Thanks God

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


"For by grace you are saved, through faith, and this does not come from you, it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2.8)


I remember that word from time to time, and its multiple meanings. Grace, according to people more experienced than me, since I am a little young, it was a way of asking the name of another person. The first time I heard this, I found grace, but that is another meaning.

When someone wanted to know the other's name, he said: "What is his grace?" But, with certainty, it is not that sense that we want to emphasize here.

Well, grace can also be "beauty, elegance," but it's not my strength.

In Genesis 6: 8, we read: "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." You must have already perceived that the word grace here has nothing to do with the meanings mentioned above, but does it mean what, then? In the text quoted, it means "the unmerited favor that God granted to Noah." I do not understand? We're going to improve that.

Genesis 6 speaks of God's discontent with what was happening to humanity: "And he saw the Lord that the wickedness of man had multiplied on the earth and that all the imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The Lord repented that he had made man on earth and it weighed him in his heart, and the Lord said: I will destroy the man whom I have created on the face of the earth, from man to animal, to reptile, and the bird of the heavens, because I repent of having done them "(Genesis 6: 5-7).

The wickedness of man reached an unbearable level to the all-holy God, on the point of him deciding to destroy all of humanity. Only, in that moment, we find a verse that says: "Noah, however, found favor in the eyes of the Lord" (Genesis 6: 8). What? God decided to divert his anger from Noah, to show benevolence. That is grace.

It is good to understand that grace is "an unmerited favor," but Noah achieved that favor for a reason: "Noah was with God" (Genesis 6: 9).

Yes! The thing was ugly, the world was totally corrupt, God was not happy with humanity, but there was a man who remained faithful to the Lord. Do you realize the situation? Could it be that it makes us think about the days of today? I think.

Things are very difficult, complicated, the world is rotten, Satan is making the party and people are not noticing. Evil is increasing rapidly and intensely, but the grace of God guarantees a better life for us. How? If we walk with him, we will be saved: "For by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2: 8).

If we walk with God, like Noah, we will be protected. It is the grace of God that guarantees us. No matter how much the world is far from God, it does not matter how much God is sad with the behavior of people who do not want to know about Him. We can walk with Him in the most adverse circumstances and His grace will give us life.


The grace of God makes the weak sister @ carolina17, the grace enables you and makes people trust you because you reflect that God is with you.


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Regards appreciated @carolina17.

The lord is good. He listens to us, helps us. We are his children.
He wants us to ask him. We must ask him daily.
But before asking, we should thank Him.
Thanks for sharing.

I also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to invite him to support @STEEMCHURCH in the 20K SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan.

Yours, Juan

Amen @juanmolina thank you for reading my post. Already vote for this delegation

Thank you very much.

Hola @carolina17

Amig@ , es un gusto para mi enviarte una gran abrazo, en esta oportunidad me dirijo a ti para pedir por tus buenos oficios y consideres votar por la cuenta @steemchurch, ellos realizan una gran labor en Venezuela y en esta oportunidad esta solicitando nuestro apoyo para por obtener una delegación de 20K de STEEM POWER por un año en el concurso que lleva a cabo @theycallmedan. Con la siguiente pregunta:

¿A qué proyecto Steem debo delegar 20k SteemPower durante 1 año?

Eso seria muy grandioso para todos a los que esta cuenta le da apoyo. Y mucho mas grandioso por todos los Venezolanos que la apoyamos en su gran labor.

Espero que puedas considerar votar por @steemchurch,

Aquí esta el enlace para votar: ¿A qué proyecto Steem debo delegar 20k SteemPower durante 1 año?

Which Steem Project Should I Delegate 20k SteemPower To For 1 Year?

Already vote for this delagacion, thanks