in #steemchurch6 years ago

¡Oh Señor, how my opponents have multiplied!
Many rise up against me.

2 Many say of me:
For him there is no salvation in God.

3 But you, O Lord, are a shield around me,
my glory, and he who raises my head.
4 With my voice I cried out to the Lord,
and He answered me from his holy mountain.


5 I went to bed and fell asleep;
I woke up, because the Lord sustains me.
6 I will not fear the ten thousand enemies
that have been placed around me.

7 Get up, Lord! Save me, my God!
Because you hurt all my enemies on the cheek;
you break the teeth of the wicked.

8 Salvation belongs to the Lord.
Let your blessing be upon your people!

*** This was an especially difficult time for David, who was facing an uprising against his government, with the aggravating circumstance that his son Absalom commanded. ***
Many of the people of Israel, had united with Absalom in this rebellion. Absalom's pain and desire for revenge for the rape of his sister Tamar by Amnon, another of David's children, grew until it became an uprising against his Father's government, little by little he was convincing people to oppose him King David would thus take power with his own army. David could not handle this problem among his children and he did not manage to be healed or restored, even coming from a moral decay when losing his son for having killed Uriah the husband of Bathsheba, only to stay with her. In 2 Samuel chapter 12 it can be seen that everything that happened to David was a consequence of his sins. However, he decides to seek God, to cling to him, knowing his mercy and power. This same should encourage us when we believe that we are not deserving, when we think that because we have made certain mistakes, now God discards us and does not love us anymore. David knew that in the Lord he could take refuge in peace and trust in Him in this difficult moment.

On the other hand I already had experience in this type of persecutions when Saul persecuted him to kill him, so all that faith that he had formed over the years in his relationship with God, made him not trust in his force or army now. in the God of Israel, who had brought him to the throne, but who now had to forgive and extend his mercy. He also knew that many had joined in this betrayal and that they thought it was David's end, that not even God could deliver him.

Verse 3 and 4

This is the declaration of faith and confidence that David makes in this difficult moment. It is not a plea, nor a request, but an affirmation, it is what God is for us today:

"But you, O Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and he who raises my head."

When we face complex and dangerous situations, we must declare as David that the Lord is our shield and who raises our heads, not only will the Lord protect you but also raise you like never before, will restore you from your sins and from what the enemy want to do in your life. He is our refuge at all times, we declare this with our mouth.

And verse 4 states: "With my voice I cried out to the Lord, and He answered me from His holy mountain." David faced one of the most difficult conflicts of his life, he was having consequences for but still, the mercy of God was upon him, why he cried out and said that God answered him from his holy mountain. Finally Absalom died and his uprising was frustrated and although David suffered for the death of his son.

Verse 5 says: "I went to bed and fell asleep; I woke up, because the Lord sustains me. " The powerful and protective hand of God is so strong that David says he has rested peacefully, because the Lord sustained him. When the Lord is our support in the soul and spirit we can be under his cover, his immense power and his glorious Holy Spirit will give you the necessary rest.


Verse 6 further adds that: "I will not fear the ten thousand enemies who have set themselves against me." David, having known God in such an intimate way and with so many experiences, had achieved a faith and courage out of the ordinary, only a man or a woman who has gone through so many trials and has seen the hand of God work, can get to have this level of confidence to say that even before thousands of enemies will not fear.

Intimately, we know that God is with us. We have such a deep and real conviction. Only those who have revelation and the faith of God can understand, therefore, our challenge is to focus on the Lord, in his word of truth and power, which frees us from all evil to nourish our spirit until we are strong surpassing the storms in peace .

Verse 7

David asks with indignation that the Lord get up and hit his enemies, it is a prayer of indignation, which comes from a heart broken by betrayal and injustice. But in this David prostrated himself before the Lord, he knew that he could only defeat the enemies with his power and with his favor. Let us proclaim that the Lord is righteous and will do us justice, because if we put the Lord as the refuge of our enemies, He will stop them.

Verse 8

The reign of David was victorious, prosperous and glorious among the nations, God chose him, not because he was a skilled or strong warrior, but because he had a heart full of faith and put God first. He was a worshiper, his devotion to the Lord was evident in his whole life, he had something in his heart that made him special before God. Maybe the look of the man is in another sense, in something more external, but God does not evaluate the things how the people of this world evaluate them, He sees in the deepest of hearts, and in David, we see an example of this , rejected by his own family, despised among his brothers, but was chosen by God to govern his people.

This happened even before the eyes of a spiritual man like the prophet Samuel, who also allowed himself to be carried away by his external gaze, because in his heart he believed that Eliab, David's brother, was surely the chosen one, observing his stature, his bearing and others , but before the eyes of God, this is secondary, what for men is paramount, for God it is of less importance, that is why the Lord needed to speak to the prophet Samuel, when Eliab appeared, to correct what he believed, so he says in 1 Samuel 16: 7

"But the Lord said to Samuel:" Do not judge by his appearance or by his stature, because I have rejected him. The Lord does not see things the way you see them. People judge by appearances, but the Lord looks at the heart. "

David was victorious because before the battles he bent his knees, cried out and worshiped the Lord, asked for his address, that was the key, and even when he was wrong he knew that he could turn to Him. In this way we understand David's heart more, He knew that true salvation and victory can only be given by the Lord, and he ends the psalm by saying: "Salvation is from the Lord, be your blessing over your people."

"Father, thank you because you help me so that the enemies do not prevail against me, and although they are many, you are my shield, my glory and who sustains me and raises my head."

"Now lift up my life Heavenly Father, so that your grace may shine on me and may all the enemies of my soul be ashamed and overthrown"

"I cry to you with my voice and I receive your answer, I believe and I await your answer that comes from your holy mountain on this day"

"You take care of me, you keep me and give me security, I go to bed and I sleep because your hand supports me"

"Take care of Me Lord and Sustain Me, so I rest in peace and tranquility every day"

"I have no fear of my enemies, there is no fear in my heart because you are with me, you surround me and keep me from all evil, I am safe without fear in the name of Jesus"

"Arise and rescue me, my God, save me from all evil and from every curse, may the enemies of my soul be destroyed by your power and may the work of the devil be broken"

"May your great salvation come upon my life and family, may your blessing be upon me and above all my life embrace it"

"I believe and I receive all this in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen."

source of the text: bible of the americas
Comment: Esteban Correa

Thanks to my brothers :www.steemchurch.com

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