Love at SteemChurch Telos village

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Best regards happy brothers of steemchurch, as a Venezuelan I was affected by the National shutdown that occurred in my country. Although they were days of great difficulty, love among many compatriots was present.

I like to participate in the initiatives of the church of Steem, I made this small design to contribute to the initiative of the gentleman @sirknight.


Although he mentioned a medieval church, edit this image of a modern church accompanied by a lush vegetation, where love reigns in the community.

Where is the love?

"And because of wickedness the love of many will grow cold, but he who perseveres to the end will be saved." Mt 24:12 "

As I read that verse these days, I kept thinking about what love is for people today, and that in fact the love of many has cooled down. You see: Every day I see more discredited people in love. People who believe that love is silly. And I do not say that only related to love between two people, but to love in general.

Love for the family, love for friends, love for God. People who today consider themselves "cold" because they already suffered some kind of disappointment that involves love, such as not being loved by their parents. And many times with that and other types of disappointments they are led to ask where is the love, or if it really exists.

You probably know someone like that, or you are that person.
Well, love does exist. And do you know where that love is that you seek and often reject? In God! Refuse to believe that this talk is too lacking or even not to believe. My brother, stop looking for love when you know where He is, stop disappointing and break your face looking for anything but God in love.

It is clear that we have the love of our relatives, of our friends, but none of them will be able to complete or satisfy him, because even for them to love him, God loved first, because love comes from Him. (1Jo4: 19) God is not a kind of love, He is love itself. (1Jo4: 7

And He manifests His love for us every day, with His mercies that renew each morning (Lamentations 3: 22-23)

With his grace (Titus 2:11)

With His sacrifice on the cross for me and for you John 3:16) and much more.

There is no greater love than that. (1 John 3:16) (John 15:13)

God bless you!


Amazing sister Bertha, the love is of God. Thanks for sharing you love with us.

Resteem by: EC

We all dream of a beautiful place, our @sc-telos village can make it happen.


Hello sister and friend, it is good to see you here always supporting the church. God bless you more.

Thank you @bertal. This beautiful post you share with us, we should let the love grow in this promised church of Telos Village.

Beautifull post sister Bertha1. Thanks for sharing

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