STEEMCHURCH: Decide to Talk about Jesus

in #steemchurch6 years ago


The book of Jonah is one of the shortest in the Bible, nevertheless its history is of great relevance for our life. God spoke to Jonah and sent him to the city of Nineveh to preach against her, because her wickedness had risen to God. Nevertheless; Jonah who had not forgiven in his heart the damage that the people of this town had caused his people, decided to go in the opposite direction, denying any possibility of salvation for these people.

Surely if you look around you, you will notice you live in a city like Nineveh, where people can not distinguish between good and bad and God has sent you to bring them a message of life, of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus. It is important that today we take a moment to evaluate our attitude towards such a task, not only because we are responsible before God, but because the need, the pain, and the desolation increases for the second.

While we walk the streets of our neighborhoods, like Jonah, we tend to be selective in sharing Christ. Individuals of poor appearance or low social class, are usually discarded immediately, in some cases we believe that God would not forgive the failure of a particular individual because it is very large or constant, so we decided to keep silence and repeatedly found that if someone hurt us or hurt that person we love, our lack of forgiveness, closes the door to a conversation.

God had to deal with the life of Jonah to make him understand that He does not respect people, and therefore Jonah should not, and today God is reminding us that the need is great and that there is no reason for us to remain silent without bring the good news of Salvation.

We invite you to make a decision like Jonah did, to be a light in your community and allow through you, many may receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 61: 1 "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bandage the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release of the prisoners. "

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