Leadership and Integrity

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Leadership means driving on a path, getting in front. The act is similar to venturing into a place where no one has gone before - an adventure that is not for timid or weak. The leader is one of the least understood and observed phenomena on earth. However, when it comes to Christian leadership, the situation is of special importance and responsibility. The Bible reveals various requirements that Christian leaders should constitute. And one of them is integrity.

José's integrity

The testimony of the life of Joseph shows us the possibility that the leader is kept, under divine grace, whole, regardless of age and the circumstances surrounding him.

In the parents' house

Jacob's family went through various crises, laughter among the sisters, Lea and Raquel, injustice and financial intrigue, betrayal, violence, immorality and envy. In this context, he remained pure, upright and, fearing God, even living with people of a reprehensible nature.

At Potiphar's house

Joseph was thrown into a cistern by his brothers, sold as a slave to the Ishmaelites and sold to Potiphar, commander of the royal guard egípsia. Joseph was now a servant and super-powerful of Potiphar's estate. Despite being the agent of Potiphar's prosperity, Joseph did not profit from it. On the contrary, he remained whole, humble and selfless. "Joseph's faith and integrity must, however, be experienced by terrible trials." His lord's wife endeavored to seduce the young man to transgress the law of God, but strengthened by the grace and fear of God, Joseph resisted the attacks of the enemy, he did not compromise with sin, but before evil he fell back with determination and wisdom, where the purity and holiness of Joseph's character were consigned.

In jail

Accused unjustly, Joseph was arrested by his own lord. In prison, he soon won the confidence of the chief jailer. He placed him in charge of all those imprisoned, including, by the two eunuchs of Pharaoh, imprisoned for transgressing his orders. Both, cupbearer and baker, had a dream, and Joseph, by divine providence, gave them the interpretation. This shows that when one has a pure and integral character it is possible to continue at the disposal of God himself in adverse circumstances.

In the palace

In interpreting Pharaoh's dream, Joseph could become great. But he did not. He was humble and knew how to wait for the right time and God moved Pharaoh's heart to appoint him as governor of Egypt. Joseph ruled invested with an odd authority. He was the first, under Pharaoh, supreme ruler. In Gen. 41: 40-44 his status is recorded in the words of Pharaoh: "You shall administer my house, and your word obey all my people, only on the throne shall I be greater than you." Pharaoh said to Joseph, I have authority over all the land of Egypt. "So he took Pharaoh's signet ring out of his hand and put it in Joseph's hand, made him wear fine linen clothes, and put a gold necklace around his neck, and brought him up. And they cried out before him, bow down, and he made him ruler over all the land of Egypt: and Pharaoh said to Joseph, I am Pharaoh, but without your order no one will lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt. "Given some attractive and promising opportunities, the Christian leader avoids making hasty decisions. The best you can do is to fully trust the will and sovereignty of the
Sir. Certainly, Joseph would be satisfied only with his freedom, but God did much more for him than he could ask or think.

Before his brothers

The leadership exercised by José finds his climax in dealing with his brothers, who in an extremely vile manner sold him to the Ishmaelites. The moment of giving "the change", even by right, had finally arrived. He, sovereign, in absolute control of the situation, before his brothers who mercilessly betrayed him, proceeds in an unusual way. We see a man full of divine love, recognizable of the sovereignty of God, showing his love, accompanied by a strong affectionate emotion: "I am Joseph, is my father still alive?" And his brothers could not answer, because they were afraid of him. Joseph said to his brothers, "Come, come to me." And they came in. Then he said, "I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold to Egypt." Now, do not be sad, or irritate yourselves for selling me here. because for the preservation of life, God sent me before you ... And, throwing himself at the neck of Benjamin, his brother, wept, and embraced him, he wept Benjamin also, and Joseph kissed all his brothers and wept over they, afterwards, his brothers talked with him "(Gn 45: 3-5, 14,15).
The docility of this leader frankly exposes insensitive and indifferent leaders, intoxicated by power. The apostle Peter exhorts the leaders: "Shepherd the flock of God among you, not by constraint, but spontaneously, as God wants, not by sordid greed, but by good will, nor as rulers of what has been entrusted to you. , but I make you flock models "(1 Pet 5: 2,3).

Leading leaders are totally exempt from love, piety and fear of God. In general, the roughness used derives from weak figures who feel threatened, seeking to impose themselves by force. These people tend to be indisposed to listen to others, they are not teachable, and they act alone, as if they were possessors of the truth. May the figure of Joseph be inspiration to lead to repentance such sick men by power.

The work of God needs men of high standards and moral strength to engage in its dissemination. Men are sought whose hearts are reinvigorated with holy fervor, men of firm purpose, who do not shake easily, who can nullify all selfish interests and give all for the cross and the crown. The cause of present truth requires men loyal to the sense of duty and justice, whose moral integrity is unwavering and whose energy is equal to the open providence of God. Qualifications like these are more valuable than incalculable riches invested in the work and cause of God. Energy, moral integrity and firm purpose for the right are qualities that can not be compensated with any amount of gold. Men endowed with these qualifications will have influence everywhere. Their lives will be more powerful than superb eloquence. God calls men of heart, men of mind, men of moral integrity to whom He can make depositories of his truth, and who will correctly represent his principles in his daily life.


Excellent Sister! The intergrity of Jose made him an exemplary leader by loving God above all things.

Resteem by: EC


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