in #steemchurch6 years ago

Hello steemains of steemchurch peace be with you all. Today is another wonderful day , come join me and let's thank the Lord for it.

Christianity could not continue to grow unless it gave attention to the problems of presentation of the truth.

Canon was the list of volumes belonging to an authoritative books . It came as reinforcement. The development of the canon was a slow process . Significantly completed by AD 175 except for a few books whose authorship was disputed (doubtful).

Reasons For Canon

Certain practical reasons made it essential that the church develop the list of books that should comprise the New Testament.

  1. Heretics , such as Marcion, Apocryphal Gospels and Prophetic New Movement were setting up their own canon scripture and were leading people astray.

  2. Because the apostles were slowly passing from the scene , there was the need for some records that could be recognized as authoritative and fit for use in worship.

Test Of Canonity

  1. Apostolic authority . Was it written by an apostle or one who was closely associated with the apostles.

  2. The capacity to edify when read publicly and it's agreement with the rule of faith .

  3. Inspired (is it guided by the Holy Spirit)

Development OF The Canon

Citation in the early Fathers, beginning with Clement of Rome at the end of 1st century. Tatian composed harmony of the four Gospels (150-160 AD). Paul's epistles circulating as a collection by the end of 2nd century. Muraorian Canon (drawn up at Rome around 200 AD) suggested 22 books . These include : Four Gospels, Acts, 13 Pauline Epistles , Revelation , two or three epistles of John, James, Jude.

Omitted : Epistle of Peter, Hebrews, possibly one of John's epistle.

Included the apocryphal: the wisdom of Solomon and Apocryphal of Peter . The shepherd of Hermas was accepted for private , but not public worship .

Origins New Testament (Alexandria, 250)

Undisputed : Four Gospels, Acts, 13 Pauline Epistle, Revelation , 1 John, 1 Peter

Disputed: Hebrews, James , 2 Peter, 2&3 John , Jude.

Also disputed: the Apocryphal , the shepherd of Hermas , Barnabas, Didache and Gospel according to the Hebrews.

Why certain books were suspect:
James , 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Jude, Hebrews and Revelations were the books whose place in the canon was still under consideration. The delay in placing these was caused primarily by an uncertainty concerning questions of authorship .

• Hebrews - Anonymous book, accepted early in the Eastern churches as Pauline.

• James & Jude - Authors not called apostles, only - servants of God and of Jesus Christ

• 2 Peter - significant difference in Greek style from 1 Peter.

• 2&3 John - Author refers to himself as - elders , not the apostle

• Revelation - Authorship disputed , some objected to it's apparent support for millennialism.

This is @bigssam ,stay with me and I will bring you more to the background to Christianity


Know the truth and the truth will set you free, the origin to Christianity is very pleasant for all Christians to know. Wealth of sharing @bigssam.


Know the truth and truth must ser you free, unless the causes of the challenging situation is revealed and dealt with it continuous to persist. Thanks bro for making my day!

Thanks for your add ups.

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