in #steemchurch6 years ago

Did you know that our mouth is not just to greet, engage in conversation, scold, etc?

We never pay close attention to the words we say and the consequences they bring.

The word of God tells us in Proverbs 18:21 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960):

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

We are used to releasing words that we do not even know their meaning or say words deliberately, without thinking about the consequences they are bringing to our lives or the lives of others.

If we allow our thoughts to defeat us and then give birth to negative ideas through our words, our actions will do the same. That is why we have to be very careful with what we think and especially take care of what we are talking about. Our words have enormous power, and whether we want to or not, we will bring to life what we are talking about, whether it is good or bad.

The words are similar to the seeds. By speaking them aloud, they are planted in our subconscious mind, and they take on a life of their own; They take root, grow and produce the same kind of fruit. If we speak positive words, our lives will walk in that direction; likewise, negative words will produce bad results. We can not speak words of defeat and failure and expect to live in victory. We will pick up precisely what we have sown.

We can see how words affect our lives Proverbs 6: 2 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)

You have bound with the words of your mouth,
And you have been imprisoned in the words of your lips.

The Bible compares the tongue with the rudder of a great ship. Although it is small, it controls the direction of the whole ship, and, in the same way, its language will control the direction of its life. If you have the habit of speaking words of failure, you will be moving in the direction of a defeated and discouraged life. If your conversation always contains phrases like: ?? I can not, I do not have the ability for that: I do not have what is required, or other negative comments, it is preparing, as it says, for defeat. Those negative words will stop you from being the person God wants you to be.

We must be very careful with what we say during times of adversity and trial, when things are not going in our favor. The way we respond during the adversities of life and what we say in the midst of difficulties will have a great impact on how long we stay in those situations. Normally, the more positive our words and thoughts are, the stronger they will be and the sooner we will overcome what is affecting us.

Isaiah 55:11
So is the word that comes from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but it will do what I want
and will fulfill my purposes.

It is true that when difficulties come, our human nature wants to complain, to talk about the problem, to tell anyone who wants to listen to us about how badly life is treating us. But that kind of conversation only brings defeat. To overcome a difficult moment more easily and with better results, we have to learn to speak as positive as possible.

If you find yourself today in the middle of a storm, now with more than ever you need to take care of what you say and not allow negative and destructive words to come out of your mouth. As I mentioned at the beginning, the bible says in Proverbs 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the mouth; and whoever loves her will eat of its fruits? In other words, you create an environment of either good or bad with your words, and you will have to live in the world that you have created. If you are always mumbling, complaining and talking about how bad your life has been, you will live in a very miserable and depressing world. You will be tempted to simply use words to describe negative situations, but God wants us to use our words to change our negative circumstances. Do not talk about the problem, talk about the solution.

The Bible clearly tells us that we must speak to our mountains. Maybe your mountain is the disease; possibly your mountain is a relationship that is in trouble; Maybe your mountain is a business that does not go well. Whatever your mountain, you have to do more than think about it, rather than pray about it; He has to talk to the obstacle. The Bible teaches us that the weak must say that he is strong.

Begin to say that you are healthy, happy, complete, blessed and prosperous. Stop talking to God about how great your mountain is and start talking to your mountain about how great your God is!

Every day declares that your day will be excellent, that what you have to do will go well, positive phrases, that move your mountains, and in a short time you will see the results!

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The word is the raw material with which God works. in fact the world was made by the word of God. In our mouth there is power over life and over death. We will speak a word of good and not evil, in our mouth there are miracles. Today is a good day to declare what God will do in and through us.

Amen like that is, We must declare blessing.

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