in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Because you need patience, so that having done the will of God, you get the promise. Hebrews 10:36

Definitely patience is a great virtue that leads us to inherit and enjoy the great promises of God. The Word of God teaches us that patience is "necessary", although sometimes we do not want to submit to the process that allows us to mature in it. We need to learn to enjoy where we are, while we are on the path to where we are going. The scriptures encourage us to be imitators of those men and women of God who by their faith and their patience inherit promises. (Hebrews 6:12).

Developing patience sometimes costs a little, on repeated occasions we make hasty decisions that bring us bad consequences that we then have to deal with. The truth is that without patience and resistence we will not receive the promises of God.
The proud man runs with the strength of his own flesh and tries to make things happen in his own time. The proud says: "I'm ready now." Humility says: "God is the one who knows, and He will not delay."
A humble man waits patiently, in fact he has a reverent fear of moving with the strength of his own flesh.

It is not suffering what glorifies God, but a devotional attitude in suffering that pleases him and gives glory to Him.

Many are the testimonies recorded by the Word of God of those who, even though suffering and trial received their miracle, were patient and God honored them. I love the statement of that Psalm of David when it says:

I waited patiently for the LORD, and he bowed down to me, and he heard my cry. And it made me draw from the pit of despair, from the muddy mud; He put my feet on a rock and straightened my steps. Psalm 40: 1-2.

Certainly many times we feel desperate, as if we were literally at the bottom of a well, where our cry is not heard, in the muddy mud.
It was in the midst of the despair of that terrible trial that Job lived that his wife told him: "Curse God and die", because she did not see better way out, better option and better attitude than that. (Job 2 :9)
That is where we have to show our confidence in that just God who will not let us suffer beyond what we can resist. Where our character is formed, submitted and we are trained so that the best fruit that is none other than patience springs from each one.

We have to learn to be patient and wait in the Lord, even if it seems that He takes us around to reach the destination we want. There are those who feel unhappy, without realizing themselves in the world, simply because they are too busy trying to make things happen, instead of waiting patiently for God to make them happen in their own time and in their own way.

When we wait in God we are tempted and our mind is constantly beaten demanding that we "do something", wanting to seduce us to move in the carnal zeal, however grasped by the Word of God we will not be moved from our position of wanting to please God despite the circumstances we face.

Psalm 147: 10-11 says:

He does not delight in the strength of the horse, nor does he take pleasure in the agility of man. Jehovah is pleased in those who fear him, and in those who hope in his mercy.

When you feel tempted to feel frustrated and impatient, I recommend that you begin to say: "Lord, I want your will at your opportune moment, I do not want to overtake you, I do not want to linger behind you, Help me Father to wait patiently in you". When He knows that the right time has come, He will exalt us, lift us up, see His response and celebrate His victory in us.

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