The New You

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Think about this. If other’s speak or preach a thousand things (faith, cross, blood, resurrection, prosperity, etc.) and still get stressed out and get sick, worrying about what they need, and I preach one thing (The Kingdom (Dominion)) and I get everything I need, without pursuing them, which one do you think it’s good news?

The most important thing, we need to know is The Kingdom of God and His (Jesus) Righteousness. Jesus preach one message, and He said, “THIS message...” because He knew, we will be tempted to preach other messages. The presence of our problems or crisis, makes the words or principles (commands or instruction) of God possible, to replace it. If we didn’t have any circumstances, then there’s no need for us to cancel or replace it with God’s words. We were commanded to call those things that are not yet there, in place of unfavorable events to a favorable one.

According to Mark 2:22, it says, "No one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the skins as well; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins." God wants to restore us. Restore means to create a new structure. Like the new wineskins. God’s wine (word) will always remain (it will always be wine), its eternal and will never change. (Matthew 24:35) The wineskins (our body or structure) needs to be made by you by changing or renewing your mind, change old habits or you, it’s temporary and it will change because we have to stay up-to-date or keep adjusting ourselves, according to the structure of today.

Also, the word of God is to rule our thoughts, actions and our daily conversations. The Kingdom of God operates on seeds and harvests. We know from the parable of the sower that the word of God is the seed that the sower planted. (Mark 4:20) So, the seeds (words) in the soil (heart) need the light (Jesus). The photosynthesis starts when a photon - a tiny packet of light- is absorbed by a molecule of chlorophyll. The light fusion is injected into the dead matter, like the seed and water (means dead inorganic compound). Photosynthesis is when the sun or light is injected into the dead matter, like the mango seed in the soil, and the light goes into it. From inorganic calcium to organic calcium. We don’t eat the inorganic dirt, but once the tree has the fruits, we can eat the organic fruit. Now, Jesus is the light and when He shines on His words (seeds) in our hearts, it becomes alive. We eat, chew, and digest it by speaking, meditating, and memorizing the word. So, we can be an extension of the Holy Spirit or Jesus’ light or the word, to give life (light force) for others to absorb, forevermore. God bless you!

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