are living a generation of discontented believers, dissatisfied with everything and accommodated with sin. This generation if it continues like this doomed to failure. Generation of slow believers, timid, undone and ashamed, there is no more excellence in the things of the Lord, we need to wake up while it is time.

Ephesians 5:14 Therefore he says: Awake, you who sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ will make you clear.

Rom 12: 2 And do not be conformed to this world ...

Moses - Hebrews 11:24 to 26. It is said that Moses changed the luxury of Pharaoh's palaces in the desert. He changed the passing pleasure for suffering together with the people of God, Moses could live in the palace as a prince, but he opened everything to obey the voice of God.

5 - my commitment to God must be master forever

I must love him above all my strength and with all my goods, Moses gave total priority, without reservations.

II Peter 1: 5-7 And also, putting all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue, knowledge; to knowledge, mastery, and in temperance patience, and patience, piety, and to piety brotherly love, and to brotherly love charity.

Hebrews 12: 2 Looking to Jesus, author and finisher of the faith, who, for the joy that was proposed to him, endured the cross, despising the insult, and sat at the right hand of the throne of God.

How many opportunities have we had to approach God? How much light is placed before us? How many warnings through sermons and appeals have we received? We find this text in Colossians: "And whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that you must receive from the Lord the reward of the inheritance, because to Christ the Lord, minister. " Colossians 3: 23-24

If I am the teacher, that I am the best teacher, if I am a physiotherapist, that I am the best that I can be. That I be a great professional, I integrate everything. That I am the best neighbor on the street where I live. In the spiritual life it is not different; If I am a Christian I am the best, not a Christian shadow, not a make-believe, it is not a project, I am a believer par excellence.

"Give your way to the Lord, trust him, and he will do it." Psalm 37: 5. This is a great invitation, to give our ways to the Lord, our attitudes, our choices, our desires, our decisions. We can not have our reserves, He must have all the prominence. God's promise does not fail, "He will do everything."

He invites you to be an excellent Christian. He does not want you to be good, not great, God wants you and me to excel, our best! Do you want to be a committed Christian today? A 100% Christian?


6 - Excellence A total priority TIME

Jesus brings us in Luke 16: 8b a confronting statement: ... the children of darkness are more capable in their generation than the children of light.

Important Note: skill here means dedication, effort, development of potential.

Our dedication must be total, without reservations, with diligence. Excellence means not being content with what we are, it is trying to perfect our talents for the glory of God.

We need to live excellence in everything we do, whether preaching, teaching, counseling, directing praise, touching the altar, managing, working or whatever we do. This is God's challenge for us. Our personal testimony speaks louder than our words.

Titus 2: 7, In everything he gives you as an example of good works; in the doctrine shows incorruption, gravity, sincerity,

Phi 4: 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, in that they think.

Deut. 18:13 "You shall be perfect, as the Lord your God."

In the gallery of the heroes of the faith is written:

Hebrews 11: 33,34 who by faith conquered kingdoms, did righteousness, obtained promises, covered the mouths of lions, 34 extinguished the violence of fire, escaped from the edge of the sword, from weakness, became strong in battle fought, put in Escape the armies of strangers.


The fulfillment of the word of God will take us to the decision making with purposes. Excellence is part of those who obey divine principles. Thanks for sharing



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Regards appreciated @celestial15

I think we should focus on imitating the example that Jesus left us. The more we resemble Him, the better Christians we will be.
Thanks for sharing.

I also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to invite him to support @STEEMCHURCH in the 20K SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan.

Yours, Juan

Hola @celestial15

Amigo , es un gusto para mi enviarte una gran abrazo, en esta oportunidad me dirijo a ti para pedir por tus buenos oficios y consideres votar por la cuenta @steemchurch, ellos realizan una gran labor en Venezuela y en esta oportunidad esta solicitando nuestro apoyo para por obtener una delegación de 20K de STEEM POWER por un año en el concurso que lleva a cabo @theycallmedan. Con la siguiente pregunta:

¿A qué proyecto Steem debo delegar 20k SteemPower durante 1 año?

Eso seria muy grandioso para todos a los que esta cuenta le da apoyo. Y mucho mas grandioso por todos los Venezolanos que la apoyamos en su gran labor.

Espero que puedas considerar votar por @steemchurch,

Aquí esta el enlace para votar: ¿A qué proyecto Steem debo delegar 20k SteemPower durante 1 año?

Which Steem Project Should I Delegate 20k SteemPower To For 1 Year?

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