New Time in God

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Isaiah 6.1-8

6 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a high and exalted throne, and his skirts filled the temple.

2 Above him were seraphim; each had six wings; with two they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew.

3 And they cried to one another, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Jehovah of hosts; All the earth is full of his glory.

4 And the posts of the doors shook with the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.

5 Then I said: !! Woe to me! that I am dead; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people that has unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.

6 And one of the seraphim flew to me, holding a burning coal in his hand, taken from the altar with tongs;

7 And touching him with my mouth, he said, Behold, this touched your lips, and your guilt is taken away, and your sin cleansed.

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who shall go for us?" Then I answered: Here I am, send me.


God has a new time for each one of us. When we look at our present and see the difficulties we face, we believe that the difficult phase does not seem to happen. But everything happens. God's time is permanent and eternal. Human time is temporary.

The prophet Isaiah was related to King Ozias, also known as Azariah, who was anointed king at age 16, but was raised in his prosperity and disobeyed God when the incense was burned, something that was not allowed to do, is limited to the priests. The consequence was a leprosy and the death of the king, bringing a time of decadence for the people.

The year of King Uzziah's death was a very difficult time, but when Isaiah entered the temple, he saw the glory of God, was transformed and sent to fulfill his prophetic calling.

How to live the new time of God?

1- time to see the Glory of God:

The Prophet Isaiah discovered that this difficult time, in reality, would be the time for the glory of God to manifest.

a) To enter the temple:
The first attitude of Isaiah to see the social chaos, went to seek the presence of the Lord in the temple. There would be the right place to restart everything. Today the temple of God is that we and must seek God with all your heart.

b) To worship God:
The atmosphere that Isaiah witnessed was the praise and adoration of the angels singing to the Lord. Praise liberates and cheers. When we worship in the Spirit, God is present in our lives and changes everything.

c) See the Law of God:
When the prophet entered the house of God, he was surprised by the glory of the Lord filling the temple. He could not do anything but contemplate the power of God. When we trust in the Lord we learn to live in dependence on the Lord seeing his power to manifest.

That chaotic time became the moment when Isaiah saw the glory of God. In the same way, in our crises we enter the temple in the Lord's presence in worship and contemplate the word of God with his powerful hand on us.

This is the time to see the glory of God!

2- Processing time:
The prophet Isaiah, after being impacted by the glory of God, began to look towards himself and therefore understood that he needed a transformation in his life.

a) Repentance:
After understanding the holiness of God intoned in the praise of the angels, the prophet Isaiah feels that he is a sinner and repents of his errors, confessing to the Lord. When we go through difficult times, we tend to blame others, but we need to recognize our own faults and correct with God.

b) Fire alcohol:
When Isaiah confessed the sin, one of the seraphim took an ember of fire on the altar to burn his lips. This fire represents the power of the Holy Spirit in your life to purify you and empower you for the prophetic call that God gave you.

c) sorry:
The angel declared to Isaiah that he was forgiven of his sins and now he was free to serve the Lord. Guilt sustains and prevents progress, but forgiveness brings freedom and peace.

Test times are opportunities to change our lives. We are molded and brought to the fire to be prepared to receive his blessing. Before God changes things around us, he first wants to change our lives, our interior.

This is a time of transformation!

3- hour of God's call:
After discovering that this was the time to see the glory of God and be transformed by the Lord, now Isaiah receives a prophetic call.

a) Listen to the voice of the Lord:
The first thing that happens in the life of a prophet is to hear the voice of God. He can not talk about something he has not heard, but he is responsible for transmitting what he hears. Isaiah heard the divine voice and was impacted by the spiritual message that would be responsible. If you are living a difficult time, just stand before God to hear his voice in your heart.

b) Be led by God:
From that encounter with God, the life of the prophet Isaiah would be led by the Lord's direction for his life. You should go where the Lord will guide you, no matter how difficult it may be. Let God lead your life through the breath of the Holy Spirit.

c) Obey the will of God:
Isaiah learned that God is above all and that his will is sovereign, going to accept what God had for him, and by obedience to what God has told you. If God has given you a call, obey God's purpose for your life and be happy in the presence of the Lord.

The most difficult time in Isaiah's life became his call to the prophetic ministry. From it he announced the plan of God for his people. In difficult times of our lives God provides new opportunities to use us and show his power.
This is a time of God's call for your life! God has a new time for you!

Isaiah 61,2 "to proclaim the acceptable year for the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn."

From that day Isaiah went on to proclaim the new time of God for the people, as an acceptable year, understanding that each crisis is an opportunity for the supernatural act of God.

God has a new time for your life, but it will be necessary to stop looking at problems and contemplate the glory of God, accept being transformed so that you too can be renewed and then receive the call of the Lord to fulfill his will.

Accept God's time for your life!


Hi @ammarn
We are at a time of the crusade for freedom.

God moves in the sphere of the eternal. For Him it is never getting late, nor are the opportunities exhausted, especially if there is someone willing to take advantage of some.


The shadows of evil covered the whole Nation of Israel, suddenly, the voice of the Prophet Isaiah is heard announcing a new season! Good message brother! God bless you!

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