in #steemchurch6 years ago

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But the king replied to Araunah, ‘No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing
2 Samuel 24:24

Sacrifice is when you give away something important to get something more valuable. Sacrifice is hurting oneself in other to move God. It is also another master key to open doors. This is one of the topics that most believers do not want to talk about. Some say the teaching is outdated and doesn't apply to this modern day. The truth is God never changes. The Bible shows many examples of true sacrifice both in the Old & New Testament.

In our daily lives, a sacrifice must be made. Most of us have sacrificed a lot for our siblings, parents, relationships, relations, friends and even colleagues. Sacrifice is something we all do in order to achieve something better and great. Of course, we all know God is the Master in this business. He sacrificed His only son to die for something he knows nothing about. He did it because He wants something in exchange. He did it because our personal relationship is very important to Him.

On the other hand, Jesus sacrificed his life for humanity. He left his throne in heaven came down on earth to be humiliated for the seek of mankind. So, this topic is not something we should avoid. In fact, it is something all believers should embrace because it is very essential in our heavenly journey. For most believers, it's all about what they will get in serving the Lord, but have you ever asked yourself what you can give to the Lord. Are you willing to stop something you like doing in order to get something more important?

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Attributes/Characteristics of Sacrifice

Taking a clue from the bible stories that we've all read;

  • Sacrifice is not by the volume of what you give, but it's all about the value of what you are offering to give. It must be something that you love, cherish & value.

  • Sacrifice is not what you choose to give, but what God wants you to give. Ordinarily, Abraham wouldn't have thought of sacrificing his only son, but God asked him to make that sacrifice in order to test his faith. Hence, knowing fully well what is it to sacrifice something to get something better. He willingly agreed to give up his son. Sometimes, the Lord might lay it in your heart to give up something, but because it's not what we want to give, we ignore His instructions.

  • Sacrifice is not to be done where you want it, but where He chooses. Sometimes, there could be specifications on what to sacrifice. And, your willingness to follow it to details matters. Abraham followed every instruction of what he was asked to do.

  • Sacrifice is not about your willingness to obey. It must be acceptable unto the Lord. It is not something you do grudgingly or act as if you are been forced to do it. Sacrifice must come from your heart knowing full well you do it unto God.

  • When it comes to sacrifice, there are no conditions attached, no excuses. Giving excuses simply means you do not have faith & trust in the Lord. When making sacrifices to the Lord, you must deactivate your 5 senses to activate your spiritual senses. The question is what do we have that is not given to us by the Lord? He owns everything including the life we live.

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Benefits Of Sacrifice

What a mighty God we serve, who always reward those that faithfully seek Him;

More Gain:
We lose in order to gain. Jesus gave his life for mankind in order for us to gain. Remember, sacrifice is giving up something for something more valuable. When we give everything to Christ Jesus we will in return gain more than we ever gave by having eternal life.

Master Key To Open Doors:
The bible says to seek first the kingdom of God. This simply means when we seek Him first, every other thing shall be ours. Sacrifice is the master key to open every other door. God wants us to serve Him in spirit & in truth.

It Speaks On Your Behalf:

Don't lay a hand on the boy!" the angel said. "Do not hurt him in any way, for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld from me even your son, your only son."
Genesis 22:12 NLT

Most times, the value of sacrifice made speaks on your behalf

Your Status Will Change:
Quality sacrifice changes everything about you. Let's take a look at Hannah who sacrificed her son unto God. Her status changed from a barren woman to a woman with Chil because she promised to sacrifice something very precious to her unto God. The widow of Zarephath sacrificed her last meal to the servant of God, and God changed her name from the woman in lack to the woman in abundance.

It Increases Your Spiritual Growth:
When you've come to the level of not questioning God's instructions, but you are willing to carry them out in obedience. It makes you be more committed to your walk with Him. It means you have gotten to that stage where Jesus is number one in your heart.

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Things To Sacrifice

For most Christians whenever they hear sacrifice, their minds are channeled to money, but this is not true. God has deposited something unique in us, and we can always use them as a sacrifice to Him. Here are some of the things we can sacrifice to God Almighty;

  • Time
  • Talent
  • Treasure & Possessions
  • Comfort
  • Your lifestyle
  • Service to humanity
  • Money
  • Career e.g. St. Paul
  • Purity
  • Praise, Worship & Thanksgiving

In Conclusion,

Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross of Calvary for you & I to be saved. He paid so dearly for mankind, but the question is what have you sacrificed for him?

Thank you for reading!!!


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Thank you so much @steemchurch, I truly appreciate your visit. I am truly honoured. God bless you

It's good to make sacrifices for things we believe in. Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for many of us to live. But let us not forget that obedience is better than sacrifice. We should not deliberately disobey God's standards and hope to beg for forgiveness by means of sacrifice.

You're absolutely correct! I agree with you.

Thank you @jeff8 for visiting. I truly appreciate

I like one of the things we are to sacrifice,our time,we must create time for the lord even in our busy schedule because we are created to serve him. Let always create time to preach the word of God,we have been given a mandate to preach the gospel we would not be able to give excuse on the last day that we don't have time and create time to be in the house of the Lord.Great post!!!!!!!

The truth is no matter how busy you are, you will always create time for your loved ones. There's no two ways about this. If we truly love God, we must give Him our time. This is one of the ways to show we truly love Him.

Thank you so much for visiting @vik3

Thanks dear @ammyluv for reviling the power of sacrifice,actually u may find when someone of us suffer because we refused to sacrifice something to God

Especially if God is telling you to do something for Him.

Thank you @suzprice for visiting

But it needs grace to obey

God will reward all the sacrifices we make in his holy name.

God will reward all
The sacrifices we make
In his holy name.

                 - nayibe

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