God did not prevent the fall because?

in #steemchurch6 years ago


It is one of the most delicate issues facing Christian theology. As believers in divine sovereignty, we can not assume that the fall has caught God by surprise. The proof that God not only foresaw human disobedience, as He permitted it, and included it in His glorious plan, is that, even before the foundation of the world, He had provided a means of equating the problem of sin. So the Bible presents Christ as the "Lamb that was killed before the foundation of the world" (Ap.13: 8b).

There are no improvisations on the architect plane for God. The one who makes provision does not need to make an improvisation. There are no top-hole plans. In His Oniscience, God always knew all things in advance. The God of the Scriptures should not be confused with the "god" of the so-called process theology, who knows nothing about the future, since he is a hostage of the time that he himself created. The Creator lives in Eternity, where there is no past or future, but an eternal now. All things are before Him concomitantly. Therefore, it is not necessary to use statistical data to know the probability of something happening or not. He just knows it.

In His wisdom, He decided that man only know His love and grace, stumbled and fell from its original state. Augustine was happy to declare: "Oh blessed fall, that has given us such a great redeemer!" If there were no Fall, there would be no need for Redemption. If the Rupture did not occur, there would not be the Convergence in Christ in the Fullness of Times. Therefore, there would be no cross; we would never understand the depth of God's love. Grace would be a concept devoid of any meaning.

Without the Fall, we would fatally be corrupted by our own perfection, as would have happened to a cherub who riot against God. It was better to be humiliated, to be exalted later by divine Grace, than to exalt them, and to be definitively toppled from our arrogance.

Everything was in the plane of God. The way we would fall, and how we would be redirected to glory so that we would never fall again.

The serpent did not enter paradise because of an oversight of God.

God's provision for the reversal of the fall is Christ. He reverses, through His obedience, the process unleashed by sin. And not only closed our debt, but placed us in a situation of credit with God.

Adam was tempted in paradise and fell. Jesus was tempted in the desert, and he did not fall. While Adam could eat of all the trees, Jesus, in the desert, had no alternative to satisfy his hunger, but to transform stones into loaves. But he resisted until the last moment.

Now, your righteous and holy life is credited to our account, while our sins were debited in yours. "He that knew no sin, he made him to be sin for us, that in him the righteousness of God was made" (2 Cor. 5:21).


Good message Sister!

There are no improvisations in the architect's plan for God. The one who makes provision does not need to make an improvisation.

Resteem by: EC

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