Spiritual discipline part2

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

The purpose of training the soul, of practicing the spiritual disciplines, is to align them aright.. But its original title was: Spiritual Exercises to Overcome Oneself, and to Order One's Life, Without Reaching a Decision Though Some Disordered Affection

Bible Study
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth” (2 Ti 2:15). Hearing-------Reading-------Studying-------Memorizing-------Meditating.

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“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Ti 3:16-17).

  1. Listen to solid preaching and teaching.
  2. Read the Bible every day.
  3. Learn how to study the Bible, paying attention to the words being used, looking up cross-references, and using study aids.
  4. Memorize verses and passages.
  5. Listen for God’s voice speaking to you through His Word.
  6. Personalize what you read to gain application.


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  1. Choose to serve God rather than money (Mt 6:24).
  2. Trust God totally for every need (Dt 8:18).
  3. Obey biblical teachings concerning money (Jn 14:21-23).
  4. Stay out of debt (Ro 13:8).
  5. Work diligently (2 Th 3:10).
  6. Establish God’s priorities in your life (Hag 1:9).
  7. Choose a good name rather than riches (Pr 22:1).
  8. Learn contentment (Php 4:11-12).
  9. Pay your bills on time (Ro 13:7).

God’s four purposes for money:

  1. To provide for basic needs
  2. To confirm direction
  3. To enable you to give to others
  4. To illustrate His power in your life.
    God wants you to be financially free!
    What is a tithe? A tithe is the first 10% of your total increase. This question is often asked: “Isn’t the tithe a part of the Old Testament law and therefore not required of New Testament believers?” The tithe is older than the law. Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek hundreds of years before the law was given to Moses (Heb 7:6).

What is the purpose of tithing?
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  1. To support God’s work (Mal 3:8)
  2. To learn to fear the Lord (Dt 14:22-23) God blesses those who tithe (Pr 3:9-10).
    What is an “offering?” An offering is anything given over and above the tithe. The tithe is obedience. An offering is worship.


Different kinds of fasts
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  1. Full fast – denying yourself food or drink (other than water) for a minimum of 36 hours

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  1. Partial fast – denying yourself food or drink (other than water) for less than 36 hours
  2. Substitutionary fast – eating a modified diet (Substitutionary means replacing one thing with another, in this case being food or meals).
  3. Corporate fasting – fasting with others
  4. Fasting as a spiritual discipline – regular fasting designed to discipline the flesh and strengthen the spirit.

Fasting involves going without food for a set period of time.

  1. One day a week
  2. Two days a week
  3. One or more 10-day periods throughout the year
  4. One 21-40 day fast in a year

Physical and Spiritual Benefits of Regular Fasting

Physical benefits: One of the greatest benefits of regular fasting is the cleansing effect it will have on the body as it cleans out deadly toxins. Weekly fasting also helps maintain a healthy body weight.
Spiritual benefits: Fasting as a discipline strengthens the inner man (the spirit) by denying the flesh and bringing it under the control of the spirit.

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Purposes of fasting:

  1. Strengthening the spirit (Lk 4:1-2,14)
  2. Intercessory prayer (Dt 9:18)
  3. Seeking discernment of God’s will (Jdg 20:23-27)
  4. Mourning (1 Sa 1:1-7)
  5. Confession and repentance (1 Sa 7:1-6)
  6. Worship (1 Sa 9:11-13) 7. Grief (1 Sa 20:34; 31:13)
  7. Supplication (2 Ch 20:1-3)
  8. Seeking God’s will and guidance (Ezr 8:21-23).

Suggestions for fasting properly

  1. Fasting should be avoided or limited by those who have serious health concerns.
  2. Fast regularly and drink plenty of water.
  3. A good fasting schedule is one 24-36 hour period per week and a 7-10 day fast one or more times a year.
  4. If you feel led to go on an extended fast of 3 days or longer, you should prepare for it at least one month before by modifying your diet and fasting regularly.
  5. Never eat heavily right before or right after a fast.
  6. Break an extended fast with liquids, and then gradually build up to mild vegetables (well cooked) or fruit.
  7. Spend as much time in prayer as you can during your fast. Generally, in a fast, your prayer time should double in length.
  8. Keep a very moderate schedule during the fast. Avoid work (if possible) and recreation.
  9. Spend as much time in the Bible as you can.
  10. Keep your fast as much of a secret as you are able.

There are seasons to fast regularly and there are times when it may not be appropriate to fast (e.g., when one is ill or medically unable, when it cannot be done in secret, during times of corporate celebration, or when is being hosted and it may be misunderstood.

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Going deeply into passages of Scripture
1.The Bible teaches that there is a direct link between keeping the Word of God and receiving the blessings and promises of God.
• God’s anointing is upon His Word (Is 55:8-11).
• God’s blessing is upon His Word (Ps 119:2).
• God has magnified His Word (Ps 138:2). 2. Promises for obeying God’s Word:
• Prosperity (Dt 11:1, 7-9)
• Wellness (Dt 7:12-15)
• Life (Dt 27) • Blessing (Dt 28)
• Success (Jos 1:7-8)
• Fruitfulness (Ps 1)
• Wisdom (Ps 119:99-100)
• Joy (Ps 63:5-6)
• Victory (Ps 119:9-11)
• Love for God (Jn 14:21-23)
• Assurance of answered prayer (Jas 4; 1 Jn 3:22).

  1. Meditating in Scripture follows the law of sowing and reaping (Gal 6:7). There are four parts to this law: the soil (our hearts, Mt 13), the seed (the Word, Mt 13), the water (the Holy Spirit, Jn 7:3739), and the harvest (the fruit, Mt 13:23).
  2. How to meditate in Scripture:
    • Daily receive God’s Word
    • Select one key passage
    • Memorize the passage
    • Study the passage
    • Meditate on the passage (Personalize the passage –“Lord, You are my Shepherd” Carefully go over each word and phrase, Turn the passage into a prayer
    • Do what the passage teaches – obey it!

Meditation targets: selecting specific passages to address specific issues in your life

  1. Temptation – Psalm 25; Galatians 5; James 1
  2. Moral purity – Romans 6; Colossians 3
  3. Seeking God’s will – 1 Thessalonians 4; Romans 12
  4. Love – Philippians 2; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 3
  5. Spiritual growth – Matthew 5-7; John 15; 1 Peter 2; 2 Peter 1
  6. Thoughts – Philippians 4; 2 Corinthians 10; Hebrews 4
  7. Faith – Mark 11; Ephesians 6; James 2; Hebrews 11
  8. Submission – Romans 13; Hebrews 13; 1 Peter 2
  9. Fear – Psalm 27; Isaiah 8:9-22; Luke 12; 2 Timothy 1
  10. Worry – Psalm 23; Psalm 46; Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4
  11. Repentance – Psalm 51; Luke 15; Romans 2; Revelation 2-3
  12. Depression – Nehemiah 8; Psalm 34; Philippians 4; James 1
  13. Discouragement – Psalm 23; John 14-15; 2 Corinthians 4
  14. Loneliness – Psalm 23; Psalm 32; Psalm 68:5-13; Psalm 103
  15. Prayer – Psalm 55:16-20; Psalm 63; Luke 11; John 17
  16. Protection – Psalm 18; Psalm 91; Psalm 121
  17. Health – Exodus 15:26; Psalm 103; Proverbs 3:1-13; James 5
  18. Discontentment – Psalm 37:1-11; Matt. 6:19-24; Col. 3; 1 Tim. 6
  19. Faithfulness – Matthew 24:36-51; Luke 16; 2 Timothy 2
  20. Guilt – Romans 8; 2 Corinthians 7; 1 John 1
  21. Anger – Matthew 5; 1 Corinthians 13; Ephesians 4
  22. Patience – Psalm 103; Isaiah 40:28-31; Luke 8:4-15; James 1
  23. Sorrow – Psalm 13; Psalm 42; Isaiah 35; 53; 55:1-16; John 14-15

Other Disciplines
Evangelism: Sharing your faith with others as a daily pattern of life.
Stewardship: Surrendering your possessions to the Lord and using them for His Kingdom.
Serving: Intentionally serving others.
Journaling: Keeping a written record of prayers, thoughts, events, and words from the Lord.
Living By Faith: Trusting God for every need.

Abstinence Disciplines

  1. Fasting – deliberately choosing to abstain from food
  2. Silence – not speaking for periods of time
  3. Simplicity – doing the same things with fewer resources
  4. Solitude – limiting time with others to be alone with God
  5. Submission – choosing to yield your rights to another; humility
  6. Secrecy – doing acts of kindness secretly
  7. Watching – spending extended times in prayer
  8. Frugality – abstaining from using money to gratify our desires
  9. Sacrifice – abstaining from the enjoyment of necessary things
  10. Celibacy – purposefully abstaining from sexual intercourse
    Corporate Disciplines
  11. Corporate Prayer – prayer with others
  12. Confession – telling our faults and sins to another
  13. Celebration – honoring a person or event with others
  14. Worship – expressing praise and adoration for God with others
  15. Guidance – seeking the wisdom and counsel of others

Your loves are out of order. The purpose of training the soul, of practicing the spiritual disciplines, is to align them aright.. But its original title was: Spiritual Exercises to Overcome Oneself, and to Order One's Life, Without Reaching a Decision Though Some Disordered Affection.link


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