The biblical figure of the oil

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Hello family of steemchurch, Venezuelans are living through many calamities due to problems with electricity. I have confidence that soon this will be restored.

My message today talks about oil in the Bible.


Now, after having put the flour, add the olive oil. Please observe the sequence: do not put the oil first and then the flour, but first the flour and then the oil! "The flour in the vessel will not run out and the oil in the bottle will not dry ..." (1Reis 17.14). In the Bible, oil is a figure for the Holy Spirit (Matthew 25.1-13) - You will only be filled with the Holy Spirit ("the oil in the canister will not dry") if you are willing to become flour!

If we, believers, are willing to walk the path of the cross in practice, then we also live the promise of God with respect to the Holy Spirit! Flour and oil! He who allows himself to be internally crushed and broken manages to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Without brokenness there is no victory, without weakness there is no power, without poverty there is no wealth, without emptiness there is no fullness! You hear a lot of talk in "fire of the Holy Spirit," but most do not know what that means.

The oil is a figure for the Holy Spirit.
When Jesus was baptized, how did the Holy Spirit come upon him? In the form of a dove (Matthew 3.16).

The pigeon means "peace". How did the Holy Spirit come upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost? In the form of tongues of fire (Acts 2.3). Fire means "condemnation." The same Spirit "will convince the world of sin, of justice and of judgment" (John 16.8).


As a result, we are judged increasingly deeply. The "becoming flour" and filling it with the Holy Spirit are inseparably interconnected. In that condition we feel no strength of our own, but only the sensation of weakness and misery.

However, those who are weak, those who are nothing, these are the vessels prepared for the Holy Spirit. It is also only these who are filled with the Holy Spirit.



Very good Carolina, thanks for sharing with us!

Resteem by: EC

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