in #steemchurch6 years ago

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the steemchurch peace be with you all.

According to the Bible after praying for a whole night, Jesus selected twelve men to stay out to preach and heal. He was so much engulfed in the work that he was not even getting time to eat. His family was troubled about this news and they planned to seize him because they said He was out of His mind.

Jesus went on with his teachings, demonstrating and explaining his authority as being different from what the Jewish teaches had .The text present a particular picture of Jesus mother and brothers standing outside while he was teaching and wanting to take him home because He (Jesus) was beside himself. The family hoped Jesus would come out for them to seize and take him home. They assumed that their presence as family members will be enough reason to get Jesus out of all the "busy - ness" and the bad things people were saying about him.

However, Jesus was not ready to follow them. He rather shifted the poles of what a family is

"And he answered them, saying who are my mother and my brother"

Turning around he told the crowd who his family was . "And he looked around about on them which sat about him, and said, behold my mother and my brethren ! For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same same is my brother and my sister and mother" Those do that do the will of God are the true members of his family.

Are you a true family member of Christ....? Do you do the will of God..? Spend some few minutes to reflect on your answer and member if Mary being the biological mother was not enough reason to be his true family, being a worker in a church or a participant of church programmes and activities won't be enough either.


He who does God's work has found a good work.thanks for the insight @bigssam.


The family of God where Jesus Christ is the firstborn is the best family to belong. Being a member of this family, become co-heirs with Christ and we have access to the Godly inheritance through Christ. Quite an edifying post by @bigssam. Thank you for sharing

Thanks for your sentiments.

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