STEEMCHURCH - I Am Super Thankful!

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Dear Parishioners,

How are Y'all doing today? So, I woke up this morning feeling very excited about life, and super thankful to God for everything He has done for me. I am thankful for life, food, shelter, family, career, finances, friends, and well-wishers. My mouth is full of His praises and all I can do is to say thank you, Jesus. You may not believe me, but there are 1001 reasons to give God the glory even with all the things that have been happening in the world. I mean, why won't I be grateful to He that has kept me this far? God is indeed faithful even when I am not faithful to Him.

I know life can get messy. Sometimes, things don't go the way we expected. Words might have failed us, you look at your life, and you feel so sad that God has abandoned you. You look at others with their lands and gold then you will think, life isn't treating you well. You probably have a list of all the things you want to accomplish in life with no hope of achieving them then you became angry with God, you feel so left out on His blessings, but there is something I want to let you know. Once there's life, there is hope! Life is all that matters. Believe me, when I say this, your life is not in your hands, only God can give, and only Him can also take. It doesn't matter how healthy you are as a person. The Bible says our life is in His hands. The fact that you can still breathe is enough reason to be thankful irrespective of your situation because having that life means there is still hope for you to achieve all your life dreams.

The truth is, we are not better than those who are in the morgue right now. You're not better than those who are at the hospital fighting for their lives. You're not better than those who are in the prison yard for a crime they know nothing about. You're not better than those who are victims of natural disaster, those who are going through severe pain at the moment. We are very quick to look at others with wealth but we are easily blinded to those we are better off. We think their lives do not matter so it doesn't count. One thing we should know is that every life matters irrespective of what they are passing through. So, be thankful for where you are, who you are, and the things you can still do.

I might not have all the money to buy anything I want, but I am happy that I've joy, peace, and happiness. I am also thankful that I can afford certain things with the little God has given me. I am nowhere near being rich, but I am thankful that I am not homeless, I've got a roof over my head, I am thankful that I can afford a decent living. These are worth thanking God for and appreciating Him for the things you have. Many of my mates are gone, Some are still where we started from while some are still struggling with a lot of things, but here I am today! I get the fact that some of my mates are way ahead of me in terms of career, riches, education. All I know is that the world is a stage and it's also a free lane where anyone can overtake anyone. I am hoping for the best, I know my handwork will be crowned with success. I know, I will get to that stage someday as long as I have a life that is all that matters.

Being thankful for the things we have makes you different from every other person. And whenever we give glory to God, it opens the door to more beautiful things in our lives. The question now is, have you thanked God today? This is just the beginning of the year and with a grateful heart, there is a lot we can achieve. God likes to be appreciated, He wants us to always thank Him for all He has given to us no matter how little. He is aware of our heart desires, but still wants us to say "THANK YOU, LORD! I AM SUPER THANKFUL!"

Thank Y'all for reading!

And Happy New Month!!!


Good faith and optimism reflected here in the sister publication. We join you in thanking God for this beautiful day.

Resteem by: EC


Wow! Thank you @steemchurch! I am so honored to get this comment from you. God bless you

We have to be thankful for life and for everything. Giving of thanks to God for all His blessings should be one of the most distinctive marks of the believer in Jesus Christ.

Yes, we have to always give thanks

Thanksgiving surmounts all odds of life, thanksgiving is our immunity because it’s rooted in faith which doesn’t depend on feelings and senses.

Remain awesome @ammyluv

Posted using Partiko iOS

Exactly! Thank you so much

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