STEEMCHURCH - Dear Parishioners, Take HEED And Be Vigilant!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

he who is having ears to hear -- let him hear.
Matthew 11:15 Young's Literal Translation

Unfortunately, the world is getting darker by the day with a lot of things happening. Sometimes, it is difficult to differentiate between a true believer and someone who is not. The church is losing grip on its members. Atrocities are committed even in the house of God and by those who claim to fight for God. Pastors and churches are coming up with doctrines to suit their self-desires. The Bible warns the people of God about these things. Ordinarily, any smart individual is always very watchful of warning signs. While driving you try to avoid any warning signs in order not to fall, a victim. There are some road signs that once you ignore it, you will have to pay a fine some might even cost a life just because of the person wasn't careful enough to avoid these signs.

In every country whenever there's danger ahead the government of that country will send a warning to the people likely to be affected to vacate the area for safety. On the other hand, the government will also play a major role in trying to curb the dangers ahead. They are doing this because they care for its citizens and it is their primary duty to protect life and property. As we all know, warning signs indicate there might be a danger or obstacle that requires special attention. Warning signs are not to be neglected because anyone can be a victim.

Now, just like the physical warning signs all over the place, there are also spiritual signs for the children of God. God is omniscient, He sees the future and has seen that most of these things are bound to happen and He has issued a warning sign to all believers who are smart enough to heed to these warnings through His word. These warning signs are not there to scare us, but are to make us pay attention in order not to fall, a victim. God is interested in our wellbeing and He wouldn't want us to fall because He loves us. Let's take a look at some of these signs from God's word.



Take heed to thyself, lest thou forget Jehovah thy God so as not to keep His commands, and His judgments, and His statutes which I am commanding thee to-day;
Deuteronomy 8:11 YLT

Is the love of God waxing cold in your life? Beware lest you forget your God. For most believers, it's all about the hustling and struggling of this world. We hardly find time in our busy schedule for God. Our heart is occupied with the things of the world that most times we intend to forget our creator. Everyone wants to get rich and everything life can offer. This is not bad, but the thing is, we forget God in the process. Love of money has eaten deep into the lives of believers, and love for vengeance is the other of the day. The devil is not happy that you are a child of God so he tries to lure believers with worldly possessions and riches by so doing God becomes the lest thing on the mind of many believers. There is no more integrity, honesty, and god fearing Christians even in the house of God. Everybody wants to be trendy and fit in like everyone else. The Bible is speaking to us today to beware lest you forget God.


Ye, then, beloved, knowing before, take heed, lest, together with the error of the impious being led away, ye may fall from your own steadfastness,
2 Peter 3:17 YLT

Beware of backsliding. Becare not to go back to your sinful nature the way you were before giving your life to Christ. Most times, backsliding can happen even to those we consider to be the best. It doesn't matter how many years the person has known Christ as long as the individual is not watchful of the vices of the enemy. Backsliding does not happen at once, it is a gradual process that might take years, months or days. It may start by not reading and study the word of God and before the person realizes what is happening, the person might also stop praying and attending church activities, evangelism and other things that can help spiritual growth. The devil is aware of these things that is why we need to be careful not to fall for his tricks. Normally, some of these things start with an excuse. Therefore, my brothers and sisters, let us always keep the fire burning by praying fervently to the Lord, praise, and constantly study the word of God.


And he said unto them, 'Observe, and beware of the covetousness because not in the abundance of one's goods is his life
Luke 12:15 YLT

This is the 10th commandment. The love for lands and gold, worldly possessions, and money. The word of God is speaking to ustoday to be careful. We want it all, having a materialistic view of life. Sadly, covetousness is also found amongst believers. The desire to keep acquiring more and more material things. Oftentimes, it could lead to other sins like hate, greed, stealing, envy, jealousy and even murder. Becare not to be carried away by the things you see. Let us be content with the things that the Lord has given us and be thankful for them. Are worldly possessions slowly taking over the love of God in your heart? Please, beware and watch out. Having sleepless nights over what belongs to other person is one of the things of covetousness. The Bible says to seek first the kingdom of God. Seeking God first is the key to every other thing life can give. Covetousness if not prayerfully taken acre of will destroy an individual. Always count your blessings that money cannot buy.


'But, take heed of the false prophets, who come unto you in sheep's clothing, and inwardly are ravening wolves.
Matthew 7:15 YLT

Those who disguise as the prophets and servants of God just to gain entrance into the fold. Ordinarily, they can do all the things a normal believer knows how to do, but they are everywhere trying to lure the children of God away from the standard and teachings of the Almighty God. Sadly, most believers are becoming too busy to study the word of God. They have settled with whatever the Rev. Fr/Pastor says, but St Paul advised us to always go back and study what we have been taught to see if it is in the right tune with what the Bible is saying. For most Christians, its all about where a miracle is happening. The Bible is telling us to be careful of those who will you what you want to hear. Those who will encourage you to sin as many as you want. Beware of those teachings that do not speak to your soul, but only your flesh. Never forget that the devil is moving around looking for whom to devour and lure to his kingdom.


See that no one shall be carrying you away as spoil through the philosophy and vain deceit, according to the deliverance of men, according to the rudiments of the world, and not according to Christ,
Colossians 2:8 YLT

The word of God has warned us to reject vain philosophy and deceit that are not line with the word of God even though it is generally accepted by the world. Sadly, there are so many worldly ideologies that are widely accepted by Christians even when they are not in accordance with the word of God. God never changes. He is the same yesterday and forever.

In Conclusion,

The word of God is speaking to us today to be watchful and vigilant of these signs. They are not issued to us by God to scare us, but to make us a better Christians. God is interested in our wellbeing and wants the best for every one of us. He does not want us to dash our feet against the stone that is why He is warning us of the possible dangers ahead. I pray that God will continue to give us the grace to be more vigilant till the last day.

Thank you for reading!!!


Keeping a focus on God, takes us away from some mundane ideologies. thanks for sharing
firma 2.png

Staying focused will surely keep our relationship with God intact . I feel humble each time you visit my blog. Thank you & God bless @steemchurch

interesting publication. Thanks for sharing a bit of this.

Awesome! Thank you for visiting. God bless you @marcelo182

Thanks dear @ammyluv we really need to be watchful of false prophets because they r everywhere its so dangerous because they also mention his name

Yes, they are everywhere. Sometimes, it's hard to know those that are fake. We need to be prayerful strong and believe only in the true gospel. Thank you for stopping by @suzprice

Praying each day to ask the Holy Spirit, wisdom and power of disharmony, to identify the evil wolf who disguises himself as a gentle sheep.
The enemy wants you to believe that he has no power and if he has power

Exactly! Staying true to who we are in Christ. Thank you for visiting @nayibe

Thanks @ammyluv for sharing....
He who think he stand should take heed lest he fall...Evil is increasing day by day...this call for and pray always...

The bible says we should always watch and pray lest we fall. Thank you for visiting @joagawu

Hey babe, I lost my phone so will be offline for a while. You can reach me on 08033443550

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