Diary of The Cult of Christ 02 15 2018 ...The Devil is VERY Intelligent! Your Obedience to God is Tested.

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

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It is hard to Love people that you know have carved a place for themselves in outer darkness , purgatory, delay and suffering.

The Devil is VERY Intelligent! Those who are called to serve God are tested

You know I cannot help, but think that I stumbled upon this video below on accident. I watch a few cohorts, family etc and I talk to a few fellow cohorts going through tests and tribulations right now. Those with Purpose , Destiny, Saints etc are tested the most. It is a fire that most do not want to willfully feel, but it does reveal and refine if one passes the test.

One of the Bigger Deceptions is not believing that the Devil exist or that he could have any power over you!

Even Satan will protect you to a certain extent until he gets what he wants from you or when you begin to turn back to the light . He will then throw all tools at you. You will feel like giving up, but do not!

Do you think that waves of suicidal thoughts and depression are a coincidence? Never a coincidence ! You are being tooled! All you have to do is reject it in the Lord's true name.

But know this you cannot serve God through contradictions. You should know that he has a plan for you, but why do you keep designing your own plan and even call it “ heroic,” “noble”, “life saving, ” " the better way", etc. Regardless of what you call it. It is disobedience if you delay what God calls you for and when he calls upon you. You are being distracted and confused. What you are doing is devising a plan for yourself that is constructed on the basis of a comfortable lie. It will make feel like what you are doing is "the right thing" , but if God said " Son, I need you to leave what you are doing now .....then it is best to obey him NOW or you are creating an undesirable ending and causing others to fall because they will emulate your actions and they will fall as a result. Why should you listen to his timing vs your own ? Because when he calls upon you it always means NOW. There is no tomorrow. Do not test or challenge the Lord or you open the door to hardship!

What you need to do is liberate yourself by first surrendering fully to God NOW. You will then be the example that HE asked for and then it will serve to liberate others that you have already crossed paths with by having been that EXAMPLE that God called upon vs that plan that you designed and called it "God’s work." Those of rebellion often say " MY WAY ."

If you fail when knowing better than you are carving your own pathway to a very undesired outcome.

All roads ultimately lead to the Lord, but others will not take the road literally or metaphorically if you do not. This is a road that you cannot afford to willfully detour at this time!

Do not get stuck in Religion, Ritual or Church, the Social aspects and Limelight by having lead others to knowledge yet lack the wisdom to lead others and ones own self to salvation. …It is a grave mistake to go solely through motions or contradict the Lord's word and way.

Truly seek to have a relationship with the Lord. You cannot hide from him or fool him. He knows and he sees when you are only fooling yourself. Yes, he is quiet, you shut the door in his face without any goodbye or two way understanding. There are only so many times that one can do that before he ceases to reach out any longer. Why would you do that to begin with? If you are separating from The Lord , then you are also separating from the Father. The Lord knows what you are doing ...

And … so does Satan .. he sees when you are falling, failing, self serving, self deluding, afraid, and he will use those holes in your armor to come through to manipulate situations as you did..... which will ultimately make the test that you are experiencing very very difficult to pass because you opened yourself up to it! Do not ever rely on self delusion. He knows that you are valued and that your voice and appearance alone makes the difference. So when you decide to withdrawal yourself ...it is not of the Lord or God. That is coming from Satan instilling doubt within you.
Why are you falling for it ? It is NOT o.k. , but you have your will that we cannot infringe upon. YOU are supposed to pass that test.

This video is what really inspired me to share these points and words with you because it really is the truth.

Yes, Remember that even some Angels in Heaven fell because they were tested and deceived, so do not think for a second that you are above it.

Again, you cannot fully experience true Love without Without God’s Son. When are you going to surrender to him vs serve your own plan ? The sooner you humble yourself to God then the less all this weight and delusion will have power over you. Only then can that gift be fully experienced.

You are meant to rise above it and PASS the test, SEE how you were being deceived. Timing. The only time there is .....is NOW. Most of you think you are masters of your own time and way and that is a very grave mistake when following the Lord's lead.

You might say to yourself …

“When I FEEL LOVE then I will know it is real and then I will do the right thing!”

Wait, since when was doing the right thing based on a “trade off ?” Listen , There IS no LOVE greater that God’s and his Son, so if you block it you will never experience REAL TRUE LOVE!

Here is a copy from the print press version and I say that because they use the name Jesus vs Yeshua. I want you to understand the control and influences in the world at this time are evil. Seek to overcome. Yes, even the little niceties can be deceptive and distracting.

1 John 5 19

…18We know that anyone born of God does not keep on sinning; the One who was born of God protects him, and the evil one cannot touch him. 19We know that we are of God, and that the whole world is under the power of the evil one. 20And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true—in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.

Yes, if you serve God you will experience these tests to see if you are truly worthy. Do not make it harder on yourself.

Put Your Armor On! This is real and it is going to get BUMPY ! Hold on ...the purpose and pay off are worth it !
Revelation 13 7

7 And it was given unto it to make war with the saints and to overcome them; and power was given it over all kindred's and tongues and nations.


Do not forget his TRUE NAME. If you call upon a false name he will not respond!

...Rev 19 12
The Time to Give Yourself to God and Seek His Son Is Now

Other sources of the Lord's truth


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More End Times Information:

Sources and Credits
Are literally from God and His Son
Angelus Domini
Teachings, truth passed down to The Gospel of Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
I do not claim ownership of the photos/Videos
Check here regularly for UPDATES and evidences before it is too late!


Halleluyah, Amen, THANK YOU :))

I used to pray for God's knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and discernment every night. [I need to incorporate that again in my prayers]...He has led me to a not so easy path, but it is a path of His truth and one of immense growth. The Adversary is extremely intelligent and he truly does attempt to whisk you away from the true will and purpose of God for your life. Great words of wisdom here, thanks for the great reminders.

I like the part that says we shouldn't lie against the truth

Every kid has their fear of the dark, well, when I was a kid. I wasn't scared of the dark, I was scared of spirits I could see lurking around.

Our will must be in line with the Lord and follow his Laws, edicts, and commandments.

We must stand firm, and be vigilant to keep ourselves holy as God does not ask

That's how we have to stand firm and not be weak, because satan always walks around and tempting to see who falls. Thanks for sharing my friend @cardinalkpatrick and I invite you to my block

So many wise words. Thanks for sharing!

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