
in #steemchurch6 years ago


Greetings Brothers of Steemchurch we are a great community since we are chosen by Jesus to learn, evangelize and liberate.

Election of the twelve apostles

13 Then he went up the mountain, and called to himself those whom he wanted; and they came to him.

14 And he appointed twelve, to be with him, and to send them to preach,

15 and that they had authority to heal diseases and to drive out demons:

16 to Simon, whom he named Peter;

17 to Jacob the son of Zebedee, and to John the brother of James, whom he called Boanerges, that is, Sons of thunder;

18 to Andrés, Felipe, Bartolomé, Mateo, Tomás, Jacobo son of Alfeo, Tadeo, Simón the cananista,

19 and Judas Iscariot, the one who handed him over. And they came home. Marcos 3,13-19

The Gospel of Mark was written around the year 60, then, about thirty years after the death and resurrection of Christ, and was written especially for the Romans, that is, for the Gentiles - so much so that Mark explains some things in that gospel , for example: the Jordan is a river, 1.5; that the Pharisees used to fast, 2.18; that the Mount of Olives was opposite the Temple, 13.3; etc. Mark was a companion of Paul and Barnabas on the first missionary journey; He was also Pedro's close companion.

This Gospel is full of action, so the words "right" or "right" are characteristic terms here and appear 36 times combined. Other terms also reveal this action of Jesus, especially in this chapter three: version 1 "again"; v.7 "Jesus withdrew ..."; v.13 "and then went up the mountain ..." and so on. And one of the most splendid actions of Jesus was CHOOSE (Matthew Evangelist also records this action of Jesus, "many are called, but few are chosen", 20:16 and 22:14).

CHOOSE means of selection, express preferences, make the choice between ... The choice is something that our daily life: from the simple choice of rice in the gondola of the supermarket that type of shoe or a car that we buy. Jesus also chose and chose. That election is also named to adopt, elect, appoint or simply designate as it appears in our text V.14.

Chosen to learn

Yes, in verse 14 that is recorded "twelve to be with him."

Jesus chose twelve: Jesus made special elections, he chose people and here are twelve disciples among the many who were there (v.13) and who became apostles of the Savior and lived with him for nearly three years. Learn and learn!

Jesus chose twelve to be like Him - chosen to learn. Jesus chooses a few - me and you, even - "many are called, but few are chosen" .00

Hey! You are chosen to be a believer! To be a Christian is to be a follower of Christ! Being a Christian (Acts 11:26) is to be like Jesus because he learned from Jesus.

Chosen to evangelize

Also in verse 14 another goal of this Master's election is recorded: "to send them to preach."

Wonder! Jesus calls himself and sends to preach. It's the famous "Go"! "And he said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" 16:15. That is to announce, it is to proclaim! And all the elect are sent to preach!

In this verse Paul says: "Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel" - "If I preach the gospel, I have nothing to brag about, this obligation weighs me down, yes, woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!" 1 Corinthians 9:16

We are a holy nation, and that this holy nation needs to be deeply rooted in its context in order to be a light of nations (for non - believers). The church has to be in the world without becoming mundane. "That is why I and you were chosen, to EVANGELIZE!

Chosen to Release

In the V. 15 have a third objective of Mastery in this particular election: "and exercise authority to expel demons" - this is not something of Pentecost, that is, believer of things! If we are chosen, if we learn from Jesus, that he was sent to preach - and I believe that what - we must exercise "the authority" with which the Divine Master allows us in the hosts of evil.

The Gospel of Mark presents Christ as a powerful Man of action. And as we said at the beginning, this Gospel is full of action, and the key word here is POWER. Yes, we must free the captives and oppressed by the devil, by hell; we must, in the likeness of what Christ has done, free those who live in darkness, in sin. I suggest reading in Luke 4.16 to 21.

In conclusion, let's read John 15:16: "You did not choose me, on the contrary, I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, and your fruit remains, so that everything you ask the Father In my name, he will grant it to you.

Are you a chosen one of Jesus?


Yes sister B, Being chosen means that someone chose you, that is, you are their choice.
As we read in the previous pages, it is the declared will of God that all men are saved and for this purpose God paid with the life of His Son.

Resteem by: EC


This publication is full of a lot of words and that is excellent, there are many things that I have remembered that we should do and in truth we were chosen to be a function that is to preach, evangelize, disciple, send as multipliers of the kingdom of heaven here in the earth.

Fulfill the verse you mention from Mark 16:15 is the key sister God bless you.

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